Religion 275 A Midterm

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Ezra Taft Benson gave a landmark talk at BYU about "14 Fundamentals" for following the Prophet. Samuel adds his own in Helaman 13. What might be President Russel M. Nelson's additional fundamental?

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Ezra Taft Benson gave a landmark talk at BYU about "14 Fundamentals" for following the Prophet. Samuel adds his own in Helaman 13. What might be President Russel M. Nelson's additional fundamental?

Stop putting question marks behind the prophet's statements and put exclamation points instead, and DO IT!!! The blessings will just pour.

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What are the four responsibilities of a prophet (as exemplified by abinadi and taught in True to the Faith)?

  1. Testify of Jesus Christ and teach His gospel.

  2. Make known God's will and true character.

  3. Speak boldly and clearly., denouncing sin and warning of its consequences.

  4. Prophesy of future events for our benefit.

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Despite prophets delivering messages that are relevant to their specific time periods, what are two overarching messages that remain constant across all prophetic teachings?

  1. Repentance (or else DESTRUCTION)

  2. Keep the commandments

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In Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin's talk, "Journey to the Higher Ground," Ensign, Nov 2005, what does he compare the fisherman to?

A prophet - he knew the signs of a tsunami from knowledge passed down from his ancestors, and wouldn't relent until all his village had escaped to higher ground.

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According to President Benson, why do we expect a change in the prophet's popularity as we approach the Lord's second coming?

Because the world is getting more wicked, they'll try and close the mouth of the prophet and act as if he didn't exist, rather than just repent.

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From the reading "For a Wise Purpose" by Elder Holland, what was the purpose of preserving the small plates?

To compensate for the loss of the 116 pages of manuscript. The deeper purpose is that the smaller plates provide "greater views" upon the gospel, including personal declarations of three great witnesses testifying that Jesus is the Christ.

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From the Introduction Page, to what object did Joseph Smith compare the Book of Mormon (and what does the comparison mean?)?

The Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, meaning that any man can get closer to God by "abiding by its precepts, than by any other book."

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What are significant differences between the Testimony of the Three and Eight Witnesses - and what are simple ways to summarize them? Why are both testimonies important and helpful?

The Testimony of the Three are "Supernatural" Spiritual Witnesses, where the Testimony of the Eight are the "Natural" Physical Witnesses. The 3 Witnesses were shown the plates by an angel and heard God's voice, whereas the 8 Witnesses got to hold and touch the plates. Both are important and helpful because if critics accused the 3 of imagining their vision, they couldn't refute the ordinary experience the 8 had. If critics accused Joseph Smith for forging the plates to deceive the 8, they couldn't refute the divine manifestations of the 3.

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From the Introduction page, what else can one know (3 things!) when one obtains a personal witness that the Book of Mormon is true?

When one obtains a personal witness it is true, they'll know "Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, Joseph Smith is His revelatory and prophet in these last days, and that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the Lord's kingdom once again established on the earth"

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What does "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" mean? What's unique about the Book of Mormon title page - and who wrote it?

Another Testament of Jesus Christ means "Another Covenant of Jesus Christ." The Book of Mormon Title Page is unique because it is a literal translation, "taken from the last leaf, on the left hand side of the collection or book of plates", written by Moroni.

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What are at least 3 of the Book of Mormon's major purposes?

Show, Know, Convince. "SHOW unto the remnant of the house of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may KNOW the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever - And also to the CONVINCING of the Jew and Gentile that Jesus is the Christ"

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According to Elder Hales, what is the greatest lesson we learn from Jesus' earthly ministry?

The lesson of obedience.

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From President Monson's talk, "Obedience brings blessings," what can we learn about how Abraham proved his obedience to the Lord?

We learn that sometimes obedience will require heavy sacrifice for the Lord, but if we retain unwavering faith and implicit trust in the Lord, we will be blessed.

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King Benjamin taught that since we cannot repay our debt to the Savior, He requires something else from us. What is that?

Keep his commandments!

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What is the most important of all commandments, according to President Lee?

The one that I am having the most difficultly keeping today.

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What does Elder Maxwell suggest we, as church members, worry too much about, and what does he invite us to worry more about instead?

We worry too much about the retention of new members, but we should worry more about the retention of our remissions.

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Which member of the godhead does Abinadi refer to when he uses the word "God"? How is Jesus Christ a father and a son?

Jesus Christ! He's both a father and a son because fathers give life, and sons receive life. He's a Father because:

  1. Prophesy of future events for our benefit.

  2. He is the Creator of Heaven and Earth.

  3. He has Begotten us Spiritually (Father of our Salvation)

  4. He is the Head of the Church - the family of believers

  5. He has Divine Investiture of Authority

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In light of Abinadi's story and according to Brigham Young and Ezra Taft Benson, what's more important - living or dying for Christ and one's testimony?

