frontal lobes, anatomy & history. Modulaity of the forntal lobe, behavioural & neural evidence, is there a response inhibition module in the frontal lobe, frontoparietal multiple demand network
PFC & other animals
human PFC is largest
similar to chimpanzees but there is more complex in the folds (sulci & gyri)
Developmental trajectory of brain development
from ages 5-20yrs density of grey matter decreases
large change to the frontal lobe indicating important behavioural changes we see form childhood to adulthood
Connections to the PFC
frontal lobe is connected to virtually every other region of the brain
key role in human behaviour
positioned to perform control/modualte
Frontostriatal loops
strongest connections occur between regions in PFC & basal ganglia (striatum)
which is a collection of old, subcortical structures including the caudate, putamen, globus pallidus and ventral striatum
loops occur parallel w/diff loops connecting diff PFC regions
hypothesised to play diff roles
reward processing loop that connects ventral striatum to OFC
executive control loop that connects DLPFC to dorsal striatum
anatomy of the frontal lobe
lateral surface
medial surface
orbital surface
prefrontal refers to the front of the frontacortex
Lateral surface
Lateral frontopolar cortex
dorsolateral prefrontal cortex
Anterior prefrontal cortex
premotor cortex
primary motor cortex
Medial surface
Anterior cingulate cortex
orbital surface
orbital frontal cortex
History of frontal lobes
Phineas Gage
Ryland (1939)
Phineas Gage
one of 1st indications of function of PFC
railroad foreman, metal pole through his head
personality began to change
swearing, inpatient and impulsive
no longer gage
Ryland (1939) - Frontal lobe or dysexcutive syndrome
characterised problems faced by patients w/frontal lobe injuries as dysexecutive syndrome
attention (easily distracted)
abstraction (difficulties grasping whole of a complicated set of affairs)
novelty (ok w/routine, difficulties in novel situations)
Shallice - model of the frontal lobe = supervisory attention system
frontal lobe acts like a system in charge of control of action & coping w/novelty
it is required in situations where routine selection of actions is unsatisfactory & cognitive control or executive function is required
classic executive function task
wisconsin card sorting task
P given single card & must choose which of 4 decks to place the card on
they have to learn rule governing which deck should be placed where
set shifting task = patient must acquire a ‘set’ for task performance, which can switch repeatedly during the task
have to adapt to the problem
Problems w/Norman & shallice SAS theory
homunculus criticism (lil man)
who controls the controller
if we suggest the frontal lobe controls us pushes back the control
frontal lobe controlling every other area lacks explanation
explains what is controlled but not how this control is exercise
P w/frontal lesions tend to perform poorly on complex tasks
complex tasks tend to require lots of different cognitive processes e.g planning, inhibition, WM
cluster of problems → cannot test specific
Can we fractionate executive function into component processes?Can we map different executive functions onto separate brain systems?
Miyake et al (2000): Factor analysis of executive function
attempted to fractionate executive function in component variables using behavioural tasks & factoral analysis
Healthy p did several tasks → task switching, response inhibition task etc
they slower in switch trials than repeated trials
study identified 3key components of executive function:
updating (updating working memory)
shifting (changing approach when required)
any complex task requires these 3 different sources
Letter memory task
letter memory task that requires P to remember letters
Stop signal reaction time task
requiring subjects to withhold prepotent responses
task is to respond as quickly as you can to the direction of the arrow but to withhold responding if you hear a loud beep after the arrow is presented.
Factory analysis of executive
found three clearly distinct, latent variables accounted for performance differences on the 9 tasks. These variables (or ‘factors’) are shown in the central part of the figure
shifting, which means shifting between task sets
updating, which means updating the contents of WM.
And inhibition, which means inhibiting prepotent responses
has been quite an influential model of executive function, and it tends to be used as a kind of template for understanding how executive functions can be fractionated.
The idea is that any complex executive task can be accomplished by drawing on (some mixture of) these three functions.
But perhaps the real test of this attempt to fractionate executive function is whether we can map these different functions onto different brain regions.
can we map different executive functions onto anatomically separate regions of the PFC
General consensus that regions in lateral/medial PFC (DLPFC, VLPFC, ACC) are doing something different from the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC)
clearly something between them
hot vs cold cognition
hot cognition
Broadly, functions that do involve emotional or value-based judgements
Value-based decision making
Emotion-guided decision making
Counterfactual thinking
cold cognition
Broadly, functions that do not involve emotional or value-based judgements
dorsolateral & ventrolateral PFC, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
Response inhibition
Task switching
Error monitoring
Working memory
Is there a dysexecutive syndrome? (Stuss et al, 2007)
Tested frontal lobe P on a range of neuropsychological tasks
classic frontal tasks (WCST, Stroop), language, memory tests requiring executive functions & attentional tests
Brain lesions were mapped out & location of brain damage defined by registration to a standard anatomical template
Focus on parts of the frontal lobe involved in ‘cold’ cognition
dorsolateral & ventrolateral PFC, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
found some correspondence between the Miyake model & patients
Right lateral → monitoring
Miyake’s “updating” variable included monitoring tasks
Left lateral → task setting (separating stimuli)
necessary for shifting as in Miyake’s model
Convergence in medial PFC → energising
No space for inhibition → Stuss says that inhibition may not exist at the psychological level
Some agreement between behavioural and neuropsychological evidence – e.g. task setting < left lateral PFC
But also some disagreement, even on fundamentals, e.g. the existence of specific components such as response inhibition
Is there a response inhibition module in the PFC?
