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a grid of elements contained within brackets, has many real-world uses
order of a matrix
for a matrix with m rows and n columns, the order is m x n
(for example m x n as in 2 x 2, not 4)
common matrix types
square matrix- number of rows and columns are the same
zero matrix- all elements are 0, denoted by 0
multiplying a matrix by a zero matrix always returns a zero matrix
identity matrix- a matrix where the elements on the \ diagonal are all 1 and all other elements are 0, denoted by I
multiplying a matrix by an identity matrix always returns the non-id matrix
adding and subtracting matrices
(only works for matrices of the same order)
add/subtract the numbers in corresponding positions
multiplying and dividing matrices by scalars
multiply/divide every element in the matrix by a scalar
multiplying matrices
for matrices A and B where A has n columns and x rows and B has n rows and y columns:
for i 1 to n:
multiply equivalent terms(same position from the left/top of the row/column) in Aci and Bri
add together the multiples
append to product to ABciri
the product matrix will have the number of rows of A and the number of columns of B
order of matrix multiplication
"for matrices A and B where A has n columns and B has n rows" does NOT hold vice versa- sometimes AB exists but BA doesn't
therefore AB is not equivalent to BA
determinant of a matrix
a function that takes a square matrix and outputs a number, denoted as det M or |M|
if det M = 0 M is a singular matrix
for a 2x2 matrix with columns a b and c d will have a determinant of ad - bc (\ - /)
determinant of a 3x3 matrix
-expand along any row or column
-find the minor for each item along it(the determinant of the matrix left over if you delete its corresponding row and column)
-multiply each item by its minor and append it to the equation(which sign to append it with depends on its position in the matrix- see the diagram)
determinant of a 3×3 matrix, visually
determinants of matrices with calculators
you can in fact do this thumbs up emoji
transpose of a matrix
the transpose of a matrix M, denoted as M^T is found by interchanging the rows and columns
inverting matrices
the inverse of a matrix M is M^-1 such that (M^-1)M = M(M^-1) = 1 (its negative reciprocal)
A^-1 = C^T/detA
inverse matrix rules
if M is singular there is no inverse matrix
if two matrices A and B are non-singular (AB)-1 = (A^-1)(B^-1)
to divide matrix A by matrix B, multiply A by B^-1
inverting 2×2 matrices
-switch the values in the \ diagonal
-change the signs of the values in the / diagonal
-divide by the determinant
inverting 3×3 matrices
for matrix A
-find the matrix of minors, M, by finding the minor for every element and creating a matrix of their values
-find the matrix of cofactors, C, by combining the matrix of minors with the matrix of signs
-transpose C to form C^T (this matrix is sometimes called the adjugate of A)
-find the determinant of A, det A
-divide C^T by det A to form A^-1
inverting matrices with calculators
you can in fact do this thumbs up emoji
solving systems of equations using matrices
three sets of linear equations in the form ax + by + cz = n can be expressed with:
a, b and c as rows in a 3x3 matrix, A
x, y and x in a 1x3 matrix, B
the values of n as columns in a 1x3 matrix, C
AB = C
B = (A^-1)C
solving systems of equations using matrices, visually
solutions of systems of equations
a system of linear equations is consistent if there is at least one solution, for consistent systems:
-if the matrix corresponding to the set of linear equations is non-singular, the system has one unique solution
-if the matrix is non-singular, there are infinitely many solutions