"The most effectual way to establish the religion of Heaven is to live it, rather than to die for it." It's more important to want to live for Him.

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Know Nephi's intent as a Book of Mormon author.

To persuade men to come unto the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (aka JESUS) and be saved!

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Be familiar with what the symbols in Lehi's dream mean - especially the tree, the fruit, and the rod of iron.

Tree - The Love of God

Fruit - Greatest gift from God (Christ)

Rod of Iron - Word of God

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What are the four groups of people in Lehi’s dream?

  1. Accepts invitation but gives in to temptation.

  2. Accepts invitation but gives in to social pressure.

  3. Accepts invitation and endures to the end.

  4. Rejects invitation, rebels and feels way to great and spacious building.

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What are the "three strands" (or elements) of the iron rod, as taught by Elder Anderson?

  1. The scriptures/words of the ancient prophets

  2. Personal revelation/inspiration that comes through the Holy Ghost.

  3. The words of the living prophets.

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Look for the C's ~ 3 ways to approach the Rod.

  1. Came forth and Commence

  2. Caught hold and Cling

  3. Continually holding fast

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What is Lehi's "R-Word" for the Savior and his Atonement?


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Where is God's love found, according to Sister Porter?

God's love is not found in the circumstances of our lives, but in His presence in our lives.

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Nephi obtained greater knowledge and understanding of his father's vision: What does Nephi teach us about how to obtain revelation? What 3 things did Nephi do?

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What four time periods are represented in Nephi's vision - and how does Lehi's dream factor into each one of them?

  1. Birth and ministry of Christ

  2. Latter years of the Nephites and Lamanites in the Americas

  3. The Great Apostasy, the discovery and colonization of the Americas - a land for religious freedom and Gospel Restoration

  4. The last days: the time leading up to the Second Coming

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What is the "great and abominable church" (of "church of the devil")?

Any and all organizations that are designed to lead people away from God and his laws.

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What does Nephi teach us about Latter-day Saints in the latter (or last) days?

They will be armed with righteousness and the power of God in great glory

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What does Alma compare to a seed in Alma 32:28?

The Word (aka JESUS)

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According to Elder Richard G. Scott, in his talk "The Power of Scriptures" 2011, how do scriptures benefit the individuals?

They can help unlock revelation, calm the soul, give peace, hope, confidence, power to heal emotional challenges, accelerate physical healing, and take on new meanings at different times to help us with our needs.

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What do the prophets say about the quantity of scripture study?

Around 30 minutes is a good time, but the amount of time spent in the scriptures is worth far more than how much we read.

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What is emphasized as essential for spiritual nourishment by prophets in this dispensation?

The scriptures!

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What approach to studying scriptures did prophets in this dispensation encourage us to follow?

Immerse yourself daily, dedicate time every day, particular place, early morning/late night is best, constant and consistent.

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According to President Oaks, do scriptures directly contain answers to every personal question we may have?

No, but they will help us resolve them through the inspiration of the Holy Ghost.

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What is the relationship between the Creation, the Fall, and the Atonement of Jesus Christ - and how can knowing these things help us when we face challenges and difficulties in life?

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What were the conditions in the Garden of Eden (and for Adam and Eve) before the Fall? What are they like AFTER the Fall?

Before = No death, no posterity, no progress

After = Death, posterity (children yay!), progress, joy

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Be able to explain why the Fall is necessary in God's Plan.

Without the Fall, Adam and Eve couldn't fulfill commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth.

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What influence does the Savior's Atonement have upon the Fall?

Accountability was unlocked, which means that we're able to exercise our agency, which means that we're gonna make bad choices eventually, so we're going to have to repent.

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Elder Robbins teaches what about many gospel principles?

Use agency responsibly, true repentance, overcome the natural man and become more like Christ.

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The meaning of the word atonement in Hebrew is?

Kaphar = "to cover"

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How did the Nephite leader persuade people unto the Messiah?

He is full of grace and truth, he offered himself as a sacrifice to sin to answer to the ends of the law.

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Yet we are here to have joy? President Nelson.


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What are the names of the two "monsters" that have tormented mankind since the Fall of Adam and Eve?

Physical and Spiritual Death

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What important word does Jacob use to describe the Savior's Atonement - and what are its various meanings?

Infinite - infinite and eternal sacrifice

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What expression does Jacob use to declare his awe and gratitude for the Savior's Atonement? What expression does he use to describe actions that distance us from the Savior?

"O the wisdom of God, his mercy and grace!" and other similar things for awe and gratitude. Phrases with "Wo" are used to describe things that will distance us.

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What is the meaning of the word succor? (We talked about this before in a previous lesson).

