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This foreign king carried the Jews to Babylon
Medes and Persians
This kingdom conquered the Babylonian Kingdom
Which of the following was a king from the Medo-Persian Empire?
This kingdom brought an end to the Medo-Persian world dominance:
Alexander the Great
which leader's death caused his world empire to be split between four generals?
this empire was in control of Judea during the time of Christ
which Jewish family led a revolt against the Greeks?
which Caesar was leading the Roman Empire when Christ was born?
Antiochus Epiphanes
this leader sacrificed a pig in the temple
the bringing of Greek culture to another nation is called what?
who was Matthew's primary audience?
who was Mark's primary audience?
who was Luke's primary audience?
who was John's primary audience?
King of the Jews
how does Matthew present Jesus to his audience?
busy servant
how does Mark present Jesus to his audience?
Perfect Son of Man
how does Luke present Jesus to his audience?
to which specific person did Luke write?
what are the first three gospels called collectively?
what is the area called that is "beyond Jordan"?
how many parables does John provide in his gospel
what region north of Judea was considered "unclean" by the Jews?
John's gospel emphasizes Jesus' time in Galilee
people and discourses
John's gospel focused on
changing water to wine
which miracle was Christ's first?
Matthew and John
which two gospel writers were disciples/apostles as well?
John 11:25
what verse says, "I am the Resurrection"?
Sermon on the Mount
what discourse proved that Christ's authority was superior to Moses?
in what region was Jesus raised?
John 6:1-14
the feeding of the 5,000 is found in what verses?
doctrinal, dispensational, and practical
what is the outline for the book of Romans?
written from Corinth during Paul's second missionary journey
when and where was Romans written?
Romans 1:16-17
what is the theme verse for Romans?
righteousness of God
what is the major theme for Romans?
the wrath of God toward those who sin; the grace of God toward those who believe
God's righteousness is revealed in what two ways?
heathen, hypocrite, and hebrew
what three people groups are guilty in chapters 1-3 in Romans? (God's justice)
declared righteous
what is justification?
satisfactory payment
what is propitiation?
reckoning men as righteous by crediting them with the righteousness of Christ and declaring men to be righteous on the basis of this reckoning
what are the two themes of God's justification in chapters 4-5
justification, sanctification, and glorification
what are the 3 stages of "salvation"?
new position, new person, new adoption, new hope, new prayer helper, new confidence, and new destiny
what are the 7 assurances of salvation?
God is sovereign over his plan for Israel; salvation is offered to all who believe; Israel's unbelief has resulted in blessings to the Gentiles; God has not cast them off forever
what are the 4 things that happened in chapters 9-11 in the national portion?
to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice; do not be conformed to this world; be transformed by the renewing of your mind
what are the 3 things to the practical portion of Romans in chapters 12-16?
are ye and you plural or personal?
are thee and thou plural or personal?