Evidence that the right inferior frontal cortex is a response inhibition ‘module’
Aron et al (2003)
imaging studies
Evidence that the right inferior frontal cortex is a response inhibition ‘module’ (Aron et al, 2003)
Stuss suggested this region was involved in task checking, quality control & the adjustment of behaviour (‘monitoring’)
Aron et al (2003) suggested that a part of the right lateral PFC plays an important role in response inhibition (the process of inhibiting a prepotent or inappropriate response)
gave P w/different brain lesions a Stop Signal Reaction Time task in which they had to respond whether an arrow was pointing to the left or right but on occasional trials withhold their response when they heard a loud beep
found that performance on this task was strongly related to size of the lesion in the right inferior frontal gyrus
there was a positive correlation between the Stop Signal Reaction Time and lesion size in this region
the bigger the lesion, the worse the patient was at inhibiting their response.
demonstrated the particular importance of the right inferior frontal cortex for response inhibition
Imaging studies
fMRI studies have supported inhibition module in right inferior cortex, showing increased activation in the right inferior frontal cortex during response inhibition.
Many studies have put healthy people in the scanner & given them go/no-go tasks in which the subject simply has to press a key when they see certain letters and withhold responding
Activation in right inferior frontal cortex is consistently higher for no-go trials than it is for go trials, suggesting a specific role for this region in inhibiting a prepotent response.
limitations to right inferior lateral PFC having a module response inhibition module
may be only due to role in attention
Hamisphire found fmri evidence for other areas
Dodds found that it may be that it involved with attention or that task always does involve attention
a module for response inhibition
Right inferior frontal cortex may play an important role in response inhibition
However, this may in fact be due to a role in attention
may be a network instead → is it then reasonable to call it a module
alternative perspective from neuroimaging - Frontoparietal cortex as a ‘multiple demand’ network
Not everyone believes that it is possible to fractionate the PFC into separate executive processes.
Duncan & Owen (2000) performed a meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies of executive function → plotted the activations associated w/multiple different processes, e.g. response conflict, task novelty, on a single brain
found was that rather than there being separate regions of PFC dedicated to different processes, the different processes all activated remarkably similar regions
No clear separation between diff processes → there was a network of regions, encompassing regions in the lateral PFC, anterior insula, medial PFC, & inferior parietal cortex, that all seemed to show increased activation when subjects did something cognitively difficult.
Duncan called the frontoparietal ‘multiple demand’ network
reflecting that this is a ‘multi-purpose’ network of brain regions that underlies cognitive performance in multiple types of demanding tasks
when we need it → its for harder cognitive functions
there is no clear pattern
What does the ‘multiple demand’ network do?
Construction of ‘attentional episodes’
Neurons have highly dynamic response properties, adapting to code the specific information and events within the current attentional focus”
With the transition between one episode and the next, neural coalitions for one kind of information processing dissolve and coalitions for the next episode form, producing a system in constant flux.”
Adaptive coding – PFC neurons adapt their responses depending on task demands
frontal lobes are a unified system
fMRI evidence for coding of information about task rules in frontoparietal cortex (Woolgar et al, 2011)
Woolgar suggested PFC may perform a slightly more complex role
P performed a task in which they had to learn different rules mapping locations to responses
when they saw a blue screen had to remember a particular mapping between locations & button presses
used multivoxel pattern analysis to see which brain areas encoded different information about the task such as rules, colours & responses.
Found that although frontalparietal regions did encode information about the position of the stimuli, the colours and the responses, these regions showed strongest coding of rules.
Results demonstrate that primary role of the PFC in this kind of task is encoding the information about quite abstract aspects of task performance such as the rules governing stimulus-response mappings
It could be claimed, therefore, that these regions are not simply directing attention to specific stimuli in WM but are, in fact, performing a slightly more complex function
Key points
PFC plays a key role in organised, goal-directed behaviour. Its structure, connections and functional architecture make it well suited to playing a key role in intelligent human behaviour.
Some evidence that PFC can be fractionated into different functions but also disagreement, even about what the fundamental executive functions are.
Multiple demand network hypothesis offers an alternative viewpoint – integrated network involved in performing cognitively demanding tasks