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State law requires driving privileges to be suspended for
Certain motor vehicle violations, meaning that driver license will be taken away and they cannot drive for a stated period of time
time depends
Habitual offender
motorist whose driver license has been suspended 3 times in 3 years
driver 21 yrs old or older can not drive with BAC of
.08% or higher
Driver below the age of 21 cannot drive with BAC of how much and consequences
.01% or lower because it is illegal for them to drink
250-400$ fine first time
can be imprisoned
license suspension
Consent law for breath test
Motorist on NJ roadways have agreed to submit to a breath test given by law enforcement or hospital because they drive in nj
they can be arrested for driving intoxicated following the test
refusing to take the test will result in detainment and can be fined up to 1k per year for 3 yrs
Probationary driver program
Motorist convicted of 2 or more moving violations totaling to 4 or more points lost during their 2 year probationary driver period after receiving a special learner or examination permit must enroll in this program
up to 3 points reduction on driver history record after this program
Defensive driving courses
2 points will be removed from the accumulated points currently on a driver license
Violation surcharges and point violations
Motorist who accumulate 6 or more points within 3 years are subjected to surcharge of 150$ for 6 pts and 25$ for each additional point
remain operational if a motorist has 6 or more points on record
Point system
MVC keeps track of motorist’s driving record by adding pts to the record when they convict moving violation
2 pts will be added for traffic violations committed in other states
up to 3 pts subtracted every yr they go without a violation or suspension
pt total never reduced below 0
highest pt value of personal injury of 8 pts
In most cases, who have the right of way at all intersections
Pedestrian law
They must obey pedestrian signals and use crosswalks at signalized intersections.
54$ fine for not following law
under 17yrs old is 22$ fine
never pass a vehicle stopped at a crosswalk
Safe passing law
what motorists follow, states that drivers must approach and pass vulnerable road users with due caution, meaning both slowing down and giving the other user plenty of space when passing
Limitation of large vehicles include
visibility, required stopping distance, and amneuverability
No zones/blind spots
where large vehicle driver cannot see other vehicles
During bad weather, large vehicles can take how much longer to stop?
25% longer to stop
No zone principal
avoid blind spot around large vehicles where the driver can’t see you
Horse draw vehicles and horseback riders
they have the same rights and responsibilities as do drivers of motor vehicles when using public roadways
NJ residents who buy a new or used vehicle must do what before driving it on public roads
title, register, and insure it
How many license plates will motorists receive upon registering a vehicle
2 matching license plates
rear license plate must be
lighted, so it is visible from 50ft at night, even with reflectorized plates
using license plates that have been adjusted that makes reading the lettering hard can lead to
fine up to $100
who to report a lost or stolen plate, who to inform, and what must you do
the police, and inform the mvc
replace the plate within 24hrs at any MVC vehicle center and turn inthe old plates at any mvc agency or mail them it
If u sell your car and don’t reuse your plates to another vehicle, you must
turn it in to the mvc
forged or counterfeit license plates on any motor vehicle may result in
fine up to $500 and 60 days of imprisonment or license suspension of up to 6 months
if a motorist terminates vehicle infurance, the plates
must be returned to the mvc
Vehicle inspection for cars more than 5 model years old must pass state inspections every
every 2 years at a state inspection station or state licensed private inspection facility
all new passenger vehicle less than 5 model years old are issued a new car dealer sticker expiring
expiring 5 yrs after they are initially registered
what insurance in manditory in NJ for every vehicle
every vehicle must have the motor vehicle liability insurance
what to keep in mind when sharing road with motorcyclists
leave room for them to pass, signal your intentions, and never tailgate them
how should you properly pass a truck
maintain a consistent speed while passing
a freight train traving at 55mph can take how long to stop?
a mile or more
if a motorist moves into this state, law requires their vehicles to be titled and registered within how many days
60 days
when moving the NJ from another state, a motorist must have their vehicle inspected within how many days after registering it?
14 days
what type of sign is an orange diamond?
construction zone
What type of sign is a yellow diamond?
warning sign
3 categories of signs
warning, guidance, and regulatory