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“for lower costs and higher prices” mr birling
act 1, mr birlings business strategy is pure capitslist greed, he wants to charge lots and pay little
“unsinkable, absolutley unsinkable” mr birling
act 1, mr birlings comments about the titanic reflects the ignorance and blind faith of his generation in capitalism
“… its better to ask for the earth the to take it” inspector goole
act 1 the inspector uses mr birlings own selfish words against him to highlight his selfishness
“i wasnt satisfied with the girls claim- she seemed to me to be not a good case” mrs birling
act 2 mrs birling equates money with ones claim as though money only belongs to the deserving
“we dont live alone. we are members of one body. we are responsible for eachother” inspector goole
act 3 the inspector uses the metaphor of a body to show that the people depend on one another
presented through the inspector
embodies socialism, his investigation and moralistic speeches condemn how the poor and impoverished are victims of capitalist greed.
presented through mr birling and gerald croft
represent the greedy industrialists who treat workers like eva as cheap labour and refuse to raise wages
presented through eva smith
her tragic fate shows the destructive potential of capitalism, she was fired fir seeking a living wage, and denied chairty on the basis of her percieved worth