testicular lobule in each testis
testicular lobule in both testes
each lobule contains how many seminiferous tubule
each seminiferous tubule is lined on its inside by two types of cells
male germ cells and interstitial cells
____ cell undergoes meiotic division to form sperm cell
male germ cell
male germ cell aka
interstitial cells aka
leydig cells
which cells synthesis androgen
leydig cells
the seminiferous tubule of testes open into
rete testis
the vasa efferentia leaves testis and open into____
the vasa efferentia open in epididymis located along the ____ of each testes
posterior surface
_______duct loops over the urinary bladder
vas deferens
the urethra originates from urinary bladder and extends through the penis to its external opening called
urethral meatus
pathway of sperm
seminiferous tubule → rete testis → vasa efferentia → epididymis → vas deferens → ejaculatory duct → urethra
the enlarged end of penis called the____ is covered by a loose fold of skin called
glans penis
seminal plasma which is rich in
fructose, calcium, certain enzyme
the secretion of which gland helps in lubrication pf the penis
bulbourethral glands
The female reproductive structure along with ____ is integrated structurally to support process of ovulation, fertilisation,pregnancy and birth
mammary gland
length of testes
4 to 5 cm
width of testes
2 to 3 cm
size of ovaries
2 to 4 cm
ovary is connected to pelvic wall by the help
ovary is covered by ____ layer of epithelium which encloses the ovarian stroma
ovarian stroma is divided into
cortex and medulla
size of fallopian tube
10 to 12 cm
funnel shaped structure near ovary
external thin layer of uterus
middle thick layer
middle layer consists of
smooth muscles
inner layer of uterus
which layer of uterus is glandular in nature
which nature of uterus induces strong contraction during child birth
fleshy fold which extends down from mons pubis and surround the vaginal opening
labia majora
the glandular tissue in each breast is divided into ____ mammary lobes
15 to 20
which cell secretes milk
alveolar cells
the mammary tubule of each lobe joins to form
mammary duct
the spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa by the process called
the release of sperms from seminiferous tubule by the process of
seminal plasma + ____ = semen
the function of male sex accessory duct and glands are maintained by
primary oocytes get surrounded by more layers of granulosa cells called
primary follicle
the primary follicles when surrounded by _____ cells and ____ layer becomes secondary follicles
granulosa cells and theca
the secondary follicles transform into tertiary follicle which is characterized by fluid filled cavity called
the tertiary follicle has theca layer divided into
theca interna and theca externa
initially the tertiary follicle contains within it
primary oocyte
after the 1st meiotic division, it produces
secondary oocyte and 1st polar body
the secondary oocyte forms a new membrane called
zona pellucida
the menstrual flow results due to breakdown of _____ uterus
endometrial lining
the changes in uterus and ovary are influenced by changes in the level of _____ and ______ hormones
pituitary and ovarian hormone
the corpus luteum secretes large amount of progesterone which is essential for maintenance of
the ovum and sperm fuse at which point in fallopian tube
when sperm comes in contact with _____ that induces changes in membrane that blocks other sperm from entering
zona pellucida
the secretion of __ help sperm to enter into the cytoplasm of the ovum through zona pellucida
what causes the 2nd meiotic division
sperm entering the cytoplasm of ovum
which layer is present in both oocyte and zygote
zona pellucida
the mitotic division of zygote starts when the zygote is at _____ in fallopian tube
the mitotic division that starts when zygote moves towards uterus is called
the zygotic mitosis forms 2,4,8,16 daughter cells called
the embryo with 8 to 16 cells is called
morula continues to divide and transform into
the blastomere in the _____ are arranged in inner and outer layers
the blastocysts become embedded in the endometrium of the uterus and this is called
____ gets attached to the endometrium and the inner cells mass differentiated as the embryo
after implantation finger like projections appear on the trophoblast called ____
chorionic villi
components which form the structural and functional unit between developing embryo and maternal body called placenta
chorionic villi and uterine tissue
hormones produced by placenta
human chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen, estrogens, progestogens
relaxin was secreted by
hormone which is only secreted during pregnancy
human chorionic gonadotropin, human placental lactogen, relaxin
hormones which increase during pregnancy
estrogens, progestogens, cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine
outer layer of embryo
inner layer of embryo
middle layer of embryo
the last embryo layer to form
inner cell mass contains certain cells called ____ which have potency to give rise to all tissue and organs
stem cells
one month of pregnancy forms
heart of the embryo
end of second month of pregnancy forms
limbs and digits
end of 12 weeks or 1st trimesters or third month of pregnancy forms
major organ system, limbs, external genital
during the fifth month of pregnancy
movement of fetus, appearance of hair on head
end of 24 weeks or 2nd trimester or 6 months of pregnancy
body is covered with fine hairs, eye lids separate, eyelashes
parturition is induced by a complex ______
neuroendocrine mechanism
signal of parturition originates from
fully developed fetus and placenta
the milk produced during the initial few days of lactation is called
the mammary glands of the female undergo differentiation during pregnancy and starts producing milk towards the end of pregnancy by process called