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The palms of two Pathaka hastas are joined together.
Usages: To salute God, Guru and the Brahmins, hold the Anjali hasta above the head.
When the palms of two Pathaka hastas meet only at the sides, base and top.
Usage: Taking an oath, conversation with teachers, elders etc, humble agreement
Karkata (crab)
The fingers of both the hands are interlocked, and the fingers are turned inwards or outwards.
Usage: To show arrival of a group, showing stoutness, stomach, blowing the conch, stretching the limbs.
Two Pathaka hastas held across at the wrists.
Usage: crocodile, timid speech, dispute, praising
Two Pathaka hastas placed on the sides of respective thighs.
Usage: Beginning a Natya
Pushpaputa ( holding flowers)
Two Sarpasheersha hastas pressed together(so that the little fingers and wrist are joined)
Usage: Offering lights ( aarathi), receiving or collecting water, receiving fruits by children, twilight water offering (to Sun), children receiving fruits.
Utsanga (holding something)
Two Mrigasheersha hastas touch opposite upper arms or shoulders.
Usage: To embrace, to show modesty or bashfulness, to show armlets.
Right hand in Shikhara hasta is placed on the left hand which is in Ardhachandra Hasta.
Katakaavardhana( pair of bracelets)
Two katakaamukha hastas are crossed at the wrists.
Usage: Coronation, ritual or worship, blessing at the time of marriage.
Kartaree-swasthika( crossing two scissors)
Two Kartareemukha hastas are crossed(at the wrists)
Usage: Trees, bough of trees, the summit of a hill.
Shakata( chariot wheel)
When the middle fingers and the thumbs of the two Bhramara hastas are extended or stretched.
Usage: The gesture for Demons.
Shankha(conch or conch shell)
The thumbs of Shikhara hastas are joined, and the forefinger extended and joined.
Usage: To show the conch
Chakra( discus or wheel)
The palms of two Ardhachandra hastas are joined askew.
Usage: To show the chakra or the discus.
The fingers of the Chakra hand are bent.
Usage: To denote concealing things, show a casket or a box.
The forefingers of the Suchi hastas are bent and interlocked.
Usage: To denote quarrel due to enmity, noose, manacles.
The little fingers of the Mrigasheersha hastas are bent and interlocked.
Usage: To denote friendship, affection, the conversation between lovers.
Matsya (fish)
Palm of one pathaka hasta is placed on the back of the other pathaka hasta and the thumbs and the little fingers are outstretched.
Usage: To denote a fish
Koorma( turtle)
In chakra hasta, if thumbs and little fingers are extended and ends of other three fingers are bent.
Usage: To denote a tortoise.
Varaaha( wild boar)
When one Mrigasheersha hasta is placed over the other Mrigasheersha and the little fingers and thumbs are linked.
Usage: To denote a boar
Two ardhachandra hastas are held with palms askew, and the thumbs interlocked.
Usage: to denote the Garuda
Naaga-bandha(coiled serpent)
Two Sarpasheersha hastas are held in swastika position ( crossed at the wrists)
Usage: Naaga-bandha, pair of snakes, bower, Atharvana Veda spells.
Khatwaa( cot)
The thumbs and forefingers of two chatura hastas are extended and their ends meet.
Usage: To show a bed
Bherunda( pair of birds)
The wrists of two kapittha hastas are joined
Usage: To show Bherunda bird or a pair of birds.
Avahittha (dissimulation)
Two alapadma hastas are held on the chest
Usage: Erotic dances( Shringara natana), holding a play ball, bosom.