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Communication is derived from the Greek word "to make common"
More communication is always better than less communication
The classical figure who exerted the most influence on persuasive speaking was...
There is evidence to support the idea that "Great communicators are born, not made"
Technologies of mass communication have been around for centuries
All of the above
The following is an example of a communication situation that typically evokes some anxiety in most individuals:
- A) talking to someone of the opposite sex
- B) attending a party
- C) attempting to sell our ideas or experiences as in a job interview
- A & C only
- all of the above
B & C only
Most of our communication skills are learned through imitation and we know the profound impact that our environment has on our communication skills (or lack of) buy analyzing the _____ case study
- A) Roger and Louie
- B) Genie
- C) The Wild Boy of Aveyron
- B & C only
- All of the above
Flood yourself with the actual experience that causes anxiety
One strategy mentioned in this lesson, which has been shown to help communicators manage anxiety and fear includes...
Force yourself to attend and either ask a question or interject information or an opinion during a meeting with a fairly large group. This could be a face-to-face class, PTA or PTO meeting, business and / or professional meeting, religious or community-type meeting, etc.
You have thoroughly analyzed yourself and found that your area of vulnerability is public speaking; however, you are convinced of the value of improving your skills and are ready to begin. In order to do so you should....
All of the above
One suggestion for increasing the self-esteem mentioned in this lesson includes:
- A) setting your own standards for evaluating yourself
- B) setting realistic goals
- C) eliminating negative self-talk
- A & B only
- All of the above
Is this the way I would want to be treated by others?
Though there are several guidelines mentioned in this lesson to aid us in the ethical decision-making process, the Golden Rule Standard forces us to ask this question
A & C only
Because organizations have their own cultures, and, therefore, must have well-established moral standards in order to survive and thrive, Texas Instruments teaches its employees to make ethical decisions based, in part, on the following criteria:
- A) Legal? If not, then they shouldn't do it
- B) Behavior should be consistent with their religious organizations guidelines
- C) Will you feel bad if you do to? If so, then it is probably wrong
- A & C only
- All of the above
Ethical relativism
The awareness and acceptance that different societies have different moral beliefs
Could our society continue to function if everyone acted in this fashion?
Though there are several guidelines mentioned in this lesson to aid us in the ethical decision making process, the Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative forces us to ask this question
Standards of right and wrong, usually in terms of someones rights
After reading this lesson, which of the following most effectively describes the basis for making sound, ethical decisions?
- A) Feelings that tell us what is right or wrong
- B) Religious beliefs
- C) Standards of right or wrong, usually in terms of someones rights
- D) The law
- E) Based on what society accepts
All of the above
What role does self-disclosure play in our communication with others?
- A) Self disclosure results in self-knowledge
- B) Self disclosure increased communication effectiveness
- C) Self disclosure promotes good health
- Both A & B
- All of the above
Both A & B
Who is the presenting self created to please?
- A) The self
- B) Significant others
- C) Coworkers
- Both A & B
- All of the above
Open communicators
Which type of communicator is most effective in facilitating communication?
Discloses excessively, without regard for feedback
What are the characteristics of the blind communicator?
The self-concept is subjective
Perceived self
The kind of person you believe yourself to be is referred to as the
Presenting self
The face you try to show to others is referred to as the
Presenting self
The _____ is the person we choose to be because we think it is the person others expect us to be
The senses
Which of the following are physiological factors, which shape perception?
- A) Culture
- B) Society
- C) The senses
- D) Media
- All of the above
All of the above
We tend to notice stimuli in our environment that are"
- A) Intense
- B) Unique
- C) Contrasting or changing
- All of the above
All of the above
Which of these statements can be made about perceptual schema?
- A) They encourage students to think about and understand their perceptions
- B) They are cognitive frameworks that facilitate the categorization of data we learn about others
C) They include 5 constructs, which represent the primary ways we perceive others
D) All of the above
Selection --> organization --> interpretation
The stages in the perception process are...
