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What is the order of planets in the solar system according to distance from the sun?
(My very educated mother just served us noodles)
What are the terrestrial planets?
(My very educated mother)
What are the gas giants
(Just served us noodles)
What are the properties of terrestrial planets?
Centrla metallic core
Surrounding silicate mantle
List the gas giant characteristics:
Composed of helium and/or hydrogen
Swirling gases above a solid core instead of hard surfaces
What is the largest planet in our solar system?
From smallest to largest, what is the order of the planets?
Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter
(My mom visits each night, and usually sneaks sweets)
What is the order of the geologic time scale periods from oldest to newest?
(All People Prefer More Coffee)
What periods are included in the Paleozoic era from oldest to newest?
(Can Otters Silently Devour My Pizza Please?)
List the Mesozoic periods in order from oldest to newest:
(Tigers just can’t)
List the Cenozoic periods in order of oldest to newest:
(Playful Elephants Often Munch on Pineapples, Pizza, and Ham)
what happened during the precambrian era
Formation of the Earth
Development of the first single-celled organisms
Emergence of photosynthesis
Evolution of eukaryotic cells
Appearance of multicellular organisms
What happened during the Cambrian period?
Most of the major groups of animals first appear in the fossil record
Cambrian animals developing strategies like hunting and burrowing
Red and green algae appeared
What happened during the ordovician era?
Marine invertebrates (gastropodes, trilobites, sponges, and corals) were abundant
First armor-plated vertebrate fish appeared
Begining of life on land
Many adaptations of plants, fungi, and animals allowed aquatic organisms to survive and reproduce on land
Late Ordovician: massive glaciers formed (shallow seas drained and sea levels dropped) causing mass extenctions that characterized the end of the Ordovician period
What happened during the Silurian age?
Slimate stabilized
Glaciers melted and sea levels rose
Algae, brachiopods, orinoids
Trilobites peaked
Appearance or coral reef, first freshwater and jeweled fish
Evidece of life on land including relatives of spiders and centipedes and earliest vascular plants
What happened during the Devonian period?
Early Devonian: terrestrial vegitation, bacterial and moss beds
Late Devonian:
First true land plants
First forests
First appearance of sharks, bony fish, and coiled ammonites
Oceans dominated by reef-builders
First land animals: amphibians, spiders, millipedes, and insects
What happened during the Mississippian period?
First seed ferns and winged insects
What happened during the Pennsylvanian period?
Coal swamps flourished with scale trees, seed ferns, and horsetails
first conifer appearance
Gastropods, bivalves, brachiopods, amphibians, and insects abundant
Scorpions and cockroaches abundant
First conifer trees, reptiles, spiders, and land snails appear
Trilobites rare
What happened during the Permian period?
Mass extinction of rugose corals, trilobites, fusulinids, and most Paleozoic plants and invertebrates
Diversity and abundance of reptiles
First mammal-like reptiles appear
Metamorphosis occurs in insects
First conifers appear
What happened during the Triassic period?
Extinction of tabulate corals and few marine invertebrates
New types of sponges appear
First turtles, lizards marine reptiles, and dinosaurs appear
Primitive mammals appear for the first time
What happened during the Jurassic period?
Giant dinosaurs and marine reptiles were dominant
First frogs, salamanders, and crocodiles appear
Flying reptiles, birds, and modern insects appear
What happened during the Cretaceous period?
Mass extinction of ammonites and belemnites
First angiosperms (flowering plants) and primates appear
Primitive mammals and birds increase
Climax of dinosaurs with flying reptiles, dinosaurs, marine reptiles, and toothed birds became extinct
What happened to the climate during the Paleogene and Neogene periods?
Tundra covered much of the north
Savannahs and deserts appear
Grasslands expand
What happened during the quarternary period?
Rise of human civilization
Many meteorite impacts
Four major glacial events: Ice Ages
Extinction of horses and camels in america
Appearance of human family giving rise to modern man
What period were the ice ages in?
What geological time period was the rise of human civilization?
When was the first mass extinction event?
