Art Hum Midterm

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  • Theodore Gericault

  • The Raft of the Medusa

  • 1818-1819

  • The form/structure is a triangle

  • the skin tones are darkening moving up which contrast the colors of the blue sea

    • this helps create a sense of horror, drama, and tension

  • all the living people are eagerly seeking rescue, an aspiration for salvation

  • those on the bottom left are those who have lost hope and are already dead

  • bodies are depicted in great realism

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  • Diego Velazquez

  • Las Meninas

  • 1656

  • tension between observing and being observed

  • piece about perspective

  • subjects in the painting are the ones being observed

  • the king and queen which should be the stars are put in the mirror as small figures

  • it constitutes you as a king or queen as through the mirror since you are looking at it externally - but you are not a king

  • the mirror and door creates a space that recedes - depth illusion

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  • Jeremy Bentham

  • Panopticon

  • 1787

  • works in a way that you never know if you are being watched

  • all cells are facing a guard tower, so the guard can see you but you can’t see them

  • this creates a fear which prevents you to commit crimes

  • a discipline because you are self-regulating because of fear of punishment

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  • circular prison with cells arranged around a central well

  • prisoners can be observed at all times

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  • Parthenon

  • 447 - 432 BCE

  • Architects Iktinos and Kallikrates

  • Overseen by Pheidias

  • Athenian Exceptionalism

  • every metope is carved

  • doric order

  • post-and lintel system

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  • Architect: Mnesikles

  • Propylaia

  • 437 - 432 BCE

  • Acropolis is a site of religious worship

  • bronze statues outside

  • there’s a path that you can take to the statues

  • politics of sequencing

    • power is something that is sequenced

  • ¾ view- don’t get to see entire thing

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  • Architect: Mnesikles

  • Propylaia

  • 437 - 432 BCE

  • physically elevated —> privileged, elevate status

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  • Megaron

  • first architectural program where a series of typologies that architects use to develop a space

  • basic setting for a family’s house

  • in Ancient Greece and the Middle East, architectural form consisting of an open porch, a vestibule, and a large hall with a central hearth and throne

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  • Doric Order

  • simple

  • rigid

  • strength

  • militaristic structure

  • Athens

  • Parthenon exterior - tough on outside

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  • Ionic Order

  • Elaborate

  • Crafty

  • Scrolls

  • intelligence

  • philosophy

  • learning

  • Parthenon interior - intelligent on the inside

  • Columbia

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  • Corinthian order

  • success

  • flourishing

  • Athens

  • Temple of Olympian Zeus

  • Corinthian Capital

  • c. 170

  • NYSE - to support the idea that finance is timeless

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  • Parthenon (447 - 432 BCE)

  • Athens, Acropolis

  • optical refinements

  • the columns incline/tilt inwards and taper in gradual curve, not in a straight line

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  • Parthenon (447-432 BCE)

  • Athens, Acropolis

  • plan of the parthenon

  • domed in two directions to reflect the true state of the temples base

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  • Parthenon (447 - 432 BCE)

  • Athens, Acropolis

  • optical refinements

  • entasis: the slight convexity in the taper of the columns

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  • Parthenon metopes

  • Acropolis, Athens

  • ca. 440 BC

  • Phidias and other artists

  • South Metope 27

  • Centauromachy

  • Humans vs. animals

  • Can see idealized body

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  • continuous ionic frieze

  • 442 - 438 BC

  • part of the parthenon

  • no satisfactory angle for which any human eye could fully appreciate/examine image —> divine viewership

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  • continuous ionic frieze

  • 442 - 438 BC

  • 1m in height

  • 160 m in length

  • relief no deeper than 5-6 cm

  • 114 blocks of pentelic marble

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  • continuous ionic frieze

  • 442-438 BC

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  • amazonomachy

  • mythological battle between ancient greeks and amazons of all female warriors

  • part of the parthenon metopes

  • Acropolis, Athens

  • 447-432 BCE

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  • Gigantomachy

  • fighting giants

  • talking about scale

  • human vs. giants

  • part of parthenon metopes

  • Acropolis, Athens

  • 447 - 432 BCE

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  • Trojan War

  • defining identity between people

  • part of the parthenon metopes

  • Acropolis, Athens

  • 447-432 BCE

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  • west pediment

  • Athena and Poseidon competing for the possession over the land of Attica

  • meant to be read from the top

  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • 438 - 432 BCE

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  • east pediment

  • birth of Athena

  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • 438-432 BCE

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  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • right side of East Pediment

