Why might christians pilgrimage? [6]
deepen their faith
for healing physically/spiritually
show gratitude and devotion towards God
Help and serve others
Follow in the footsteps of spiritual leaders
experience/appreciate a place of holiness
define sepulchre [1]
Tomb, or monument in which a dead person is placed
define nativity [1]
the story of jesus' birth
define Via Dolorsa [1]
way of sorrow
define apparition [1]
an appearance or vision
define intercession [1]
asking for help in prayer (e.g. Mary)
define Advent [1]
a time of preparation for Christmas
What is advent? [3]
a time of preparation for Christmas
time for christians to devote themselves to prayer and fasting -- to focus on the Lord
repent for the preparation for Jesus coming
State three Christian celebrations. [3]
three reasons why Christians celebrate festivals. [3]
Preparation for (celebration) big religious/historical events
Repentance and restoration in their relationship with God
celebrate Gods and Jesus' work
three features of Christmas for Christians. (3)
Advent wreath, Christingle
"Christmas is the most important Christian festival." [6]
Chirstian's celebrate advent leading up to Christmas--this much work/effort into preparation for a holiday shows significance
celebrates the birth of Jesus-- without the birth of Jesus our sins couldn't have been saved and our relationship with God would not have been fixed
Confirms the hypostatic union of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit--confirms how powerful God is and the extent of his love to come down fully human (Jesus) yet still be God. -- lack of ability of understanding show's significance of it.
what is the 'holy spirit' [3]
The 3rd person of the trinity,
the spirit provides Gods grace to believers and
acts as a sustainer and guide
The spirits that were sent when Jesus rose to heaven
what is pentecost [3]
50 days after the resurrection and 10 days after the ascension, the day the apostles were given the gift of the holy spirit and were able to start their mission of spreading the 'good news' (gospel)
what is ascension? [4]
a day celebrated on the Easter Sunday
commemorate Jesus' ascension to heaven in his bodily form
Jesus rising towards heaven
40 days after Easter Sunday
beginning of church since Apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit
Describe Lent [5]
Preparation for Easter
40 days and 40 nights (time of testing: Jesus in the desert)
some Christians will fast the same way Jesus did (or give up something) -Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday [4]
First day of Lent
called that because Ashes are marked on the forehead
ashes come from the previous palm Sunday
ashes are a symbol of repentance
Holy week [5]
Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Saturday, Easter sunday
Palm Sunday was when Jesus entered Jerusalem (Trumpet entry)
Maundy Thursday was the Last supper + Jesus' arrest and trials (washing feet: John)
Good Friday was Jesus' crucifixion (salvation from Sin)
Saturday some churches have Easter Vigil to prepare for the light from his Death
Easter Sunday was the resurrection
Why is Easter important? [4]
forgiveness of sin -defeats death -- shows he is Messiah
fulfils prophecy
Advent practices [4]
Advent wreath
candles (symbolise hope, love, peace, joy)
anticipation for the 2nd coming (Parousia)
Christmas focuses [3]
Jesus' Birth
God becomes both man and God (hypostaticunion)
Where does Baptism originate from? [2]
John the Baptist
Purification of 'sins' or sign of leaving old sinful life behind and being reborn spiritually
What is 'believers Baptism' [1]
Baptism that takes place as a sign that someone has chosen to be a follower of Jesus.
What is 'immersion' [1]
Where the believer is completely lowered into the water, imitating the baptism of Jesus
Leaving the old sinful life and rising out of the water to a new life in Christ
what is 'rite' [1]
A set pattern of words and actions
what are 'vows' [1]
Solemn promises that are made with God and people as witnesses
What biblical background is there on marriage? [2]
"and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh" Genesis 2
God created marriage to solve the problem of human beings being alone
All loving
All Powerful
All Knowing
Outside this world
Jesus's rising from the dead
Two most important practices
Eucharist & Baptism
Christmas & Easter
How are pilgrimages involved with Christianity
They are an expression of faith
Omnipotent scripture
Genesis 1:1
Omnibenevolent Scripture
John 3:16
Who's in the trinity
Father, Son, Holy Spirit
God the Father is?
