hopefully i am getting smarter...
Ambivalence (noun)
The state of having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.
Brusque (adjective)
Abrupt or curt in manner or speech, often to the point of rudeness.
Dearth (noun)
A scarcity or lack of something.
Eclectic (adjective)
Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
Fastidious (adjective)
Very attentive to detail and accuracy; hard to please.
Incredulity (noun)
The state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.
Leviathan (noun)
A thing that is very large or powerful, often referring to a mythical sea monster or a large entity.
Nebulous (adjective)
Unclear, vague, or ill-defined; resembling a cloud or haze.
Penultimate (adjective)
Second to the last in a series or sequence.
Sardonic (adjective)
Grimly mocking or cynical.
Vainglory (noun)
Excessive pride in or boastfulness about one’s own achievements or qualities.