  • Birth of Athena from the head of her father Zeus

  • 447- 432 BCE

  • L to R Hestia, Dione, Aphrodite

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  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • far right side of East Pediment

  • 447 - 432 BCE

  • Right of Hestia, Dione, and Aphrodite

  • head of weary horse pulling the moon goddess Selene’s chariot

  • flaring nostrils and gaping mouth

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  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • left side of East Pediment

  • 447 - 432 BCE

  • only pediment sculpture to survive with head intact

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  • Parthenon, Acropolis, Athens

  • farthest left side of East Pediment

  • 447 - 432 BCE

  • chariot of helios

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  • New York Kouros

  • 590 - 580 BC

  • New York, MET

  • Archaic (more Egyptian)

  • purely conceptual

  • abstract/hieratic idealism: essence over reality

  • “idealized but not in this world”

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  • Kritios Boy

  • 480 BCE

  • Marble

  • Athens, Acropolis Museum

  • Early Classical

  • position of ponderation

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  • Doryphoros Polykleitos

  • 450 - 440 BCE

  • Classical

  • Roman copy of a Greek bronze original
    Naples, National Archaeological Museum

  • Position of contrapposto

  • distribution of weight

  • one leg is straight and the other is relied

  • idealized naturalism: perfected reality

  • signifying that something more familiar to our own experience of bodies in the world

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  • Drunk Old Woman

  • 200 - 180 BCE

  • Roman marble copy of a Greek original Munich, Glyptothek

  • Hellenistic

  • realism and pathos

  • psychology, inflection, pathos, with emotion and eruption

  • quotidian or degraded reality

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  • Laocoon

  • 2nd century BCE - 1st century AD

  • Hellenistic

  • tortuous death Laocoon and his sons by snakes

  • marble

  • clearly defined, exaggerated musculature

  • clenched muscles

  • Laocoon’s face of agony as snake sinks its teeth into his hip

  • right son has expression of sorrow and confusion on his face

  • theatrically and exaggerated realism

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  • Athens, Acropolis

  • Parthenon

  • 447 - 432 BCE

  • Reconstruction of interior of cella

  • demonstrates monumental chryselephantine statue of Athena Parthenon by Phidias

  • made of gold and ivory

  • around 40 ft tall

  • holds Nike (Victory) on right hand as if offering to Athenian citizen

  • outer surfaces of golden drapery

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  • Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • Architect: Robert de Luzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

  • Gothic Architecture

  • the top of building is shaped as a cross - sense of divinity

  • pointed arches, allowing for buildings to be built higher

  • light is key - lighter than romanesque

  • light is being sculpted and brought in, and manipulated and naturalized

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  • Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • Architect: Robert de Ljuzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

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  • ground plan of Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • Robert de Luzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

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  • flying buttress and exterior of Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • Robert de Luzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

  • the actual structural support of the building is being outsourced to the exterior - flying buttress

  • weight falls onto the weight on the outside

  • pointed arches pointing up creates a sense of divinity

  • looking up in the force

  • the scale makes you look small

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  • Nave and tripartite elevation of Notre Dame

  • Robert de Luzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

  • nave - central, large space for congregation

  • tripartite (bottom to top) - arcade (where pointed arches are), triforium, clerestory (stained glass windows are)

  • inside is more open and has space in contrast to dense and opaque outside

  • light is being sculpted and brought in

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What are the tripartite

arcade, triforium, clerestory

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  • quadripartite vaults of Cathedral of Notre-Dame

  • Robert de Luzarches

  • Amiens

  • 1220 - 1269

  • infinite vertical in height (vertical space)

