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-most famous of the mythological heroes who put the final touches on creation of the world
-demigod, hero and trickster in Polynesian mythology
-strong, wants to help people, not tolerant of criticism (turns lots of critics into rocks)
-shapeshifter and has a magic fishhook
-has a wife named Hina
-has lots of feats, including separating the heavens and the earth, pulling land out of the water, made days longer by slowing down the sun, gives fire to humankind, creates coconuts + conger eels
-failed sometimes, such as when he tried to grant humans immortality
-the first explorerJa to go to New Zealand
-he left his island that was faced with fishing problems to kill the octopus thought to be responsible, and found New Zealand
James Cook
-one of the first European explorers who started to believe the Polynesians had settled through exploration
-he came to this conclusion after exploring Hawaii, Tahiti and the Cook Islands in the 1700s
Joseph Banks
-a scientist and botanist, he helped James Cook with his theory as he saw resemblance in the languages among the islands
-he traced the languages back to the Tahitian language
-when he compared Maori to Tahitian , he found they were nearly identical
-after speaking with natives, he learned that winds died down in certain seasons allowing Polynesians to travel
-the most famous navigator in Hawaiian legends
-he arrived in Hawaii from Tahiti as a child
-visited Tahiti, came back to Hawaii and settled down
-all navigators trace their lineage back to him
-region that rests between Asia and the Americas
-more ocean than continent
-millions of square miles of ocean
-part of the Ring of Fire
-consists of more than 10000 islands
-ring shaped islands; created by sentiment built up on coral reefs; only rise a few feet out of the water (not much for agriculture and little soil)
-meaning of restriction; sacred, separate, forbidden
-restrain someone or protect something
-where word taboo comes from
-could be a long or short period
ex: person who prepares corpses, woman in childbirth to other men
little islands; east and southeast of the Phillippines
areas of water surrounded by atolls
-ancient Maori warrior dance from New Zealand; shows a tribe’s strength and solidarity
-chants speak of ancestors and events of the ribe often times
-still used today in ceremonies and to mark important events
-also used as challenge to opponents in sports
black islands; north and east of Australia
continental islands
formed by rising and falling of ancient rock under the sea; not created by volcanoes but can still have these (ex: New Guinea)
-Maori tattooing
-regarded as sacred
-symbol of rank, social status, power and prestige
-unique to each individual
-mostly men; some women do it
-ink made from all natural elements
-painful process; made cuts in skin using knives and then pigment chiseled into the skin
-many islands and is the largest area
-region goes from Hawaii in the north to New Zealand in the south to Easter Island in the east
-people have been there for over three thousand years
-made up of coral, volcanic and continental islands
traveling by boat without any modern navigation tools
some definitions include this region; others don’t
many gods
high islands
-formed by volcanoes and coral reefs
-high islands come out of the sea more than low islands
-loosely means gods
-wicked diverse: range of jobs, some are good some are not
-creators, different parts of life, associated with certain families, temples, certain occupations
low islands
-formed by volcanoes and coral reefs
-high islands come out of the sea more than low islands
-spiritual power held by gods and some humans
-nobility, warriors, sea explorers
Qin Shi Huangdi
ruler of the Qin
Major goal: unite china
fierce military leader
clever diplomat
conquers other states (230-221 B.C.E.)
becomes the first emperor of China
As First Emperor:
Goal = become immortal
became paranoid
kept moving around, built many palaces
tried herbs, fungi and even drank mercury
huge tomb with terracotta warriors
Warring States Period
period of turmoil and chaos where the states were at war with each other
Qin Dynasty
Originally one of the warring states which was led by Qin Shi Huangdi and later became the first imperial dynasty of China.
An omen; a sign that something bad is going to happen.
psychotic paranoia
The fear of others devising plans to harm or kill someone.
Qin Wall
The first version of the Great Wall of China (that was later finished by the Ming Dynasty). It protected China from the nomadic tribes attacking.
