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sin has three dimensions
personal social structural
every sin has a personal dimension in which
it harms our relationship with God and others
the social dimension of sin affects society and the world thorugh
hurting people through attacks on life, freedom, dignity, or human rights
hurting Gods creation through practices that harm the land and Gods creatures
three things we can do to respond to pain and suffering in the world
aware, analyze, action
who are the poor and vulnerable people in our community, our nation and in other parts of the world?
what is needed in order for the poor and vulnerable people of the world to experience love and justice?
how are we called to act so that poor and vulnerable people may live in dignity
two forms of social action
works of charity, works of justice
what are works of charity
direct response to someone in need
makes an immediate difference
symbolized by the corporal and spiritual works of mercy
what are works of justice
seeks to transform sinful social sturctures
provides a long term solution
requires coordinated, long term commitment to education, public witness and advocacy
corporal works of mercy
feed the hungry
give drink to the thirsty
shelter the homeless
adresses ones physical or bodily needs
spritual works of mercy
instruct the ignorant
counsel the doubtful
comfort the sorrowful
admonish the sinner
the role of the state
the state plays a part in Gods plan of salvation
the state is the civil authority intended to achieve the common good
the state recognizes, respects, defends and promotes citizens right and individuals freedom to pursue rights
three functions of civil authority
executive: essential services provided and regulated
legislative: laws and human rights protected
judicial: laws fairly enforced and injustices corrected
fuctions of public authroity
needed in a complex global society
support international justice and peace
the role of citizens
moral responsibility to fufil civil obligations
participation in the political life of society
if human reason and gods law lead us to believe a civil law or authority is morally wrong____
we are morally obligated to reset it