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False Authority
Asks audiences to agree with the speaker’s assertion based on his/her character or the authority of another person or institution that isn’t qualified to offer that assertion. (Ethos)
Guilt by Association
Calls someone’s character into question by examining the character of that person’s associations. (Ethos)
Shuts down discussion by asserting that the speaker’s beliefs are the only acceptable ones. (Ethos)
Ad Hominem
Character attack, arguments that attack a person’s character rather than their reasoning. (Ethos)
Distorting an opposing position into an extreme version of itself and then arguing against that. (Ethos)
Appeal to Pity
The appeal to pity takes place when an arguer tries to get people to accept a conclusion by making them feel sorry for someone. (Pathos)
Scare Tactics
These try to frighten people into agreeing with the arguer by threatening them or predicting unrealistically dire consequences. (Pathos)
Encourage an audience to agree with the speaker because everyone else is doing it. (Pathos)
Slippery Slope
These arguments suggest that one thing will lead to another, oftentimes with disastrous consequences. (Pathos)
False Need
These arguments create a need that doesn’t really exist. (Pathos)
Faulty Generalization
Draws conclusions from minimal evidence. (Logos)
Post Hoc
These arguments confuse chronology with causation, one event can occur without being caused by it. (Logos)
Non Sequitur
A statement that doesn’t logically follow or relate to what comes before it. (Logos)
Red Herring
When the speaker diverts the attention by changing the subject, or distracting the audience. (Logos)
False Dichotomy
When the arguer sets up the situation as if there are only two choices. He then eliminates one choice, so it seems there’s only one option left. (The one he wants us to pick) (Logos)
We’re a small nonprofit organization with limited resources and no paid staff. Donate now and save a life.
Appeal To Pity
The Earth is flat, no more discussion.
Why are you giving me a ticket? Shouldn’t you be out catching Real criminals? Someone could be robbing a bank right now!
Red Herring
Lowering the voting age to 16 will make 14-year-olds want to vote, and then once we lower it to 14, we’ll find ourselves asking if we should lower it again to 12 or even 10
Slippery Slope
My bestie said so, so that’s what’s true.
False Authority
You’ll get cancer if you keep eating sweets, and at Mcdonal’s flipping burgers.
Scare Tactics
You absolutely need these gummies, if you want people to think you’re cool.
False Need
This doctor is a bad driver, so he must be bad at his job also!
Ad Hominem
We should not have stronger regulations on factory emissions because cyclists run red lights and endanger pedestrians.
We should not invest in education because some students don't take it seriously
Science vs Religion: "You're either with us or against us
False Dichotomy
If Jo loves to read, she must hate movies
Non Sequitur
Don’t follow the directions, no one else is!
One Chinese man didn’t get my order right, so the Chinese must all be criminals!
Faulty Generalization
Don’t be friends with Suzie, I once heard she robbed a bank, and all her friends are in jail.
Guilt by Association
I wore my lucky socks, and we won the game; therefore, my socks brought us victory
Post Hoc