  • create open, airy space with a large central area

  • the Xs on the ceiling

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  • Vierge Doree (Golden Virgen)

  • ca. 1250

  • location: south transept portal

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  • Portals of the Amiens Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • completed between 1225- 1250

  • from L to R, Saint Firmin, Last Judgement, Virgin Mary

  • each portal tells an important christian story

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  • Central Portal: Last Judgment

  • Yellow - archivolts

  • Green - tympanum (divide into registers)

  • Blue - Lintel

  • Light Blue - Jamb Figures - different saints

  • Further down not shaded are quatrefoils (virtues and vices)

  • First Arrow - Apocalyptic Christ w/ two swords coming out of his mouth

  • Second Arrow - Christ the Judge, presiding over the Last Judgement

    • sitting between St. John and Vrigin Mary

  • Third Arrow - Blessing Christ Trumeau

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  • Last Judgement, Amiens Cathedral of Notre-Dame

  • Central Portal

  • Completed Between 1225 -1250

  • sculpted with high degree of realism

  • heavy drapery

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  • West Facade of Amiens Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • 1220 - 1269

  • Quatrefoils: Virtues and Vices

  • presents in pairs

  • Virtues - represented by seated female figures holding shields

  • Vices - narrative scenes

  • suggest to viewer that they can follow life of virtue than life of vice

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  • transverse section of the Amiens Cathedral of Notre Dame

  • 1220 - 1269

  • Robert De Luzarches

  • shows culées which are massive pylons that launch the flying buttresses

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what launches flying buttresses?


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Parthenon vs. Notre Dame Cathedral

  • Parthenon

    • Post and lintel

    • on top of a hill, separate of the city

    • rituals take place outside building

    • pagan gods; pantheistic

  • Notre Dame Cathedral

    • exterior supports: flying buttresses

    • pointed arches

    • rituals take place inside in the nave

    • gothic cathedral within city walls; cathedral is the “hill”

    • christian gods; monotheistic

  • Both

    • have carving of stories on the exterior

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What is the Renaissance?

  • putting classical aesthetics and science of philosophy to the service of the church

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  • Raphael

  • View of the Stanza della Segnatura looking towards School of Athens

  • fresco (1508-1512)

  • in Vatican Palace, Rome

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  • Raphael

  • Disputa (Disputation of the Eucharist)

  • 1509

  • circular so everything around it is building the eye to a climatic point of the central part of the piece

  • the different layers demonstrate a hierarchy

  • meeting of the celestial and terrestrial in the host (eucharist wafer) itself

  • eucharist wafer (bread & wine) held in vessel

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  • Raphael

  • 1509

  • Detail of Dispute

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  • Raphael

  • School of Athens (Philosophy)

  • 1509 - 1510

  • represents all the greatest mathematicians, philosophers and scientists from classical antiquity gathered together haring their ideas and learning from each other

  • all lived at different times but are gathered under one roof

  • Plato and Aristotle in the center

    • Plato points up - idealist

    • Aristotle hand down - realist

  • Michelangelo as Heraclitus the guy who looks depressed on the stairs

  • arches frame the painting

  • formally one of the best pieces of perspective ever made

  • sense of receding space

  • formal composition of it is what we praise it for

  • form is what holds all the inconsistencies together

  • Raphael self portrait in the bottom right corner

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  • cartoon version of the School of Athens

  • Raphael

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  • Perugino

  • Marriage of the Virgin

  • ca. 1500

  • static poses

  • more flattened out

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  • Raphael

  • Marriage of the Virgin

  • 1504

  • more natural, graceful way, frames perspective

  • the door is the vanishing point

  • painting is organized around that door

  • lines implies that it moves into that direction infinitely

  • perspective is about creating an illusion on a 2D flat surface on a receding 3D space

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Perugino vs. Raphael Marriage of the Virgin Comparison

  • Raphael

    • women left men on right

    • more detail

    • deeper perspective

    • perfectly balances grace and humanity

    • movements break the staticity of painting without undermining its harmony and balance

