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a named collection of steps in an algorithm that can be reused anytime it is needed without restating the detailed steps (abstraction)
chaining together or placing two or more separate things side by side so that they are treated as one.
a linear sequence of characters, words, or other data
in which something can only be one thing or another (yes or no)
binary code
code represented with the two symbols of 1 and 0
the foundation for digital computing (1s and 0s) - short for binary digits
electronic technology that generates, stores and processes data in 0s and 1s.
state space
the space of potential possibilities
exponential growth
the rate of growth that rapidly increases in proportion to the growing total number or size
ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
a table that outlines a common set of conventions for converting between binary values and alphanumeric characters
the characters that consist of uppercase and lowercase letters and numerals 0-9
digital noise
irrelevant or meaningless data that has found its way into otherwise meaningful code
the process of removing or suppressing details to create a manageable level of complexity
bit string
a sequence of bits that can be used to represent sets or manipulate binary data
the process of connecting a data field from one source to a data field in another source.
characters, symbols, or quantities on which operations are performed, stored, and/or transmitted by a computer
a binary encoding system representing much more of the world's text than ASCII (represents 65,536 different characters, including of different languages)
Morse Code
a code where letters are represented by combinations of long and short signals of light or sound
Baudot Code
a binary code invented by Emile (lastName) in 1870 that encodes 32 characters. It uses dots and crosses to represent binary characters in telegraphy.
using codes of different lengths to encode a character set (e.g., Morse Code)
a flat data file in which each variable is represented by a pre-determined number of characters (Baudot Code).
separate or divided (digital)
unbroken, without interruption (analog)
methods that trade small losses in the quality of results for significant gains in performance and efficiency.
non-digital signals represented by a continuously variable physical quantity
a data structure (also called an array) that stores multiple pieces of information at once
data structure
a particular way of organizing and storing data, such as an array or table
index value
the representation of where each item in a list is located
observable behaviors generated by the computer, such as animation, sound, and text
a block in Scratch that concatenates or links two values together
linear search
a method for finding a target value within a list by checking each value until a match is found or all elements are searched
a subset of a string of alphanumeric fields or variables
convert (information or an instruction) into a particular form.
linear search
Each item in an array is visited and checked against the search term. This is done until the item is found or the end of the array is reached.