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Learning Health Skills
Specific tools and strategies to maintain, protect, and improve all aspects of your health
You share your ideas and feelings and listen carefully when others express theirs
You say no to unhealthy behaviors
Conflict Resolution
You resolve problems with others in healthy way
Accessing Influences
You locate valid sources of health information, products, and services
Analyzing Influences
You understand the many influences on your health, including peers, family, culture, media, and technology
Practicing Healthful Behaviors
You act to reduce risks and protect yourself against illness and injury
Stress Management
You use healthy strategies to reduce and manage stress in your life
You work to improve your own health and the health of your family and community; taking action to influence others to address a health-related concern or to support a health-related belie
Decision Making
You use a step-by-step process to evaluate your options and make healthy choices
Goal Setting
You set goals and develop a plan to achieve them
“I” Messages
Expressing your feelings in a way that focuses on your emotions instead of blame on the other person
Refusal Skills
Communication strategies that can help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe or unhealthful, or that go against your values
Steps to the Decision-Making Process
Steps that enable you to make a healthful decision
HELP Strategy
H (Healthful): Does this choice present any health risks?
E (Ethical): Does this choice reflect what you value?
L (Legal): Does this option violate any local, state, or federal laws?
P (Parent Approval): Would your parents or guardians approve of this choice?
SMART Goal Setting
Specific: Identify your reasons for wanting to achieve this goal
Measurable: Determine how long it will take you to achieve the goal
Attainable: Be honest with yourself. Are you capable of attaining the goal?
Relevant: Does the goal help you achieve something that is relevant to you?
Timely: What is your timeframe for achieving the goal? What is your action plan to meet that deadline?
Long Term Goal
A goal that you plan to reach over an extended period
Short Term Goal
A goal that you can reach in a short period of time
Action Plan
A multi-step strategy to identify and achieve your goals
Health Team Members
Consumer Health
Shopping smart to make choices about health products and services
Health Consumer
Someone who purchases or uses health products or services
A written or spoken media message designed to interest consumers in purchasing a product or service
Comparison Shopping
Judging the benefits of different products by comparing several factors, such as quality, features, and cost
A company's or a store's written agreement to repair a product or refund your money if the product does not function properly
Consumer Advocates
People or groups whose sole purpose is to take on regional, national, and even international consumer issues
Failure by a health professional to meet accepted standards
Health Fraud
People or groups whose sole purpose is to take on regional, national, and even international consumer issues