aimed to improve student performance in public schools
funded stronger reading programs and extensively training teachers.
hurricane that hit gulf coast and flooded new orleans
1000 people died and many were left in desperate positions
stock market lost 1/2 its value and unemployment peaked at more than 10%
sparked many obama reform plans
provided $787 B economic stimulus package designed to create 3.5 M jobs
balanced healthcare, education, and construction projects
designed to improve regulation of baking and investments
protected taxpayers from ballots of businesses
regulated consumer products like mortgages and credit cards
did not break up big banks that led to an economic meltdown
agreement with 195 other nations to reduce global carbon emissions
congress disagreed with science between climate change
extended affordable wealth insurance through subsidies insurance exchanges
20M americans gained coverage
conservative party who opposed Obamacare, abortion, and immigration
republicans took control over the house of representatives
cut corporate tax rate from 35 to 21%
lowered personal tax brackets
policy adopted by trump to protect US interests first
increased prices for US consumers
designed to protect american jobs
won bipartisan support in congress
COVID-19 pandemic that surged worldwide
Killed many, led to quarantine, shut down schools and businesses, and led to high inflation rates
Islamic State of Iraq and Syria which vowed to create worldwide caliphate
US lost many soldiers to this organization
republicans gained control of both houses in congress
“contract with america” was prevalent
republicans pressed for tax cuts not to help social security
gave tax credits for higher education expenses
use of personal computers and software which increased productivity
made e-commerce a part of American culture
American businesses cut costs and increased profitability
held down US interest rates to below 3%
increases in trade and communication worldwide
promoted the division of global and regional economic developments
North American Free Trade Afreement which created free trade zone with Canada and Mexico
out of fear to job losses in Mexico
oversaw trade agreements and enforced trade rules
settled international economic disputes
made loans to and supervised economic policies of poorer nations
due to surging trade increase
world largest industrial powers- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, US, and UK
China, Indian , and Brazil later emerged as world leaders
data used was exposed and threatened American privacy
gave wealth to corporations like Google and Facebook
top 1% held 43% of the nations financial wealth
increased gap between the rich and the poor
attempted to create a fair entry process for immigrants
granted amnesty to undocumented immigrants from mexico
reformed the process for admitting or removing undocumented immigrants
strengthened immigration laws and limited undocumented immigrants
protected undocumented young people to be more educated and apply for a work visa
undocumented immigrants in the United States decreased during Obama’s presidency
more political leaders emerged from the south and west
seven presidents before Obama came from the Sunbelt
southern and western music and christian ideals became more popular
Hispanic culture also emerged with increased immigration rates
increased heavily in the 2000s
children in these families were troubled
supreme court issued 5-4 decision, making Bush the victory
overruled the Florida supreme court
Osama bin laden, leader of al-qaeda, hijacked the plane and flew into the world trade organization
3000 people died and empowered Bush to take action
US implemented more background checks and airport searches
effort to reduce terrorist attacks
gave US unparalleled powers to obtain information and expand surveillance
result of all terrorist attacks
US invaded Iran for suspicions and captured Saddam Hussein
public support and US public image worsened
old policies of containment weren’t effective in terrorist world
used to justify US self-protection in Middle East
barack obama vs. john mccain
obama becomes first black president
wave of protests in the middle east and north Africa
civil unrest put pressure on Obama
tax cuts and reduced government spending would increase investment which would lead to prosperity
shifted away from government spending
25% decrease in personal taxes over three years
guaranteed that a large share of tax relief went to upper income
lifting on restriction on business and industry by federal agencies
approached with republicanism
reagan fired shrinking air traffic controls and decretified their union
depopularized labor unions
Reagans tax cuts and military spending created federal deficits
tripled national debt
prohibited discrimination against disabled people in hiring, transportation, etc.
brought disabled individuals into mainstream of American life
plan for building high tech-system of lasers and particles beams to destroy missiles
caused the defense budget to double
US secretly sold missiles to Irans government and used money to aid Contras
made Reagan lose popularity support and votes
US sent forces to stop pro-cuban coup in caribbean islands
reestablished pro-US government in Grenada
Palestinian fighters stopping Israeli raids and crimes
were invaded in Lebanon by the US
US fought against Saddam Hussein raid in Kuwait
only took 100 hours to defeat the army
China attacked pro-democracy protests
killed thousands and ended political environment in china
self-determination led to state’s independence
led to the creation of Russia
US troops sent to stop ethnic cleansing
Europes bloodiest conflicts since WW2
as internet availability increased, Russians, Chinese, and Iranians stole American political information
Russia tampered information in the 2016 election
$11.35 trillion tax cut which lowered the top tax bracket
gave all taxpayers an immediate tax rebate
sunbelt was booming because of low taxes, weak labor unions, and oil availability.
attracted tourists and retired, old people