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What is health and wellbeing?
Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not just the absence of disease
Health and Wellbeing – the state of a persons physical, social, emotional, mental and spiritual existence, characterised by an equilibrium in which the individual feels happy, healthy, capable and engaged
Wellbeing is related to health and has been used frequently in recent years to describe how well an individual is living. Wellbeing is sometimes described as how a person feels about themselves and their
dynamic health and wellbeing?
The health and wellbeing experienced by an individual is dynamic, meaning that it is constantly changing. These changes are often gradual and may not be obvious as they are happening
subjective health and wellbeing?
the concept of health and wellbeing is also said to be subjective meaning it is differently experienced by different people. It may be influenced by or based on personal beliefs, feelings or opinions. An example maybe person may feel generally healthy, despite having a chronic illness, because they have learned to manage it well and do not feel it significantly limits their daily activities. Another individual might rate their health as poor, even though they have no major medical conditions, simply because they feel fatigued or unfit.
Illness is a concept that relates to negative aspects of health and wellbeing. It is a more subjective concept related to personal experience of a disease. influenced by a range of factors including the the age of the individual.
A disease is a physical or mental disturbance involving symptoms, dysfunction or tissue damage.
Þ Dimensions of Health and Wellbeing Physical
Physical health and wellbeing relates to the functioning of the body and its systems; it includes the physical capacity of individuals to perform daily activities or tasks
Examples :
- Healthy body weight
- Strong immune system
- Adequate energy levels
Social Health and Wellbeing:
Social health and wellbeing relates to the ability to form meaningful and satisfying relationships with others and the ability to adapt appropriately to different social situations. It also includes the level of support provided by family and within a community to ensure that every person has equal opportunity to function as a contributing member of the society
Examples :
- Supportive network of friends
- Effective communication with others
- Supportive and well function family
Þ Emotional Health and Wellbeing:
motional health and wellbeing refer to the ability to positively express emotions and feelings. It is about managing and expressing emotions positively, as well as demonstrating resilience. Emotional health and well-being is also the extent to which an individual feels emotionally secure and relaxed in everyday life.
Examples :
- High levels of resilience’s
- Effectively respond to and manage emotions
- Experience appropriate emotion inn different scenarios
Þ Mental Health and Wellbeing:
Mental health and wellbeing is the current state of wellbeing relating to a person’s mind and the ability to think and process information. A mentally healthy brain enables individuals to form positive opinions, make decisions and use logic
Examples :
- Low levels of stress and anxiety
- High levels of confidence
- Positive thought patterns
Þ Spiritual Health and Wellbeing
Spiritual health and wellbeing relates to ideas, beliefs, values and ethics that appear in the minds and conscience of human beings. It includes the concepts of hope, peace, a sense of meaning in the world and reflection on your place in the world.
Examples :
- A sense of belonging in the world
- Peace and harmony
- Developed personal vales and beliefs
Health And Wellbeing As A Resource:
Being healthy can improve quality of life and assist in creating a cycle of wellbeing. It allows individuals to work more effectively and improve their lives, which in turn promotes health and wellbeing. Furthermore The individual may experience an increased ability to participate in health-promoting activities and behaviours such as sleeping well, living independently and exercising regularly.
Example :
- Live independently
- Sleep well
- Earn a income
Health And Wellbeing As A Resource:
Þ Nationally
Populations with optimal levels of health and wellbeing experience greater economic benefits such as higher average incomes, greater productivity, less absenteeism from work, less reliance on social security, and reduced healthcare and associated caring costs.
Example :
- Reduced stress and anxiety in the community
- Increased social participation
- Longer healthier lives
Health And Wellbeing As A Resource:'\
Optimal health and wellbeing can reduce the risk of infectious or communicable diseases spreading between countries. Infectious or communicable diseases refer to diseases that are passed from one person to another from either direct or indirect contact:
Example :
- Promotes suitability
- Promotes social wellbeing
Health status;
An individual or populations overall health, taking into account various aspects such as life expectancy, amount of disability and levels of disease risk factors
Self-Assessed Health Status:
An overall measure of a populations health based on a person’s own perceptions of their health. This assessment however May not be in line with health professionals assessments
Life Expectancy:
An indication of how long a person can expect to live; it is the number of years of life remaining to a person at a particular age if death rates do not change. While Life expectancy gives an indication of the length of life, it does not take into account the quality of life.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy:
The average length of time an individual at a specific age can expect to live in full health; that is, time lived without the health consequences of disease or injury.
Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) considers life expectancy and quality of life. It refers to the number of years lived without reduced functioning due to ill health
Is the number of deaths in a population in a given period.
Mortality rate: (death rate) the measure of the proportion of a population who die in a one-year period (usually per 100 000).
Mortality Data:
Under-five mortality rate (U5MR) is the number of deaths of children under five years of age per 1000 live births.
Infant mortality rate is the number of deaths among children aged under 1 year in a given period, per 1000 live births in the same period.
Maternal mortality refers to the death of a mother during pregnancy, childbirth or within six weeks of delivery
Refers to ill health in an individual and levels of ill health within a population (often expressed through incidence, prevalence) .
Morbidity Rate: is a measure of how many people suffered from a particular condition during a given period.
Morbidity Rates includes:
Incidence: refers to the number (or rate) of new cases of a disease/condition in a population during a given period
Prevalence:the total number or proportion of cases of a particular disease or condition present in a population at a given time
Burden of Disease (BOD):
A measure of the impact of diseases and injuries, specifically it measures the gap between current health status and an ideal situation where everyone lives to an old age free of disease and disability. Burden of disease is measured in a unit called the DALY.
BOD is measured in DALYs
DALY: A measure of burden of disease. One DALY is equal to one year of healthy life lost due to illness and/or death
Þ YLD’s: a measure of how many healthy years of life are lost due to disease, injury or disability.
Þ YLL’s: a measure of how many years of expected life are lost due to premature death.