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blacks who left the south for kansas and elsewhere during reconstruction
oliver o. howard
pro-black general who led an agency that tried to assist the freedmen
andrew johnson
born a poor white southerner, he became the white south's champion against radical reconstruction
abraham lincoln
author of the moderate 10 percent reconstruction plan that ran into congressional opposition
andrew stephens
former confederate vice president whose election to congress in 1865 infuriated northerners
charles sumner
beaten in the senate chamber before the civil war, he became the leader of senate republican radicals during reconstruction
thaddeus stevens
A radical Republican who believed in harsh punishments for the South. Leader of the radical Republicans in Congress.
military reconstruction act of 1867
congressional law that imposed military rule on the south and demanded harsh conditions for readmission of the seceded states
hiram revels
black republican senator from mississippi during reconstruction
ku klux klan
secret organization that intimidated blacks and worked to restore white supremacy
force acts of 1870 and 1871
laws designed to stamp out ku klux klan terrorism in the south
"swing around the circle"
president johnson's angry, disastrous political trip attacking congress in the campaign of 1866
union league
leading black political organization during reconstruction
benjamin wade
the president pro tempore of the senate who hoped to become president
william seward
secretary of state who arranged an initially unpopular but valuable land deal in 1867