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An identifiable land area.
A population with a single culture; also referred to as a culture group.
A population under a single government, implying the presence of sovereign territory.
A single culture under a single government, though none are truly composed of only one cultural group.
The status of a state being fully independent from outside control, holding territory, and recognized internationally.
Multistate nation
A nation where a group of people sharing a common culture live across the borders of multiple states.
Multi-national states
States made up of different nations represented by a multitude of culture groups.
A sentiment derived from a culture group desiring political representation or independence, often used by politicians to unify groups.
Stateless nations
Cultural groups that are not included in or allowed a share in the state political process.
Federal states & confederations
Governing systems that provide military protection, foreign diplomacy, and regulate trade with multiple internal administrative services.
Unitary system
A centralized government where ultimate authority lies with the central government.
Sovereign states that are very small in size yet hold the same standing as larger states.
Autonomous regions
Certain sections of nations allowed to operate under freedom from central authority.
Semi-autonomous regions
Regions that possess some freedom akin to autonomous regions but to a lesser degree.
The alliance of two or more sovereign states for a common purpose.
Supranational organizations
Organizations formed for trade alliances, military cooperation, and diplomacy.
The expression of political control over a designated space.
Political boundaries
Definable and clear expressions of political control between states or regions.
Expatriate populations
Citizens living outside the borders of their national state.
A minority culture group concentrated within a country dominated by a different, larger culture group.
A fragmented piece of sovereign territory that is separated by land from the main part of the state’s territory.
Tyranny of the Map
The phenomenon where European-imposed boundaries in Africa do not correspond with cultural boundaries.
Territorial Morphology
The shape of a country impacting its society and its relations with other countries.
State morphology characterized by a shape without irregularity.
The process of adding territory through purchase or extension of territorial claims.
The manipulation of electoral district boundaries to favor one political party.
A political-economic theory by Karl Marx aimed at creating a class-free society with equal wealth.
A contemporary form of colonialism exerted through economic rather than political control.
The study of the global-scale relationships between sovereign states.
Centrifugal forces
Factors that tear apart the social and political fabric of a state.
The fragmentation of larger political entities into smaller, often hostile units.