Catholicism: Incarnation

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What is Incarnation?

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What is Incarnation?

When God became man through Jesus so he could share in the human race.

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What are some names for Jesus?

Son of God

Son of the Most High

Son of Man

The Word of God


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What is the Annunciation?

The even when and angel visited Mary to tell her she would give birth to Jesus who will be the Son of God

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What does Jesus’ name mean in hebrew?

‘God saves’

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Why is Jesus different from other humans?

He is a unique gift from God and his free grace

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Who’s account/Gospel tells of Mary’s role The Annunciation?


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What happens in Luke’s account of Annunciation?

-Gabriel tells Mary she will conceive Jesus as a virgin through the Holy Spirit

-Gabriel tells Mary that Jesus will fufil God’s promise to the Jews

-Gabriel tells Mary that Jesus will be called ‘The Son of the Most High’

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What are some key quotes from Luke’s account of the Annunciation?

-“You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus”

-”He will be great and be called the Son of The Most High”

-”The Holy Spirit will come on you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you”

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Who’s account/Gospel tells us of Joseph’s role in the Annunciation?


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What happens in Matthew’s account of the Annunciation?

-Joseph had planned to separate from Mary as she was pregnant before Marriage

-An angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that the child is conceived through the Holy Spirit

-The angel confirms that Jesus will be the one to save humanity from their sins

-The angel calls Jesus Emmanuel meaning ‘God is with us”

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What are some key quotes from Matthew’s account of the Annunciation?

-“what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit”

-”you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save people from their sins”

-”The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Emmanuel”

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Key quotes for Jesus and God being one being?

“Consubstantial with the Father”- The Creed

“I am my father are one”- John 10:30

“In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God”- John 1:1

“And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth”- John 1:14

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What is Jesus? (Fully ___ and fully _____)

Fully God and fully human

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Why did Jesus call himself the Son of Man and what is a quote that shows the role of the Son of Man?

  • To show that he is truly human

  • To refer to his future suffering

  • Title of a person who has been given authority by God

  • “Then he began to to teach them that the Son of Man must undergo great suffering”- Mark

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Why is it important that Jesus is fully human?

Because if he wasn’t then his pain and suffering would not have meant anything and the pain and suffering he felt on the cross would not have bothered him.

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What is the Ichthus symbol and what does it mean?

-It is a fish symbol used by Christians as a declaration of their faith especially in early Christianity

-The words mean Jesus Christ, God's Son, Saviour

-Early Christians could quickly draw and erase this symbol to show they were Christians or to indicate when meetings were held

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What is the Alpha and Omega symbol and what does it mean?

-Alpha if the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last

-Indicates God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end

-Shown in churches, vestments, Christian art and the Paschal candle

<p>-Alpha if the first letter in the Greek alphabet and Omega is the last</p><p>-Indicates God and Jesus are involved in everything from beginning to end</p><p>-Shown in churches, vestments, Christian art and the Paschal candle</p>
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What is the Chi-Rho symbol and what does it mean?

-Monogram from the two letters of the Greek words for Christ

-Reminds of Jesus’ death

-Reminds Christians that Jesus was sent to save humanity through his death

-Many Christians wear it as an expression of their faith

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Why do religions forbid art showing God and what are some arguments against art depicting God?

-The Ten Commandments “Do not worship false idols”

-Some may be found to be offensive

-God is not limited to human ability and is beyond comprehension

-People could interpret the image wrongly as human art cannot depict God completely

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Why does the Church allow art of God?

It allows many of the mysteries of the faith to be explained in a more visual way, and can help individuals understand the key message of God and the scripture

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What beliefs are expressed by the statue ‘The Sacred Heart’

-Jesus has expression of peace and love

-Flames from the heart represent Jesus’ burning love for all

-Hole through heart represents the spear Jesus was stabbed with

-Crown of Thorns surrounding the heart representing the crown he wore and the soldiers who mocked him

-Hand pointing to heart draws attention to it

-Holes in hands from when Jesus was nailed on the cross

<p>-Jesus has expression of peace and love</p><p>-Flames from the heart represent Jesus’ burning love for all</p><p>-Hole through heart represents the spear Jesus was stabbed with</p><p>-Crown of Thorns surrounding the heart representing the crown he wore and the soldiers who mocked him</p><p>-Hand pointing to heart draws attention to it</p><p>-Holes in hands from when Jesus was nailed on the cross</p>
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What beliefs are expressed by Christ the Redeemer?

