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the evolutionary history and relationship of an organism or group of organisms
phylogenetic tree
is a diagram used to reflect evolutionary relationships among organisms or groups of organisms (they are hypothesis because we will fully know their extent)
branch point
the point where a split occurs, and represents where a single lineage evolved into a distinct new one due to the environment.
The 3 types of phylogenetic trees
Y- Branching, Box, and Circular
means that events occurred in the simplest, most obvious way (with the fewest changes)
a most recent common ancestor (MRCA) and all of its descendants
Most Recent Common Ancestor
Sister Taxa
two species or clades that are each other’s closest relatives on a given tree
shared traits that came from a common ancestor due to the similarities
Practice Question (Parismony) - Which tree below is most parsimonious (has the maximum parsimony)?
Tree #1
Practice Question (MRCA) - Which node shows the MRCA of gorilla and human?
According to this tree, the closest relatives (sister taxa) of gorillas are
Humans + chimpanzees + bonobos
Practice Question (Sister Taxa) - On the phylogeny below, the sister taxon of SARS 5 + 6 + 7 is SARS
Practice Question (Sister Taxon) - On the phylogeny below, the sister taxon of SARS 5 is SARS
6 + 7 + 8
Practice Question (MRCA) - On the phylogeny below, which node (A-F) shows the MRCA of SARS 5 and SARS 7?
Practice Question (MRCA) - On the phylogeny below, which node (A-F) shows the MRCA of SARS 2 and SARS 5?
Practice Question (MRCA) - Which letter (A-E) shows the MRCA of platypus and elephant?
Ancestral Trait
old trait that came before
Derived Trait
new trait that came after
Ancestral vs. Derived traits are
Practice Question (Traits) - For (modern) humans and Neanderthals, knuckle walking is _____, and bipedal walking is ____.
Ancestral ; Derived
Practice Question (Traits) - For marsupials, live birth is a(n) ___ trait and a pouch is a(n) ___ trait.
Ancestral ; Derived
Practice Question (Traits) - For the platypus lineage (branch), hair is a(n) ___ trait and an amniote egg is a(n) ___ trait.
Derived ; Ancestral
Practice Question (Traits) - Four limbs are ____ for Tetrapods and ____ for Reptiles.
Derived ; Ancestral
Practice Question (Traits) - Vertebrae are ____ for Tetrapods and _____ for Vertebrates.
Ancestral ; Derived
a shared, derived trait
3 questions to determine them
1) Homology? are they shared
2) Derived ? is it a new trait
3) Unique ? are the traits unique to the organism or group
Practice Question (Synapomorphies) - Synapomorphies of mammals most clearly include
Milk and mammary glands
shared character not inherited from a common ancestor
Practice Question (Shared Traits) - A bottlenose dolphin can recognize itself in a mirror. Self-recognition is a ______ for great apes, and a ______ for dolphins & great apes.
Homology ; Homoplasy
Practice Question (shared traits) - A skeleton and four limbs is a ____ for animals and a ____ for brush-footed
Homoplasy ; Homology
Practice Question (Shared Traits) - An clear, unambiguous synapomorphy of tetrapods is
4 bony limbs
closely related taxon with ancestral traits
A useful outgroup for building the entire tree of mammals + reptiles would be
Assume this tree is complete. Compared to the chimp + bonobo clade, its sister human clade has been
(B) and (C)
According to this tree of African apes
Homo erectus and H. sapiens could have met in Africa
A node on a phylogeny where more than two lineages descend from a single ancestor
According to this tree, a clear synapomorphy of reptiles is
when a group includes a most recent common ancestor and ALL of it’s descendants
when a group includes a most recent common ancestor and some of its descendants
groups that share traits however they have a different most recent common ancestor
Parasitic Plants (those in blackshow) are show to be what type of group ?
According to the phylogeny below, Australopithecus is ____phyletic and Homo is ____phyletic.
Para ; Mono
Beetles that are not herbivorous are
Beetles that feed on flowering plants are
Beetles that feed on cone-bearing plants are
HIV is
The phylogeny of the SARS virus below suggests that the original host of SARS was most likely
On the phylogeny below, the clade of SARS 2, 3, and 4 most clearly
is not resolved
a type of phylogenetic tree where the branch lengths signify evolutionary change
Big Bang
theory on how the universe expanded from a single point of high density and temperature
they are early stars made from dust and gas
Practice Question (Life’s Origins) - In general, the evolution of new types of plants is associated with ____ in O2 concentration and ____ in CO2 concentration
Rise ; Fall
Practice Question (Life’s Origins) - The evolution of giant insects is associated with ____ in O2 concentration and ____ in CO2 concentration
Rise ; Fall
Big 3 Metapatterns
Genetic Information
Metabolism (Chemical Reaction)
Genes First Hypothesis
States that life began from self replicating RNA.
Metabolism First Hypothesis
States that life began from chemical reactions placing them before genetic material
Lipids first hypothesis
States life began from self-assembling structures.