All of the above
Our perceptions are sometimes distorted because of:
- A) Defending our own positions
- B) Physiological and psychological noise
- C) Ignoring the fact that people are different
- D) Personal needs and biases
- E) All of the above
Our perception of a person, object, or event depends more upon the person, object or event than it depends on the mind of the observer
We tend to assume others are like us
We are influenced by what is most obvious
We cling to first impressions
All of the above
We tend to not express our emotions effectively because:
- A) Social roles
- B) The inability to recognize emotions
- C) Fear of self-disclosure
- D) All of the above
Intensity and duration
Two things that distinguish facilitative emotions from debilitative emotions are
All of the above
Win-win problem solving is seldom used because:
- A) There is a lack of awareness of it
- B) Emotional reflexes prevent constructive solutions
- C) It requires both peoples cooperation
- D) Both A & B
- E) All of the above
All of the above are true
All of the following are true about conflict except:
- A) Conflict is natural
- B) All relationships experience conflict
- C) Conflict can be beneficial
- D) Conflict draws our attention to the need for change in a relationship
- E) All of the above are true
Contribute to effective communication
Facilitative emotions:
- A) Make others feel good
- B) Make you feel good
- C) Inhibit effective communication
- D) Contribute to effective communication
- E) All of the above
Which stage of group development is characterized by conflict?
It draws attention to the unsatisfied needs of the people involved in the communication
Why is conflict essential in communication?
All of the above
Why do some people hate group work?
- A) because they have not been trained to communicate effectively in groups
- B) Because equal participation among group members is unlikely
- C) all of the above
- D) None of the above
Forming --> Storming --> Norming --> Performing
What sequence of stages do groups move through their development?
Both A & B
How are the types of group communication defined?
- A) Groups are defined by purpose
- B) Groups are defined by the number of people in them
- C) Groups are defined by the types of people who join them
- D) Both A & B
- E) All of the above
Circle diagram
Mostly found in small group communication, this pattern has no designated leader
Star diagram
This pattern suggests that members strive to communicate equally with each other
Y diagram
Associated with large group communication, this patterns allows for quick problem solving
Wheel diagram
What is the most effective of all small group communication patterns with a central leader
Chain diagram
The larger this pattern the more likely the message content will be lost in transmission
Which type of interview question gives the interviewer the most control over the interview?
Opening --> Body --> Closing
Which of the following were identified as the stages of the interview process?
Interviews are defined and categorized according to
Guidelines about speaking time for the interviewer and interviewees
The 70/30 rule of interviewing defines
The employment interview is an example of which type of interview?
Answers A & B
Why should group members assume maintenance roles in group communication?
- A) To minimize conflict in group communication
- B) To keep the group in tact as it pursues its foals
- C) To achieve cohesiveness in group communicant
- D) Because they don't take group communication and group success seriously
- E) Answers A & B
The group member who functions in a variety of roles, demonstrating communication competence in his or her choice of roles
Task roles
Which roles in group communication contributes most to the groups raisin d'etre?
All of the above
Why do people assume disruptive roles in group communication?
- A) To cover up a lack of preparedness
- B) Because it gives them a false sense of power and control
- C) Because they dont know how to function in more productive roles should
- D) Because they dont take group communication seriously
- E) All of the above
All of the above
Which of the following statements is true about the dominator?
- A) The dominator sometimes contributes too much to discussions
- B) The dominator sometimes contributes too often in group discussions
- C) The dominator dominates discussions because other group members dont contribute as they should
- D) Dominators do not realize that their contributions sometimes inhibit the positive contributions of others
- E) all of the above
Task goal
A goal related to the mission of the group
Both answers 1 and 2
In this lesson, the primary responsibilities of each group member were identified as
- A) Task goals
- B) Maintenance goals
- C) Faith in group communication
D) Group think
- E) Both answers 1 and 2
Role emergence theory
The roles group members are likely to assume as they work in groups
Task goals are more important than maintenance goals in group communication
Working in concert with other group members to produce something greater than any members of the group could have produced alone
Material conflict
Type of conflict resulting from the group members competition with each other for perceived limited resources?
