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Prenatal stages before birth
Study of function and fustructure of tissue, micro level
Prenatal development
Three trimesters and three periods
Most critical time, starts brain heart stomodeum
Less vulnerable period of growth and maturation
Primary embryonic layers
Ectoderm outer, mesoderm middle, endoderm inner
Enamel Oregon
Dental papilla
Lining of organs
primitive mouth
First branchial arch
Forms, mandibular, lower jaw, muscles of mastication, secondary plate, canines, and posterior teeth of maxilla
Second branchial arch
Forms part of bone, neck, and muscle muscles of facial expression
Frontal nasal process
Upper face forehead, bridge of nose, philtrum, primary palate, fore incisor teeth
Weeks 5 to 12
Nasal cavity is separated from the plate, preventing clefts
Tooth formation
Developmental disturbances
Genetic from parents and environmental, drugs, and alcohol
Anatomic crown
What you see in mouth fixed enamel over Denton and crown
Clinical crown
Changes overtime as gingiva recedes
cementoenamel junction - where cementum of the root meets the enamel of the crown ,
dentinoenamel junction-where dentin meets enamel
taper to end of apex
apical foramen
holes in the apex
alveolar crest
Height of alveolar process
Socket space of individual apartment where teeth live and alveolar process
Oral mucosa lining
Inside cheeks, soft, not attached a bone
oral mucosa masticatory
Attached gingiva to bone
oral mucosa specialized
Taste and tongue
Shedding of primary teeth
Bone is reabsorbed or taken away- osteoclasts
Bone is deposited or made - osteoblasts
Present in the atomic crown, but not in the root
Enamel prisms/rods
Teardrop shaped head and tell classified structures grow layer upon layer
enamel tufts
Grow up from DEG 1/3 into enamel hypoclassified
enamel Lamella
Leaf like growing down from surface toward DEG organic
strait of rezuis
incremental lines from growth of enamel
ends of odontoblastic cells of DEJ
Structure loss in the process of dental decay in enamel
ameloblasts that form enamel die once enamel is made
interprismatic substance
In between the enamel, prisms weaker and we can etch it to bond materials, such as sealants or composite
Neonatal line
Shock line at birth
Mantle Dentin
Stays on top closest to enamel
circumpulpal Dentin
Layer of Dentin surrounding the pulp
Thicker area of Dentin around the tubes
interttubular Dentin
Between the tubes
Secondary Dentin
After completion of foramen makes pulp size shrink as it grows
tertiary Dentin=reparative dentin
In response to injury or trauma grows more in irregular pattern than primary/secondary
Dentinal tubules
30 000 tube like structures in 1 mm of exposed Denton
odontoplatic process
Extension of the cells that are living along pulpal wall
Sensory nerve
Reason it feels like a live tissue
dentinal hypersensitivity
When denting gets exposed from loss of enamel and loss of cementum
radicular pulp
in the roots
coronal pulp
In the crown
Inflammation of the pulp
apical foramen
Wider opening as tooth develops and narrows as the tooth forms Apex
Pulp stones-masses of Denton attached or unattached to pulp wall
anchors tooth
sharpies fibers in PDL attach tooth to laminate dura
cementoenamel junction where enamel of the crown ends and cementum on the roots start
Primary dentin
Cervical half of root developed slow slowly overtime as route is forming
Secondary dentin
Cellular grows more towards apical part of tooth post eruption thicker layer
Overgrown cementum helps retain tooth in socket, but makes it hard to extract it
cement spurs
at or near CEJ spheres of cementum hard to tell if it is calculus or not