Terracotta warriors
warriors sculpted with terracotta clay that covered Qin Shi Huangdi’s tomb - several thousand of them are inside
Han Dynasty
Calligraphy was developed into an artform
Paper was invented by Cai Lun
Confucianism was the official state ideology
Civil Service Exam: Difficult tests on confucianism, law, government, etc. that are necessary to become eligible for a job in the government.
Silk Road: A network of trade routes that greatly improved the Chinese economy and facilitated interactions with other countries
Tang Dynasty
Buddhism became more popular in China although it was discriminated at times
Gunpowder was developed drastically changing battle strategies of the middle ages
Large contributions to poetry
Empress Wu: The only female in Chinese history to take on the title of empress in 690 C.E. Other empresses in Chinese history were empress dowagers who were widows put in power after their husband, the emperor, died
Song Dynasty
Rice and tea became staples in the Chinese diet during the Song dynasty
First explosion of China’s population occurred during the Song dynasty
Foot binding became a practice for women to follow, “lotus foot” beauty standard
Pagodas and landscape paintings became popular
Mongols:The Song dynasty ended with the Mongols overthrowing the dynasty and replacing it with the Yuan Dynasty
Ming Dynasty
Great Wall: The Great Wall of China was restored by the Ming dynasty and the wall that can be seen in China today is the one restored by the Ming dynasty
Forbidden City: The imperial palace built in Beijing where the emperor lived. Civilians were not allowed inside thus the name “forbidden city”
Zheng He: A Chinese explorer, often edited as being China’s best explorer, who brought lots of knowledge about foreign countries to China
White and blue porcelain pottery became popular during the Ming dynasty. The form of pottery itself is often called “China” because of its origin in the Ming dynasty of China
Qing Dynasty
Manchu: Conquered china in 1644 and started the Qing dynasty
Opium Wars: Wars between China and foreign countries that weakened China by making them sign humiliating treaties and making them pay reparations
Taiping Rebellion:A rebellion led by Hong Xiuquan, who sought to overthrow the Qing dynasty and convert everyone to his version of christianity
Hong Xiuquan: Believed that he was the brother of Jesus and King of the Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace.
Boxer Rebellion: A rebellion led by peasants and supported by the empress dowager Ci Xi. “Boxers” attacked any foreign people, especially christian missionaries, and chinese who converted to christianity. Rebellion failed and made China pay reparations.
Was the last imperial dynasty in Chinese history
founder of zoroastrianism; prophet
-Ahura Mazda
-Avesta (gathas)
-Fire Temples
-Good Thoughts, Good Deeds, Good Words
Ahura Mazda
god and creator of everything good
the main text; contains the gathas
Fire Temples
main place of worship for zoroastrians
good thoughts, good words, good deeds
motto in zoroastrianism that is like the “golden rule”
symbol of zoroastrianism; half eagle half human
A moral philosopher and teacher who hoped to play a large role in government
Little is known about his early life
Born to a retired warrior and a concubine; orphaned at a young age
Born during the warring states period, which influenced his goals
Had a love of learning
Wanted to advise different rulers but nobody wanted to listen to him (thought he was too idealistic and unrealistic)
Became a teacher instead; taught ~3000 students
Died at 72 believing he was a failure
-all people are naturally good and only need to be taught to become moral
-should be a gentleman
-fulfill the right of Filial Piety
-follow Li and Ren
Ideal government: Confucianism
~don’t rule by force and harsh punishments but by moral example
~hierarchy and rules are important; everyone has a role that must be fulfilled
~rigid but believed each role is valuable
~education to all regardless of social class
~main 3 things: Food, Faith and Arm
Filial piety
respecting one’s parents and elders
show love and humanity; need to care for others (compassion)
rituals, traditions and decorum (proper behavior)
book compiling Confucius’ teachings made by his followers after his death
What makes a good person; gentleman
a person who follows Confucius’s teachings; pillar of virtue and selflessness; gov official=the highest goal of a gentleman