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name means Jehovah is God
In Joel, how did God use to judge Israel?
locust eating crops
How was the judgement in Joel significant?
more severe than others
Whats the ending of Joel
God brought Israel out of capavity
In Amos, what did Isreal refuse to do 5 times?
return to the Lord
“3 transgressions and 4”
isreal was repeatedly sinning.
What was the main cause of judgement in Amos
treatment of the poor
What does God refuse to accept because of their idolatry?
their sacrifices
What God compare a lion with prey to in Amos
gods judgement
what are the four visions that Amos see?
locust, summer fruit basket, fire, plumbline
What does God do because of Amos power?
give them justice
Give a modern example of a plumbline, and a application
plubline-level app- measuring up to God’s law
eight nations Amos pronounced judgement on
Damascus, Gaza, Edom, isreal, Judah, aman, Tyrus, Moab
How does Amos end?
God restores Israel.
Where was Jonah supposed to go?
What did God use to stop Jonah from running to him?
What did the sailors do before throwing Jonah overboard
throw things overboard
What was the sailors reaction to seeing God’s power during Jonah story
believed in God
Where did Jonah spend three days?
big fish
What did Jonah do in the belly of the Big Fish?
Who had 40 days to repent?
What two actions did the king of Nineveh degree that everyone do in order to show God their
wear sackcloth, ashes, fasting
what happened that made Jonah angry
ninevah repented
How did God show Jonah with a plant or gourd
His attitude was wrong
Whats the main point of Jonah
Since God has mercy on you, you should have mercy towards your worst enemy