Type of group
Which of the following was not identified as a factor of cohesiveness in group communication?
- A) Group size
- B) Group norms tat bring out the best in group members
- C) The time that the group spends working together
- D) Members assuming roles that match their abilities
- E) Type of group
All of the above
Which of the following are characteristic of conflict?
- A) Expressed struggle
- B) Incompatible goals
- C) Interdependence
- D) Scarce resources
- E) All of the above
Soloman Asch's research dealt with
At which stage of group development is cohesiveness most evident?
All of the above
Visuals can help:
- A) The speaker to remember his / her speech
- B) The audience members to remember the information contained in the speech
- C) The speaker to stay organized
- D) A & B only
- E) all of the above
All of the above
The following is a good resource for gathering ideas and information for a presentation:
- A) Face - to - face interviews
- B) Television programs
- C) Professional organizations
- D) B & C only
- E) All of the above
A & C only
Clear organization is important because:
- A) It enhances the speakers credibility
- B) It increases the likelihood that the humor will be acceptable
- C) It increases audience retention
- D) A & C only
- E) A & B only
The number of main points recommended to include in a speech is
- Neat without extraneous details
- Easy to read
- Large enough
- Match sophistication of visuals to audience
What is needed to enhance a visual and make it good enough for a speech?
Immersive adverstising
When a TV show or film incorporates the product into the storyline they are engaging in...
Agenda setting
Of all the cadets who withdrew from the citadel in 1995, the media selected Shannon Faulkner and called her to the public's attention. This is an example of which of the following?
- Agenda setting
- Cultivation theory
- Supporting dominant social systems
- Standpoint theory
Uses and gratification assumes jay consumers of mass media are active agents who deliberately choose what pleases them
The premise of cultivation theory is that the more one attends to television, the more distorted perspective of reality they hold
Becoming media literate takes little work
Cultivation theory
Heavy television viewers are more likely to have beliefs that reflect the worldview portrayed by television, which is not equivalent to reality. In television entertainment programming, 77% of major characters that commit crimes perpetrate acts of violence, compared to roughly 10% of actually reported crimes. This is an example of what
Television's tendency to stabilize abd homogenize views within a society in order to create a single allegedly mainstream view is known as what
All of the above
To become a more responsible and thoughtful consumer of mass communication we should
- A) Develop media literacy
- B) Be aware of the patterns mass media employ
- C) Recognize that mass communication is one of many influences on individuals and society
- D) All of the above
The telegraph inaugurated the electronic era
Part of having media literacy means being skeptical of what is presented
Breathing, relaxation techniques, and visualizing success are all good tips to reduce anxiety
Pitch and volume are synonyms for how one controls how loudly one is speaking
When recording your speech video, it is recommended that you do not look directly into the camera, instead you should read your speech
When you are watching youtube videos you are engaging in the form of communication called interpersonal communication
In order to avoid moving your hands excessively while speaking you should put your hands in your pockets
The speed at which you are talking
Recognizing another person exists
The most basic form of confirmation in interpersonal communication is what
According to Knapp's staged of coming apart when relationships eventually terminate, a common solution to _____ is for each partner to hide the other "some space"
The act of voluntarily revealing to others information that is not easily known about ourselves is called _____
Hidden are
When Jacob encounters a family crisis and handles it well, he is pleased to learn that he is able to operate well under high personal stress. Prior to the family crisis, Jacob's knowledge of how he would manage personal stress in which area of the Johari Window?
Of her marriage, Myra says "Its not like we ever really fell in love. It was more like we gradually grew together. I think of my husband as my best friend." Myra seems to have which kind of style of loving?
Audience analysis
The first step in choosing a speech topic is what
Which is not an audience demographic?
- A) Knowledge
- B) Gender
- C) Education
- D) Age
Audience _____ are what they view as true or false
What the speaking situation will be
The last step of audience analysis is determining...
Academic Search Premiere
The best database to find periodicals is...
To inform, to persuade, to entertain
The three general speech purposes are...
a question
A thesis statement is not...