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Carrying capacity
(k) The Highest amount of population a evironment can hold before it reaches
Graph is ________ if the line is going up
Carrying capacity is based off of
Food ,Water ,Habitat , (Is not constant)
When a population briefly exceeds carrying capacity
Consequence of overshoot
Resource competition
Size (N)
Total # of individuals in a given area at a given time
number of individuals/area (EX: 12 panthers/km^2)
how individuals in pop are spaced out compared to each other
Types of distribution
Random (trees)
Uniform (territorial animals)
Clumped (herd/group animals)
Sex ratio
ratio of males to females
Closer to 50:50
More ideal for breeding (usually)
Total fertility rate
total fertility rate meaning
avg number of children a women in a population will bear throughout her lifetime
Higher TFR =
higher birth rate, higher population growth rate (generally)
What is replacement level fertility?
The total fertility rate (TFR) required to offset deaths in a population and keep the population size stable.
What is the typical replacement level fertility in developed countries?
Around 2.1 children per woman, which is the replacement rate for mom and dad.
Why is replacement level fertility higher in less developed countries?
It is higher in less developed countries due to the higher infant mortality rates.
infant mortality rate
Factors in IMR decline
Access to clean water
Access to healthcare (hospitals , vaccines , vitamins & supplements for moms and babies)
More reliable food supply
Factors that affect TFR
Age of 1st pregnancy
Educational opportunities
Family planning
Government policies
Human Population is affected by
Natural factors
Societal factors
Economic factors
Density independent factors
storms , fire , heat waves , drought tornados
Density Dependent factors
disease , territory size , food availability , access to clean air and water
How does a higher Total Fertility Rate (TFR) affect population growth?
It leads to a higher birth rate.
How can a high infant mortality rate impact population growth?
It can drive up the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) due to replacement children.
What effect does high immigration levels have on population growth?
It increases the population size.
How does increased access to clean water and healthcare affect population growth?
It decreases the death rate, contributing to population growth.
Factors that decrease pop growth
High Death rate and IMR
Increased development (education & affluence)
Increased education for women
Delayed age of first child.
Malthusian theory (What Malthus theorized)
Earth has a human carrying capacity , prob based on food production
Human population growth is happening faster than growth of food production
Humans will reach a carrying capacity limited by food
What are some characteristics of Stage 1 in the demographic transition model?
High infant mortality rate & death rate due to lack of access to clean water, stable food supply, and health care
High total fertility rate due to lack of access to education and contraceptives
Need for child labor in agriculture
Little to no population growth due to high crude birth rate & crude death rate balancing each other out
Countries in this stage have low GDP and have not yet transitioned from agrarian to industrial economies
What is the typical economic status of countries in Stage 1 of the demographic transition model?
Very poor with virtually no country currently in this phase
What are the effects of modernization in Stage 2 of demographic transition?
Access to clean water, healthcare, stable food supply, declining IMR & CDR
Why does the Total Fertility Rate (TFR) remain high in Stage 2 of demographic transition?
Lack of education for women & contraceptives, need for child agricultural labor, generational lag
What factors contribute to rapid population growth in Stage 2 of demographic transition?
High Crude Birth Rate (CBR) and declining Crude Death Rate (CDR)
What are some economical and societal indicators in Stage 2 of demographic transition?
Low per capita GDP, shorter life expectancy, high infant mortality, high TFR, low literacy rate & school life expectancy for girls
What are some factors contributing to the decline in Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in Stage 3 of industrial development?
More educational opportunities for women, delayed age of marriage and first child, access to family planning and contraceptives
What are some economic and societal indicators in Stage 3 of industrial development?
Higher per capita GDP, long life expectancy, low infant mortality, near replacement level TFR (2.1), high literacy rate, and increased school life expectancy for all
What are the characteristics of Stage 4 - Post-industrial countries?
Highly modernized, affluent, with declining Total Fertility Rate (TFR) due to increased wealth and focus on education and career, leading to widespread use of family planning and contraception.
What are some economic and societal indicators of Stage 4 - Post-industrial countries?
Very high per capita GDP, longest life expectancy, TFR below replacement level, highest contraceptive use rates, and the potential for the older population to become a tax burden.
Growth rate ( r ) =
% increase in a population (usually per year)
EX: a growth rate of 5% for a population of 100 means they grow to 105
Calculating GROWTH RATE ( r ) -
Doubling time
The time it takes (years) for a population to double
Doubling time equation =
% of growth rate
EX: global growth rate = 1.2%
70/1.2 = 58.3 years
Population density equation =
Birth rates equations
------- x 100
Births per 1000
------- x 100
Death Rates equation
------- x 100
Deaths per 1000
------- x 100
Population growth rate equation (without CDR&CBR)
------------------ x 100
Growth rate with migration factored
(births + immigration) - (deaths + emigration) / total population x 100