The all powerful and all knowing part of God
Jesus Christ is?
Son of God and God in Human Form
Trinity Scripture
John 10:30, John 14:6-11
What is the Apostles Creed?
The most important beliefs about the Nature of God; The statement of Christian belief from the early church
Genesis 1
The biblical account of creation
Genesis 2
Adam is given Eve and cannot eat from the Garden of Eden
Genesis 3
Adam and Eve eat from tree and death enters the world
The word
Central to the belief that Jesus is God as part of the trinity
Jesus Christ Events
Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension
Jesus' execution by the Romans on the cross
Jesus' death healed the rift between humans & God
How was the relationship between humans and God fixed
When Jesus came to earth
The last supper scripture
Matthew 26:26-29
What does Jesus tell his disciples in the last supper
The bread is his body and the wine is his blood
What happened on the Sunday following Jesus' Death
His body wasn't in the tomb and he had risen from the dead
The entry of Jesus into Heaven forty days after his Resurrection.
Three main Bible viewpoints
Directly Inspired by the word of God, Requires interpretation, Liberal
An immoral act against God's law
How to Achieve Salvation?
Catholics - Take part in sacraments, Protestants - Having Faith in Jesus
What does God send to Bring Grace
The holy spirit
What does the Holy Spirit allow
Prayer for help, sin and living good lives
What is the name of the last Gospel written?
Gospel of John
Which Gospel frequently refers to the afterlife
What scripture talks about Jesus being the truth and the way
John 11:25-26, John 14:2-7
On the day of Judgment, what are we judged on?
The quality of our lives
What does the parable of Lazarus and the rich man suggest
There's a clear divide between those rewarded in heaven and punished in hell
What happens when we are ressurected?
Our spiritual part of the soul joins God in heaven
What does the bible also suggest about resurrection?
Theres also a physical ressurection
Where is God and where is he not
He is in heaven and not in hell
Which denomination believes in purgatory?
What is the idea of purgatory
Many people won't enter to judgment immediately as they're restricted by sin
Christian love
A worldwide denomination that incudes the church of england
Jesus being taken up to heaven on the fortieth day after Easter
The action of making amends for wrong doing. The idea of being one with God
A ceremony to welcome a person into the Christian religion
Believer's Baptism
A ceremony to welcome a young person or adult into the christian religion using full immersion
A charity: Catholic Agency for Overseas Development
Christian aid
A charity working in the developing world, providing emergency and long-term aid
Church Army
An evangelistic organisation founded within the Church of England
Church of England
The Protestant church set up by Henry VIII to be the church of state in England, and rejecting papal (pope) authority
An initiation ceremony carried out by a bishop bestowing the gift of the Holy Spirit
A Christian community based in Northern Ireland promoting peace and tolerance
A capital punishment used by the Romans which nails a person to a cross to kill them.
The name for the different branches of the Christian Church
Relating to the worldwide Christian church
The Christian service/ceremony to recall the last supper, in which bread and wine re consecrated and consumed
Preaching of the faith in order to convert people to that religion
Food banks
Charity groups collecting donated food to distribute to the poor in Britain
Christians who take the Bible literally, i.e. word for word true.
The deliberate and indiscriminate killing of a group of people, belonging a particular ethnic group or nationality
Unconditional love that God shows to people who do not deserve it
The names of the books about the lives of Jesus in the bible: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Holy Communion
Another name for the Eucharist
Holy Land
The land of Israel
Infant Baptism
Ceremony to welcome a child into the Christian religion
An island in Scotland with a fourth-century monastery, used by Christians today as a religious retreat as it is a place of tranquillity and peace
Liturgical worship
A church service with a set structure of worship
Lord's Prayer
The prayer Jesus taught his disciples to show them how to pray
A town in France where the Virgin Mary appeared; now a place of pilgrimage
Another name for the Eucharist