  • Perugino

    • men on left women on right

    • static and posed

    • flat

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  • Filippo Brunelleschi

  • 1387 - 1446

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  • Raphael

  • Entombent/Deposition

  • 1507

  • graceful, nature like movements

  • emotion on faces of pain, sorrow, death

  • contrasting depictions of Jesus Christ compared to works of other artists

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  • Raphael

  • Portrait of Baldassare Castiglione

  • 1514-1515

  • ¾ profile and gaze fixed on the artist

    • we looking at him are outsiders

  • similar to Mona Lisa

  • there is a soft luminescence of light in the background

  • circular forms of the turban

  • sitting on arm chair but cut off hands, which helps focuses attention on the face and intense gaze

  • there is a simplicity of the colors of costume and soft-lit background

  • painted during winter because of fur

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  • Raphael

  • Sistine Madonna

  • 1512-1513

  • Renaissance

  • the two kids sitting on the windowsill are puttis

  • self commenting on the fact that it’s an illusionistic space

  • signifying the allusion of a window

  • there is a classical triangular arrangement

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  • David

  • Michelangelo

  • 1501- 1504

  • Contrapposto

  • way of naturalizing body

  • Michelangelo idealizes himself as an artist

  • Subtractive process from chiseling away from one block of giant marble

  • horizontal and vertical axis is implied that it’s carved from a single block

  • releasing the soul of the block

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  • Michelangelo

  • Sheet with verses and studies for David

  • 1501

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  • Michelangelo

  • Atlas Prisoner

  • 1530-1534

  • demonstrates subtractive sculptural process

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  • Michelangelo

  • The Last Judgement

  • 1534-41

  • fresco, Vatican, Sistine Chapel

  • disegno: all different bodies hold their own space

    • all radiate own center, as if they are all on their own sheet of paper

  • relates to aesthetic bodies

  • the face of the flayed skin that St. Bartholomew holds is a self-portrait

  • top - those who go to heaven

  • bottom - those who go to hell

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  • Michelangelo

  • Creation of Man

  • 1508-1512

  • Michelangelo is about the divine spark

  • the spark that helps you become divine, creating life

  • the fact that the two peopler not touching demonstrates a heavy desire

  • idealized body of Adam

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  • Michelangelo

  • Pieta

  • 1498-1500

  • idealized

  • emphasizes mourning of Mary

  • there is draping of the body to disguise her exact proportions

    • helps convince audience of how she can hold a grown man in her lap

  • anatomy of christ still preserved

    • much more emaciated in anonymous pieta

  • Christ position similar to Raphael, Entombment

  • this one is more placid, serene, strong face of Mary compared to the anonymous Pieta w/ extreme emotions

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What are some key characteristics of Sofonisba?

  • strong female artist in Renaissance

  • signed her work as Virgo

  • Feminism

  • Signifies Virginity

  • did many portraits

  • cares about posture and how it signifies class relations

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  • Michelangelo

  • Cleopatra

  • 1530

  • a gift to men he was attracted to

  • not an idealized man like David for when he was commissioned

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  • Sofinisba

  • Portrait of Amilcare, Minerva, and Asdrubale Anguissola

  • 1559

  • collection of different postures

  • the family is a unit

  • produces an enclosure of family

  • a unit that builds a family

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  • Sofonisba

  • The Chess Game

  • 1555

  • the three girls are not looking at the chess board

  • Game of chess creates inside and outside

    • what’s happening in the game vs. what is not happening in the game

  • Feminism

    • chess is a game of strategy and intellect often associated with upper echelons of society and men

  • a lot of different textures with jewelry, necklaces, headbands, gold chains, etc.

