The Anglo-Irish Treaty history time line (1921-1922)
When was a truce called in the Anglo-Irish War?
11th July 1921
When were the preliminary discussions for the Anglo-Irish Treaty?
14th July - 21st July 1921
When did Lloyd George offer dominion status during the preliminary talks?
20th July 1921
When did De Valera leave the preliminary discussions?
21st July 1921
When did De Valera offer external association during the preliminary discussions?
10th August 1921
When did the Dail swear an oath of allegiance to the republic?
16th August 1921
When did the Dail first reject dominion status?
25th August 1921
When did Lloyd George hold a cabinet meeting in Inverness?
7th September 1921
When did Lloyd George break the stalemate and offer De Valera a new invitation to negotiate?
29th September 1921
When did Lloyd George offer dominion status (again) to start the negotiations proper?
11th October 1921
When did the Irish respond to Lloyd George’s offer of dominion status in October?
24th October 1921
When did Lloyd George meet with Griffith to discuss the censure motion?
30th October 1921
When did Griffith provide written confirmation that he would support Lloyd George on status?
1st November 1921
When did Jones propose the Boundary Commission?
9th November 1921
When did the Ulster Unionists reject Lloyd George’s attempts to reinstate the essential unity of Ireland?
10th November 1921
When did Griffith formally accept the Boundary Commission?
12th November 1921
When did the British propose a draft treaty?
16th November 1921
When did the Irish propose external association as an alternative to the British draft treaty?
22nd November 1921
When did the British assert that external association would not be considered?
24th November 1921
When did the Dail vote to accept some symbol of the Crown in Ireland?
25th November 1921
When did the British submit final proposals for the Treaty?
1st December 1921
When did the Dail first debate over the wording of the oath of allegiance?
3rd December 1921
When did Chamberlain threaten to end negotiations and return to war?
4th December 1921
When did Jones visit Collins to convince him to resume negotiations with Lloyd George?
4th December 1921
When did Lloyd George and the Irish resume negotiations in December 1921?
5th December 1921
When was the Anglo-Irish Treaty signed?
6th December 1921
When did the (Irish) cabinet vote to refer the treaty to the Dail?
6th December 1921
When did De Valera express his public opposition to the Anglo-Irish Treaty?
6th December 1921
When do debates over the Anglo-Irish Treaty begin in the Dail?
14th December 1921
When are private discussions held in the Dail regarding the Anglo-Irish Treaty?
15th-16th December 1921
When did the Dail accept the Anglo-Irish Treaty?
7th January 1922