-Jesus arms open represents Jesus’ openness to others and welcoming people to the country and religion

-It shows the love Jesus has for humanity

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What beliefs are expressed by the crucifix?

-It shows how humanity is redeemed

-Statue indicates the sacrifice Jesus made for us

-It shows Jesus’ love for us and how he wants us to spend eternity with God

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What evidence is there of Jesus being with the father from the beginning?

John 1:1- “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God”

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How were the prophets in the Old Testament inspired?

Through the Holy Spirit, visions and dreams.

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How does humanity receive grace?

Through the Word

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How can we see the qualities of God?

Through Jesus as he is fully human. We can see what the Father is like and we can get to know God through him

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Why is Jesus the perfect human being?

He sets the example all people are called to follow. He is the one who is fully alive and open to God

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What is heresy?

A belief that goes against the teachings of the Church

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Give a quote from The Dei Verbum (A document issued by the Magisterium)

“He sent his own son, the eternal Word, to enlighten all men and tell them of the innermost being of God”

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Give a quote from The Verbum Domini (A document issued by the Magisterium)

“The Son himself is the Word: the eternal word became small enough to fit in a manger”

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What is the sacramental nature of reality?

Finding God in the physical world

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How is the world sacramental in nature?

Jesus’ spirit is still active and it shares God’s love with all believers

-Jesus helped to bring God’s love and presence to the world which makes the world sacramental in nature

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What is a sacrament?

An outward sign of God’s inward grace

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How do sacraments affect the believer?

The grace affects the believer by giving them the life of God

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What do sacraments do for people?

They help to build the holiness of a person and strengthen their relationship with God

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What are the Seven Sacraments?

Baptism, confirmation, eucharist, marriage, ordination/holy orders, reconciliation and anointing of the sick

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What happens during baptism and what effect does it have?

-Water poured on person’s head to symbolise the washing away of sin

-The person becomes a child of God

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What happens during confirmation and what effect does it have?

-Confirms someone as a member of the Church

-The forehead is anointed with Holy Oil

-Person’s faith is strengthened

-Power of the Holy Spirit comes into the person’s life

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What happens during eucharist and what effect does it have?

-People receive the consecrated bread and wine. the body and blood of Christ

-Receives the life of Christ

-Helps them keep growing in God’s love

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What happens during Marriage and what effect does this have?

-A man and a women become one flesh

-Couple accept that God is active in their lives through their love

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What happens during ordination/Holy Orders and what effect does it have?

-Person becomes a priest, bishop or deacon

-Laying hands and anointing of hands with Chrism oil shows the power of the Holy Spirit being passed on

-Commitment to God and the Church

-Given powers such as consecration and passing on forgiveness for God

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What happens during reconciliation and what effect does it have?

-Confessing sins

-Personal relationship with God is restored

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What happens during anointing of the sick and what effect does it have?

-Very ill person anointed

-Gives strength and forgiveness of sins

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Why do Christians believe abortion is wrong?

-Sanctity of life- All life is Holy and belongs to God

-”Do not kill” Exodus

-”Humans are made in the image and likeness of God”- Genesis

-Humans should not interfere with God’s plan

-Life belongs to God not humans

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What do Catholics believe about when life begins and how does that influence their view on abortion?

The believe life begins at conception and this makes them believe that even preventing the birth of a baby is wrong because they had already been conceived

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What are some key quotes that show Christian views on abortion?

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you”-Jeremiah

“But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.” Matthew

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What are the beatitudes?

The blessedness of those who have certain qualities or experiences which will let the experience heaven

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Why are the beatitudes important?

Because laws in the old testament only said not do commit certain sins but Jesus also wants to change the attitude of people so they won’t want to do these sins.

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Examples of the beatitudes?

  • Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

  • Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.

  • Blessed are they who mourn: for they shall be comforted.

  • Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after justice: for they shall have their fill.

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What is the parable of the sheep and goats about?

How those who follow God’s commandments and show love to others will inherit heaven. The sheep are the ones who follow God’s law and the goats are the ones who reject him and his law.

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What did Jesus ask of us in the parable of the sheep and goats?

To give water to the thirsty, invite people into our homes, to help those who are ill, to visit him in prison, to give food to the hungry and clothe the naked.

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Quotes for the parable of the sheep and goats?

“Whatever you do for the least of these, you do for me” -Matthew

“Depart from me ye who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels”- Matthew

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What does the Son of God mean and what are some quotes?

  • God is fully human but also fully God

  • Jesus shares in God’s power, making him divine

  • “Are you the messiah, son of the blessed one?” Mark

  • “You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the power”- Mark

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