Practice Question (Early Earth) - Compared to volcanic vents, snowball Earth would have _____ energy available for chemical synthesis, and organic molecules that formed would be ____ stable.
Less; More
Practice Question (Origins of Life) - "Intelligent design" (creationism) is not a scientific hypothesis because it is not
Last Universal Common Ancestor
Luca Hypothesis
Non Cell
Proto - Cell
Practice Question (Origins of Life) - This hypothesis suggests that the LUCA was
a protocell
3 domains of life
According to this tree, which are sister taxa?
Archaea and Eukarya
Practice Question (Bio Classification) - What Plant is this ?
Practice Question ( Virus Size) - A typical virus (e.g. T4 phage) is about ____ times smaller than your fingernail.
HIV Virus
All Have :
Genome (RNA or DNA)
Capsid (protein)
Some Have :
Envelope (membrane)
Envelope Proteins
All Have :
Capsid (protein)
Some Have :
Envelope (membrane)
Envelope Proteins
Tobacco mosaic virus
All Have :
Genome (RNA or DNA)
Capsid (Protein)
How did viruses originate
3 possible theories
Virus first - came before cells
Progressive - escape from proto-cells
Regressive - degenerate cells
The Virus world is mostly a version of the _____ hypothesis for the origin of viruses
Practice Question (Bacteria) - A synapomorphy of Spirochetes would most likely be
B. Particular DNA Sequences
Gram Positive vs. Gram Negative Bacteria
Gram Positive
Thick Wall
1 membrane
Gram Negative
Thin wall
2 membranes : outer and inner
Practice Question (Bacteria) - Given that the bacterial cell wall is an open mesh of fibers and membranes are selectively permeable, which type of bacteria do you predict would be more resistant to antibiotics?
Gram Negative
Are viruses alive
evidence that they aren’t :
they are non cellular
they have no metabolism
many crystalline outside of host
evidence that they are :
they have DNA or RNA
they can replicate , mutate , and evolve
Prokaryotes Internal Membranes
Increases surface area for metabolism
The 3 methods of genetic recombination by horizontal gene transfer, in bacteria
Bacterial Diversity : Shape
Bacteria can come in different forms such as :
Spheres (coccus)
Rods (bacillus)
or Corkscrew (spirillum)
Bacterial Diversity : Size
Bacteria can also come in different sizes : either microscopic , or big enough that they are visible to the naked human eye.
Multicellular Bacteria
is a single species
division of labor
some cells give up reproduction
examples include Actinobacteria and fruiting bodies of proteobacteria
a type of bacteria that is of mixed species and can be found in many places such as :
soil & desert crusts
ocean, shores, streams
tree trunks and branches
water pipes
on and in other organism
Practice Question (Bacteria) - Based on the criteria given, which are multicellular?
Both (B) and (C)
Practice Question (Metabolism) - A soil bacterium that gets its energy and electrons from oxidizing NH4, and its carbon from CO2 would be a:
Practice Question (Phylogenetic Trees) - This tree is a ____, and it shows that most bacterial & archaeal diversity is known from
Phylogram ; DNA only
Practice Question (Phylogenetic Trees) - In this tree, Bacteria ____ sister to Archaea + Eukarya , and Archaea are ____.
are ; paraphyletic
similar morphology to bacteria , however differ in
• gene expression
• cell structure
unique membrane phospholipids
unique crystal protein wall
unique flagella
Some archaea are thermophiles, a type of extremophile.
meaning they grow best and thrive in very high temperatures , but can in general be found anywhere such as oceans, soil, animal guts and even our skin.
Why are plants and other organisms green ?
They have pigments and when the light hits them , what is reflected back is the color we see (green leaves as an example). All other colors are absorbed.
Absorbtion Spectrum
shows which colors absorb more than others , a low absorption level signifies a higher reflection and therefore a color we can see.
Practice Question (Color Absorption) - The absorption spectrum of the dominant pigment in this leaf is most likely ?
What is the name of this process ?
Practice Question (Photosynthesis) - A tree’s wood (mass) comes mostly from
D. CO2
Global Warming & Plan Growth
Global Warming increases photosynthesis but also increases respiration thereby decreasing the growth potential of plants
Practice Question (Plant Growth) - According to the results shown, a tomato plant will grow best at about ____, and will stop growing at about ____.
75°F ; 95° F
Global Warming & Food Security
CO2 enrichment, but there is a nutrient limitation on photosynthesis
Plants grow more, but incorporate less nutrients
Insects grow faster, and are hungrier , eating more plants than usual
Less nutritious food & more crop losses
(mostly) microbial eukaryotes
Eukaryotic Cell
main difference between prokaryotes is they have organelles surrounded by membrane
Sex in unicellular eukaryotes
1) mating of + and - genes
2) fertilization
Practice Question (Unicellular Eukaryotes) - What is sex ?
(B) Combining whole genomes
(C) Separating combined genomes
(D) Genetic recombination
Eukaryotic Flagella
presence is not informative, homoplasious for phylogeny
morphology can be homologous