The Ordovician event where more than 85% of all species on the planet were wiped out due to volcanic activity
When did the mass extinction event that wiped out marine species and bottom-dwelling invertebrates in tropical seas occur?
During the Late Devonian period
When did the “great die-out” occur?
At the end of the Permian period
Which event led to dinosaurs becoming the dominant land animals on Earth?
The Triassic-Jurassic extinction
When did the mass extinction that knocked out the dinosaurs happen?
During the end-Cretaceous extinction
What is the difference between weathering and erosion?
Weathering chemically breaks things down and erosion carries perticles away
What is the biosphere?
The parts of earth where life exists from the roots of trees to the depths of the oceans and the high mountaintops. The biosphere overlaps all other spheres since life exists on the ground, in the air, and in the water.
What is the hydrosphere
The Earth’s water including on the surface, in the ground, and in the air
What is the geosphere?
All solid portions of the earth including the oceanic crust and all other layers of the Earth’s interior
What is the atmosphere?
The layer of gas and suspended solids extending from the Earth’s surface
What are the four layers of the atmosphere from closest to furthest from Earth?
Which part of the atmosphere do we live in?
Which layer of the atmosphere contains most of our weather
Which part of the atmosphere contains most of our weather
What is the temperature like in the troposphere?
The temperature gets colder as the distance above Earth increases
What is the boundary layer?
The lowest part of the troposphere where air motion is determined by properties of the Earth’s surface. Turbulence redistributes heat, moisture, pollutants, and other constituants of the atmosphere within the boundary layer
What is the tropopause?
The top of the troposphere
Which layer of the atmosphere contains much of the ozone in the atmosphere
What is temperature like in the stratosphere?
Much warmer than the troposphere due to absorption of UV RADIATION
Where is the hole in the ozone layer?
What is the rock cycle?
The processes through which igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rock transform from one type to another
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
From pieces of other existing rock or organic material.
What are clastic sedimentary rocks?
Form from pieces of other rock (clasts)
What are organic sedimentary rocks?
Form from hard, biological materials like plants, shells, and bones that are compressed into rock
How are clastic and organic rocks formed?
Exposed rock is broken down into small fragments through weathering. Erosion moves these fragments and settles the sediment somewhere where it builds up and the lowest layers become compacted so tightly that they form solid rock. `
How are chemical sedimentary rocks formed?
Through chemical precipitation where a chemical compound forms when the solution it is dissolved in evaporates and leaves the compound behind.
What are some types of sedimentary rocks?
coal, limestone, sandstone, flint
What are metamorphic rocks?
Rocks that have been changed from their original form by immense heat or pressure. There are two classes: foliated and nonfoliated
What is a foliation?
Aligning of elongated minerals perpendicular to the direction of the pressure that is applied
What are igneous rocks?
Rocks formed when molten hot material cools and solidifies
What are intrusive (plutonic) igneous rocks
Rocks formed inside the Earth
What are extrusive (volcanic) igneous rocks?
Rocks formed outside of or on top of the Earth’s crust.
How are mountains formed?
The collision or overlapping of plates
The raising or tilting of a fault-block
How are canyons formed?
The movement of rivers and a combination of weathering and erosion
How are ocean trenches formed?
Subduction: Two or more tectonic plates collide and the older and denser plate is pushed beneath the liter plate deep into the mantle which causes the seafloor and outermost crust to bend and forma steep V-shaped depression.
What happened to the plants during the Paleogene and Neogene period?
Kelp proliferate supporting new sea life including otters, fish, and invertabrates
Grasses expand
Legumes spread
Extensive herbs develop
Deciduous trees begin overtaking evergreens
Modern marine plants of today appear
What happened to animals during the Paleogene and Neogene periods?
Primates evolve
Mastodon, mammoth, and camel common in America
Modern horses and elephants appear
Animals grow larger
Whales appear
Deciduous trees begin overtaking evergreens
First primates, hoofed animals, and early forms of modern mammals appear
Birds diversify and owls appear
Modern marine invertebrates of today appear