Means that Jesus is running to us already! Succor = socorrer = correr = to run

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What was the "one thing" [message] that was more important that any message Alma could share with the people of Gideon? What important message(s) did Alma teach about the Savior and His Atonement?

That Jesus Christ was coming and his role in the Atonement! He taught that Jesus would be born from Mary, and would be the son of God. He also taught that the atonement would be necessary for cleansing, and would offer the opportunity to repent.

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When Nephi tells us that Jesus "suffereth it" (speaking of the unjust things done to Him in 1 Nephi 19), what does suffer truly mean?

He endured everything with patience out of love for us. He went through all kinds of torture so that He can understand us.

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According to Lehi, what makes salvation possible in God's plan?

Merits, mercy, and grace!!!

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What does the angel teach King Benjamin in Mosiah 3 about the Savior's Atonement? When teaching that salvation comes only through Jesus Christ's Atonement, what "groups" does Benjamin mention as recipients of this blessing?

That it is the only way to obtain salvation!!! Everyone is covered under the atonement, but little children do not need it because they are already pure.

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What is the "natural man"?

A person who chooses to be influenced by the passions, desires, and senses of the flesh rather than by the promptings of the Holy Spirit....All people are carnal, or mortal, because of the fall of Adam and Eve. Each person must be born again through the atonement of Jesus Christ

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What is the Doctrine of Christ? What is its significance and what blessings does it unlock?

Believe in Him, get baptized, and shall inherit the kingdom of God.

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What does "after all we can do" mean?

Best effort, living the commandments, having charity, but salvation is IMPOSSIBLE without Jesus.

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When it comes to the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Elder Bender says that we, as members of the church, are more familiar with what aspect of the atonement, and with what aspect are we not familiar as much?

We are more familiar with the redeeming power of the atonement, than the enabling power of the atonement.

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What is Grace?

The enabling power and spiritual ealing offered through the mercy and love of Jesus Christ. It's the divine help or strength extended to us by Christ.

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What does the Book of Mormon teach us about grace?

Grace will be sufficient if we come unto Christ

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What can mankind receive after this life because of the grace offered by Christ?

We will be raised in immortality in a condition of everlasting life.

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What were Corianton's 3 major doctrinal concerns - and in Book of Mormon which chapters are they found?

Resurrection, restoration, and justice of God

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What is Alma's counsel to Corianton about how to repent for sexual sin and overcome lust in Alma 39? What additional suggestions (5) did Elder Jeffrey R. Holland provide?

Self control, cross yourself, deny oneself of ungodliness.

  1. Separate Yourself

  2. Seek the Help and Welcome it

  3. Exercise more control

  4. Replace lewd thoughts with hopeful images and joyful memories

  5. Cultivate and be where the Spirit of the Lord is.

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How does Alma define the doctrine of the resurrection?

Resurrection is making moral body immortal and raising it up from the dead.

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How does Joseph Fielding Smith clarify Alma's statement that the spirits of all return to God as son as they depart from the mortal body (Alma 40:11)?

It means that their mortal existence has come to an end, and they're back in the world of spirits, where they're assigned to a place according to their works with the just or unjust until the resurrection.

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How can 3 Nephi 27:11 deepen our understanding of the doctrine taught in Alma 41:10?

Wickedness can be pleasurable and enjoyable for a season, but it won't bring everlasting happiness like the joy of Christ.

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Be sure to know definitions and summaries and principles of JUSTICE and MERCY.

Justice is getting what you deserve. Mercy is getting more than you deserve.

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As our mediator and advocate, how does Jesus Christ satisfy the demands of justice and make mercy possible?

He is the in-between guy who will plead on our behalf.

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What scripture word used throughout the Book of Mormon is an "amplifier" word - one that should be treated like a megaphone to provide greater insight and understanding?


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What word/message is mentioned repeatedly at the beginning of Alma 32 as being essential to gospel learning and exercising faith?


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What 3 words does Elder David A. Bender use to summarize faith using what he called the "helix of faith"?

Assurance, Action, Evidence

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What 3 activities did Alma recommend in Alma 33 to exercise and nourish faith?

  1. Search the scriptures

  2. Pray

  3. Worship

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With what 2 words did Amulek describe the Savior's Atonement in his testimony in Alma 34:8-10?

Infinite and Eternal

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Which phrase (repeated 4 times) did Amulek use to teach the Zoramites how to unleash the blessings offered by the Savior's atoning sacrifice? What does it mean?

Faith Unto Repentance

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What are the “A’s” for powerful, personal prayer?

Alone, Aloud, A lot, Answer.

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What does “repentance” mean in Greek, and what does each part mean?

Metanoeo means repentance, “meta” = change, “noeo” = mind

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