Tropical zones
What are closer to the sun than the poles are and get more solar energy and are more warmed up? Answer with a single words or term.
What are good heat sinks because water can absorbs 5 times more energy than soil? Answer with a single words or term.
________ has 15 terrestrial and 5 aquatic ecozones all varying in sizes.
________ eat the plants using the stored carbon for their growth and survival.
________ have found that the amount of ice at the poles, in greenland and in glacies around the world is decreasing rapidly.
________ growing conditions, trees are stunted due to cold temperatures, short growing seasons, acidic soil, frequent forest fires.
Large eruptions
________ release huge amounts of gases and volcanic ash into the atmosphere.
Radiation doesnt
________ require a medium but conduction cant take place without one.
atmospheric concentration of CO2
The ________ has increased 31 % since 1750 (when it was 280ppm)
________ use sophisticated computer programs to model Earths climate.
________ has been through 5 major ice ages in the past 2.4 billion years.
extinction of dinosaurs
What was likely caused by climate change brought on by a large asteroid hitting Earth? Answer with a single words or term.
________ controlling the Earths climate system.
________ vibrate but dont move to another location.
________ published several small reports and updates on the developments of climate change.
Blanket of gas
The amount of solar energy hitting the earth doesnt change very quickly. ________ surrounding the Earth.
sunspot cycle
What is unlikely to cause changes of major climate change? Answer with a single words or term.
Multiple Effects. ________ are carbon sinks because they remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
________ absorbs hear and moves it around the globe in currents (determines the Earths climate)
noticeable effects
One method is temperature anomalies- is a temperature value obtained by comparing the measured temperature to some average temperature. The most ________ are the melting of ice.
Hydrosphere term references
________ fo all the water in Earths system.
upward drafts
The ________ are often strong enough to allow large birds like vultures and hawks to soar upwards in circles for hours.
Past climate
Ice cores. ________ can be predicted by studying the air bubbles trapped in samples of very old ice.
Section of the Earths crust
________ are called plate which moves up a few centimetres a year.
What is the movement of air in the atmosphere as a result of convection currents? Answer with a single words or term.