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What we were born with
Environment you are around and the people
Neurological development
Importance for nature and nurture, brain has all neurons by 6 months, development proceeds with most basic to high level functions
Early cognitive development includes
Sensation, perception, cognition and language, and motor
Early cognitive development: Sensation
Sensory system functioning at birth (seeing, hearing, touch, taste, smell), touch is earliest to develop, neonates most attentive to mild stimulation, by 2 months babies can attend, and babies experience habituation to familiar stimuli
Early cognitive development: Perception-Auditory
Newborns can discriminate durations, loudness, phonemes, and consonants. Babies learn prosodic features, syallable structure and phonotactic organization of native language. By 7-8 months, children can discriminate imitation patterns and store words. By 8-10 months, it’s an important period of network building and growth…..babies brains taking data.
Early cognitive development: Perception-Visual
Perceive human face, soon recognize moms face and expressions, can respond to a smile, and recall imagine with presentation of stimuli
Cognition- brain structure
Neurons aren’t distributed randomly (some clustered densely, some not), early on brain structure is similar across people, changes in response to stimulation
Ability of the brain to reorganize
Critical or sensitive periods, experience matters
Cognitive structures used to process incoming information, organize
Mental map
Complex web of linked information
What needs to happen in order for language to be learned?
Organization, memory, and equilibrium
Learning- rehearsal
Repeated exposure
Learning- integrative rehearsal
Rehearse that you are integrating as you do it….ex: reading on topic before the lecture
Speech perception
Infants perceive and can discriminate pitch, duration, and loudness levels. Can also identify phonotactic probabilities
Motor control
Neonates-reflexive movements/sounds
2 months old-quasi resonant nuclei (cooing, not full vowel sounds, very effort-full)
4 months old- sustained laughter, more control over articulations
5 months- full resonant nuclei (oo, ah sounds)
6 months- babbling, pout, lips closed when chewing, increased tongue control
8-9 months- echolaia (repetition), jargon, understand some words and actions
Two types of babbling
Reduplicating and Verigated
Roles of caregiver techniques: phasing
Parents monitor to know when to interact with child
Roles of caregiver techniques: Adaptive
Talking slower, repeating, and analyzing behavior
Roles of caregiver techniques: Facilitative
Make everything accessible for the child
Roles of caregiver techniques: Elaborative
Talking about what the baby is doing and building on it
Roles of caregiver techniques: Initiating
Directing kids attention…ex: pointing
Roles of caregiver techniques: Control
Telling child what to do