no definitions. just names (specifically terms relevant to RMIB, go montalvan!)
coined thick description
Clifford Geertz
coined gift exchange
Marcel Mauss
coined ritual process
Victor Turner
coined equality of feeling
Alexis de Toqueville
coined power and resistance
Michel Foucault
coined conspicuous consumption/emulation
Thornston Veblen
coined structural/symbolic violence
Pierre Bourdieu
coined anomie
Ămile Durkheim
linked anomie and deviance
Robert Merton
coined division of labor
Ămile Durkheim
coined world system, core, periphery
Immanuel Wallerstein
coined flows and scapes (ethno-, techno-, media-, finan-, ideo-)
Arjun Appadurai
coined cultural capital
Pierre Bourdieu
coined commodification
Karl Marx
author of Privilege
Shamus Khan, sociologist
author of In Search of Respect
Philippe Bourgois
author of Working the Night Shift
Reena Patel, feminist geographer
author of Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies
Seth Holmes, medical anthropologist/physician, MD PhD
author of Global Maya
Lilliana R. Goldin
author of McDonaldâs in Hong Kong
James Watson
coined dirt
Mary Douglas
coined habitus
Pierre Bourdieu
coined hegemony
Antonio Gramsci
applied bad faith
Nancy Scheper-Hughes
coined bad faith
Jean-Paul Sartre
coined medical gaze
Michel Foucault