  • far left girl returning our gaze as if we are interrupting the scene

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  • Sofonisba

  • Boy Bitten by a Crayfish

  • 1554

  • her relation to Michelangelo

  • knew each other, wrote letters to each other

  • Michelangelo was originally shown her drawing of a laughing girl and said crying boy would be more difficult

    • so sent this

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  • Sofonisba

  • Portrait of Massimiliano Stampa, Marquess of Soncino

  • 1557

  • exploding hot dog

    • she’s critical

    • demonstrating artificiality

  • body and posture and how it relates to class relations

  • eyes are disproportionate, unnatural

  • the boy’s posture demonstrates

    • body is upper middle class

    • not royalty but is of higher echelon

  • the hand on the left holding silk gloves — status

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  • Sofonisba

  • Self-Portrait at the Easel

  • 1556

  • her gaze creates inside vs. outside, as we are the outsiders looking in watching her paint, she stares out at us, like we are an imposition, interrupting her work

  • she is dressed modestly and simply

  • and demonstrates versatility through both as a portrait and sacred art of Virgin Mary and Jesus

  • demonstrates ability to work with both light and shadow

  • Sofonisba reproduces herself

  • she’s just focusing on her body and not projecting an ideal fantasy

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What is the Baroque?

  • grandiosity, the counter-reformation

  • pushed against censorship of the reformation which is the motive that is creating all of these works

  • allegory

    • story that says something larger than itself

    • disruptive

  • always diagonal

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  • Bernini

  • David

  • 1623

  • diagonal

  • additive, not carved from single block

  • put together with struts, flaunting the ideal of illusionism

  • in the midst of action with more emotion on his face

    • lips pursed -tension

    • focused and determined

  • does not see the enemy, there is a blind spot in the narrative

  • folds because look through curved space and implies infinite

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  • Bernini

  • Apollo and Daphne

  • 1622-25

  • during midst of action

  • mixing the real and representational

  • splitting the senses

    • sees flesh of Daphne but feels the tree bark

  • angle of approach

    • from back of Apollo to daphne’s bark and body

    • demonstrating to audience witnessing the transformation

  • flaunting illusionism, doesn’t care about realism

  • polished white stone a certain way that implied color

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  • Bernini

  • Ecstasy of St. Theresa

  • 1647-52

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  • Bernini

  • Ecstasy of St. Theresa

  • 1647-1652

  • sculpture but oriented as a painting

    • read whole space like you are looking at a painting

  • additive

  • exploding singular block/medium

  • diagonal

  • folds that demonstrate infinite

    • could be seen as flowing upwards and visual evidence of levitation

  • Connect the foot hand and face to create naked body underneath the folds

    • more sexualized and erotic charge

    • foot fetish, curling of the toes

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  • Cornaro Chapel where the Ecstasy of St. Theresa is located

  • 1647-52

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  • Bernini

  • Piazza before St. Peter’s Basilica

  • 1656-1667

  • circular space always about holy space

  • trapezoid brings the church up front

  • Doric Columns are set one floor lower than the actual church to make the church look bigger

  • Although slightly different, playing with optical effects same way as Parthenon

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  • Bernini

  • piazza before St. Peter’s Basilica

  • 1656-1667

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  • Bernini

  • Piazza before St. Peter’s Basilica

  • 1656 - 1667

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  • Bernini

  • The Baldacchino

  • 1624 - 1633

  • bronze canopy that created illusion of of cloth which speaks to Bernini’s belief in illusionism

  • combined baroque elements

  • gigantic twisted columns

  • sculpture in center similar to ecstasy of st. Theresa where read sculpture like painting

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  • Luisa Roldan

  • St. Michael and the Devil

  • c. 1692

  • Spanish baroque is continuation of what is happening of medieval times

  • Baroque

  • because intricate details, character, emotions

  • Exaggerated colors

  • sense of hierarchy where saint stomping on devil

  • pieces meant to be moved around in contrast to Bernini’s where people move around the piece

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  • Luisa Roldan

  • St. Michael and the Devil

  • 1692

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  • Detail of St. Michael and the Devil

  • 1692

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  • Luisa Roldán

  • Jesus Carrying the Cross

  • 1692-1700

  • different elements

  • robe, chain, slab of wood

  • emphasized Jesus’s humanity

  • connecting human to god

  • personal pain

  • you can see the glory from far away with the gold from the robe, but the gory and pain bits can be only seen up close

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  • Luisa Roldán

  • The Ecstasy of Mary Magdalene

  • 1690

  • diagonal

  • color

  • private devotional object - something you would have in your room and you would pray

  • putti adds angelic spirit

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