Blood Libel`
An accusation that Jewish people used the blood of Christians in religious rituals
Black Plauge
A disease that engulfed Europe during the Middle Ages. It killed about one-third of the population.
People blamed the Jews for causing/spreading it by infecting and poisining the wells
Pale of Settlement
An area in Russia where Jews were designated to live.
This lasted from 1791 until 1917 and reflected the anti-Semitism that was prevalent in Europe in the late 1800s.
The Nazi’s exterminating Jews under Hitler
State for the Jews (holy land)
State for Arabs
Special international zone under UN governor
Has religious significance for Abrahamic religions
Jews = The Western Wall
Christians = Mt. Calvary (Jesus’s crucifixon)
Muslims = Dome of the Rock (Muhammad ascended to heaven)
UN Resolution 181
1948 - UN approves plan to partition British Palestine into TWO separate states
one for jews (israel) and one for arabs (palestine)
The Shah's secret police, who were known for torture and cruelty to anyone that talked about the Shah in a negative way
Yom Kippur War
October 6, 1973 Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat
Egypt and Syria launch surprise attack at Israel on Yom Kippur: holiest day of the Jewish year.
US President Nixon supports Israel
Israel Prime Minister Golda Meir orders counterattack
Organizations of Petroleum Exporting Countries.
Formed in Baghdad in 1960 by oil producing nations
Purpose: regulate oil prices in interests w/ member nations
Oil Embargo
1973: Members of OPEC led by Saudi Arabia, proclaimed an oil embargo.
The embargo was targeted at nations that had supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War. (AKA U.S)
stopped oil trade to these countries and this hurts the US
American Response (to Oil embargo)
United States experienced its first fuel shortage and first significant increase in gasoline prices since World War II.
In response to the embargo, the U.S. government imposed fuel rationing and lowered speed limits to reduce consumption.
Attempts at Peace
1977 Anwar Sadat visited Israel (BIG DEAL)
addressed the knesset (israels parliment)
implied peaceful future
Camp David Accords
1979 - egypt recognizes israel
peace treaty that ends ongoing conflict
israel returns SIANI PENINSULA
WEST BANK + GAZA granted limited self rule
Cold War
A conflict that was between the US and the Soviet Union
The nations never directly confronted each other on the battlefield but deadly threats went on for years
Iran - Language, Majority sect
Language = Persian
Majority Sect = Shia Islam
not religious >>> separated government and religion
Mohammad Mosaddeq
1951 - 1953: Iran's Prime Minister
He angered the US and Great Britain because he nationalized the foreign oil companies in Iran --> Iran got more control and were able to use more of their own oil
Mosaddeq wanted to nationalize because originally, the oil companies only gave Iran 16% of their profits
His rule was ended by a coup d'Ă©tat supported by the US and Great Britain (They FRAME him)
Shah Pahlavi
Last shah of Imperial Iran. until his overthrow in the Iranian Revolution on 11 February 1979. Owing to his status, he was usually known as the Shah.
Iranian Revolution
The Shah's close relationship with the US was seen as corrupt
He was overthrown in 1979 and replaced with Ayatollah Khomeini
The Shah fled Iran on January 16th(ish) 1979
19 days later (Feb 1st, 1979) Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran and declared the Islamic Republic
He established theocracy, instituted Sharia Law, banned Western Culture
Iranian Hostage Crisis
Nov. 4th 1979 - Jan 21st 1981 (444 days) - 52 hostages that stayed for all 444 days
In the US Embassy in Tehran
Iranian students stormed the U.S. embassy and seized 66 hostages.
President Reagan freed billion of Iranian assets ($$$) and in return, they freed the hostages
They waited til Jimmy Carter was out of office
Ayatollah Khomeni
A scholar and Imam
Wrote a book criticizing the Shah for his opulent lifestyle, being a modernizer, and being too close to the US and GB
He saw the Shah's actions as the beginning of a campaign to destroy Islam in Iran
1964: The Shah exiled Khomeini from Iran, but he continued to criticize the Shah
1979: Khomeini replaced the Shah when he fled Iran
Does not like Western World, wants to keep religion in government.
A government run by religious leaders (NO seperation of government and religion)
Iran-Iraq War
In 1980 Saddam Hussein (Iraque leadeR) launched an invasion of Iran
He did this to take advantage of the chaos in Iran
Lasted for 8 years, 1 million dead
Fundamentalist Islam
The only way back to God was to return to pure religion
Fundamentalism was rising through the 60's,70's, and 80's
Strict interpretation of the Koran; Sharia Law
Jihad (wage war against those who insult Islam)
"near enemy" - impure Muslim society; secular
"distant enemy" - the west; secular; pro-israel
Afghanistan & Soviet invasion
1979: Soviets invade Afghanistan because they are struggling economically and need the resources. Afghanistan says NO
Muslims come to defend them
Muslims see it as holy war against Soviets (jihad) plus assistance from US
guerilla war (petty/suprise attack warfare)
1989 Soviets Withdrawal: Holly warriors "defeated a superpower."
This leaves Afghanistan to find a leader... the Taliban rises, which gives a base for Al Qaeda (Many Afghan citizens will flee)
The Muslim rebels and holy warriors that waged guerilla war against the Soviets
A terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims who took control of Afghanistan's government in 1996 after the Soviets invade
Taliban rises, base for Al-Quaeda
Osama bin Laden
Founder of al Qaeda
Al Qaeda
A network of Islamic terrorist organizations, led by Osama bin Laden
Taliban allows cover for them to have a base in Afghanistan after the Soviets invade
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
most notorious/widely distributed anti-sematic publication of modern times
lies about jews and was intentionally written to blame the jews for variety of illnesses and a conspiracy that they wanted to “dominate the world”
Munich Olympics
Black September (a terrorist group) holds many Israelis hostage during the Munich Olympics
8 members of Black September (Palestinian terrorist org.) kidnapped and held members of the Israeli Olympic team hostage)
Golda Meir
Israeli politician who helped found (1948) the State of Israel and later served as its fourth prime minister
Uprisings (riots and violent attacks) of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip aimed at ending Israel's occupation of those territories and creating an independent Palestinian state.
Palestinian political leader. He was Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization (under fatah)
PLO calls for elimination of Israel
Gave public services to refugees (support)
PLO = Palestinian Liberation Organization
purpose of establishing Arab unity and statehood over the territory of former Mandatory Palestine
this is in opposition to the State of Israel
FATAH is an agressive party within the PLO
Want the elimination of Israel
6 days war causes many Palestinian refugees
Palestinians in Jerusalem given choice of Israeli or Jordanian citizenship. They didn't want either, so most of them fled.
Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, etc. did not want any Palestinians
Russian Pograms
large-scale, targeted, and repeated anti-Jewish rioting that began in the 19th century.
massacred the jews
1/3 of Jews were killed, 1/3 of Jews were sent out, and 1/3 of Jews were forced to convert
Pale of Settlement
Western region of Russian Empire w/ varying borders in which residency by Jews was allowed and beyond which was forbidden.
Six Day War
\n (1967) Israelis struck airfields in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria
Over in 6 days, Israelis lose 800, Arabs lose 15,000
The US was having trouble supporting Israel because they attacked first
Israel gains control of Jerusalem, Gaza Strip, Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank
Creates Palestinian refugee problems
Palestinians in Jerusalem given choice Israeli or Jordanian citizenship
Antisemitism/Lies abt Jews
Diaspora (Jews = minority)
Seen as people who rejected and crucified Jesus
They were accused of poisoning rivers
Black Death/ Plague (Jews = scapegoat)