Study guide (notes):
The High Court
State Courts
Family or Magistral Courts
Daniel Love vs Commonwealth
In 2019, Daniel Love lost his permanent residency visa due to committing a crime
As a result, the government tried to deport him under section 51 of the constitution - that Love was an “alien” (foreign citizen) and therefore should be deported
Daniel Love then took the matter to court and argued that he was an Aboriginal Australian, and cannot be considered an alien
The High Court agree and set a precedent that ATSI Australians cannot be deported under the 1958 Migration Act
Impact: Aboriginal Australians can no longer be deported due to their ethnicity, and this reduced the stigma and legal discrimination against ATSI people.
belief in the individual
belief in reason and progress
belief in shared power
belief in society
political interference in the judiciary, erosion of civil liberties
lack of access to justice for marginalized groups
corruption within the justice system.
erosion of civil liberties
social discrimination
Some threats to the legitimacy framework of a liberal democracy include
voter suppression
unreasonable restrictions for standing for office
gerrymandering (manipulation of electoral boundaries in order to win an election)
media manipulation
erosion of civil liberties
lack of information
rare voting periods
inaccess to voting areas
erosion of civil liberties
political polarization
rights are protected (Constitution, rule of law, separation of powers, committees, and organisations)
government’s powers are limited through the Constitution and separation of powers
regular free and fair elections,
an independent judiciary,
a free press
a system of checks and balances between the executive, legislative, and judicial branches of government
Constitution outlines the rights and responsibilities of citizens and the government
constitution and law limits power of the government
separation of powers prevents corruption