Atmospheric mercury is an outcome from what?
coal-burning power plants
COx is a primary pollutant produced from burning what?
Clean air act can regulate what?
lead since 1990
clean air act cap-and-trade program control what?
to control ground level ozone we have to?
decrease NOx
using biomass for energy production can cause?
local deforestation
during the generation of electricity, one of the most air pollutant produced came from?
Fuel oil
a natural way COx gets into the atmosphere is through?
organic decomposition
in the old generation what was in gasoline that is now banned?
radon can be found where? and what negative consequence can it have?
in rocks, and lung cancer.
mercury can be found where when eaten in large quantities?
photochemical formation occurs when there is combustion of?
fossil fuel
CO2 can be found at home where?
waste, poop, manure, municipal of decomposed matter.
inversion temperature is: cool air→ warm air→ cooler air
what is normal weather?
warm air→ cool air→ cooler air
air layers closer to earth are?
sunlight in winter times come out at what time?
8:00 AM
in summer time, sunlight peaks at?
12:00+ PM
NOx reacts to?
sunlight ( UV )
one effect photochemical smog have on the human body is?
eye and lung irritation
hydrogen carbon fuel gives off?
CO2, NOx, VOCs
to make the tropospheric layer it needs?
NO2, VOCs, O2, and Sunlight
NO can be produced through?
high area of traffic
smog formation occurs from?
sunlight + vehicle traffic
cargo ships can release what?
thermal inversions causes pollutants to be trapped near the earth surface which can cause?
respiratory problems
CO2 can be produced naturally through?
volcanic eruptions
to further a experiment and to create less variables we must?
go for a larger sample size
well insulated homes can be lethal since ______ can get in.
developed countries are more likely to be sick from?
outside from their house
Electrostatic precipitators removes what from smokestack emissions?
catalytic convertor can decrease?
photochemical smog
coal ash contains of?
massive level of toxic chemicals
wet scrubber is used for what in coal burning power plants?
SO2 emissions
limestone contains?
calcium carbonate
limestone can help with what?
used as a base to decrease acidity
sulfur oxides is correlated to?
acid deposition