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11 Terms

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Wedekind (1997) Terms to define

  • Pheromones

  • MHC

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Wedekind (1997) Aim

To investigate the role of MHC (a set of genes responsible for our immune system) on mate selection

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Wedekind (1997) Procedure

  • Male and female participants were ‘types’ fortheir MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) genes

  • They took notes on women that took oral contraceptives

  • Men were asked to wear a t-shirt during two nights

  • They told them to use uncented products, and to avoid substances or activities that could alter their body odor (spicy foods, sexual activity)

  • Two days later women (on a very specific odor-sensitive stage of their menstrual cycle) ranked the smell of 7 t-shirts, that had been worn by men the nights before

  • The t-shirts were in boxes to prevent any other outside odors

  • 3 of the t-shirts had odors from MHC similar men, another 3 had odors from MHC different men and finally one was unworn (control)

  • Women rated the odors for: Intensity, pleasantness and sexiness. Using a scale from 0-10

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Wedekind (1997) Results

  • Women rated male body odor as more pleasent when they has different MHC

  • The preference reversed when they were taking oral contraseptives

  • This suggests that MHC may influence human mate choice, and supports an evolutionary argument for male selection in humans

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Wedekind (1997) Evaluation

  • Controled environment

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Zhou (2014) Terms to define

  • Pheremones

  • MHC

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Zhou (2014) Aim

To see if androstadienone (AND) or estratetraenol (EST) influences human mating behavior

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Zhou (2014) Procedure

  • Sample of 24 heterosexual male and women, and 24 homosexual men and women

  • Each of them were asked to watch stick figures walking on a screen

  • And asked them to determine their gender, while being exposed to the smell of clovers

  • In the first condtion, the cloves were mixed with androstadienone, in condition two cloves were mixed with estratetraenol, finally in the controled condition only cloves were used

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Zhou (2014) Results

  • Smelling androstadienone, biased hetero females and gay males but not hetero males and lesbian women towards percieving the figures as more masculine

  • Smelling estratetraenol, biased hetero males and to some extent lesbian women towards seeing figures as more femenine

  • Pheromones influence the more communication of gender information in a sex-specific manner

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Zhou (2014) Evaluation

  • Due to abnormal levels of pheromones it is unclear if the response would be the same in a natural setting

  • Not a clear study of sexual attraction, rather just the walk

  • Sample size two small

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Pheromones and studies general evaluation

  • The human sense of smell is very complex, wich makes it very difficult to see how pheromones would work in humans

  • Many body odors are caused by bacteria that mix with our secretions (armpits) 20% of the population do not have that bacteria, making the research even more unreliable

  • Culture plays a role in our sense of smell (we learn what smells good or bad) (confounding variable)

  • Th research is highly artificial

  • Has not been sufficiently replicated