a social and political philosophy that promotes individual well-being over the well-being of society as a whole (Survival of the Fittest)
suggestion that the needs of society should come before individual wellbeing, therefore individuals may need to sacrifice their own happiness at times for the good of society
Benchmark Poll
poll taken at the beginning of an election cycle to establish a stratey for campaigns
Tracking Poll
series of polls taken overtime to assess changes in public opinion
Exit Poll
poll given to people on election day as they are physically leaving voting station in order to predict winners of elections but also to understand how certain segments of voting population voted
Scientific Polling
polling conducted using commonly accepted guidelines for gathering reliable statistical results; at a minimum requires a randomly selected sample for a relevant population and clear, unbiased questions
subset of the population actually survveyed
person or group of peraona who conducts the poll
Straw Poll
unofficial survey taken from a group of people who have already assembled for a purpose (unscientific in measuring widespread public opinion)… likely biased response
Margibn of Error
maximum expected difference between the results of the poll and the opinions actually held by a population as a whole (±4 is considered acceptable margin of error for scientific polling)
Keynesian Economics
economic theory characterized by a belief that government should manage economy by reguling DEmand whn correcting Economic fluctuations in the business cycle and to promote policies of Economic growth
Fiscal Conservatism
Political and economic theory advocating for lower taxes and a balanced budget
Social Conservatism
is the belief that society is built upon a fragile network of relationships which need to be upheld through duty, traditional values and established institutions. This can include moral issues.
politcal philosophy that advocates for minimal government involvement in both personal behavior and business decisions unless clearly detrimental to others in society