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a painted or sculpted panel set on an altar of a church
angel gabriel announces to mary that she would be the virgin mother of jesus
a patron of a work of art, often seen in the work
a printmaking process in which a tool called a burin is used to carve into a metal plate cuasing impressions to be made int he surface. the esult is a print with remarkable details and finely shaded contours
etching (acid is used)
a printmakiing process in which a metal plate is covered with a ground made of wax. the artist uses a tool to cut into the wax to leave the plate exposed. the plate is then submerged into an acid bath which eats away at the exposed protions of the plate. Etching produces the finest details of the three types of early prints
oil paint
a paint in which pigments are suspened in an oil based medium
a many paneled altar piece
a three paneled painting or sculpture
a printmaking process by which a wooden tablet is carved into with a tool, laving the design raised and the background cut away.
Arena (Scovengni) Chapel, Giotto Di Bondone, Lamentation
fresco, padua italy
lamentations hows scenes of jesus’ followers mourning his death: usually scene contains mary, saint john, and mary magadalene
st john thrwos his head back; mary magdalene creadles jesus feet, mary holds jesus’ head
at the left is the old testament scene of jonah being swallowed by the whale and retunring to life; parallel with new testament scene of christ dying and rising from the dead
shadllow stage, figures occupy a palpable space pushed foward toward the picture plane
diagonal cliff formation points to main action daringly placed in lowe rleft hand corner
modeling indications direction of light, light falls from above right
range of emtions: heavy sadness, quiet resignation, flaming outburts, despair
sadness of scene emphasized by grieving angles, barrenness of tree
figures on the lowe rleft are seen from the back and isolate the main action
figures on the lower left are seen form the back and isolate the main action
clear foreground, middle ground, and background
Robert Campins annunciation triptych
Merode altarpiece ca.1425-1428 oil on wood
left panel: donors, middle class people kneeling before the holy scene; wife added later perhaps because of the dono’s marriange
center panel: annunciation taking place in an everyday flemish interior
humanization of traditional themes: no halos, domestic interiors, view into a flemish cityscape
towels and water stand for marys purity; water is a batptism symbol
flowers have 3 bdus symbolizng the trinity; unopening bud is the unborn jesus; lilies also symbolize mary’s purity
mary seated ont he floor symbolizing her humility
mary blocks the fireplace, or the entrace to hell
candle stick: mary holds christ in the womb
figure with the cross comes in through the window: the divine birth
right panel: joseph in nhis carpentyr workshop; the mousetrap symbolizes the capturing of the devil
meticulous handing of paint; intricate details
steeply rising ground line; figures too large for the architecture they sit in.
jan van eyck arnolfini portrait
1434 oil on wood, national gallery lndon
mant theories as to the meaning of the work, traditionally assumed to be the wedding proftrait of giovanni arnolfini and his wife, memorial to a dead wife, represents a betrothal, arnolfini is conferring a legal and business privileges on his wife during an absence
symbolsl of weddings, custom of burning a candle on the first night of a wedding, shoes cast off indicates they are standing on holy ground, prayerful promising pose of a groom, dog symbolizes fidelity and loyalty
two witness in the convex mirror, perhpas the artist himself, since the inscrition read “jan van eyck was here 1434” wife pulls up dress to symbolize childbirth although she is not pregnant
statue of saint margaret, patron of childbirth apperas on the bedpost
man appears near the window symbolizing his role as someone who makes his way int he outside world; the woman appears farther in the room to emphasize her role as. a homemaker
meticulous handing of paint
Albrecht durer adam and eve
engraving 1504
influneced by classical sculpture; adam looks like the ancient greek sculpture called the apollo belvedere; eve like th emedici venus, italian massing of forms
idea image of humans before the fall of man
contrapposto of figures from the italian renissance
four humors are represented in the animals below: cat (choleric or angry), rabbit (sanguine or energetic) ,elk *melancholic or sad) ,ox (phlegmatic or lethargic) ; four humors were kept in balance before the fall of the man
mouse represents satan, parrot a symbol of cleverness
adams tries to dissuade eve, he graps the mountain ash, a tree from which the snakes recoil
norther euorpean deviotn to detailed paintings
Matthias Grunewald, Isenheim Altarpiece 1512-1516 oil on panel
placed in a monastery hospital where people were treated for “saint anthonys fire” or ergotism - a disaese caused by eating a fungus that grows on rye flower
st anthonys fire explains the presence of st.anthony on the first and third views
ergotism causes convulsions and gangrene
first view: crucifixion: dark background, dead, decomposing flesh, arms almost torn from sockets, lashed and whipped body
agnoy of the body unflinchingly shown
symbolizes the agony of ergotism
swooning mary dressed like the nuns who worked in the hospital
when panels opened to reveal next scene, christ is amputated as patienats suffering ergotism would be
same true in the predella: christs legs seem amputated below the kneecaps
second view: marian symbols: the enclosed garden, closed gate, rosebush, rosary
christ rises from the dead on right- his rags changed to glorious robes, showing his wounds, which do not harm him now
message to the patiens is that earthly diseases will vanish in the enxr world
third view: symbols of ergotism: oozing boils withered arm distended stomach
lucas cranach the elder, allegory of law and grace c.1530
protestantism: faithful achieve salvation by gods grace, guidance can be acheived using the bible
done in consultation with martin luther, a leader in the protestant movement
left: last judgement
-moses holds ten commandments
-ten commandments represents the old law, catholicism
-law of moses not enough; not enough to live a good life
-skeleton chases a person into hell
right: figure bathed in christs blood
-faith in christ alone is needed for salvation
pierter brugel, return of the hudners, 1565 oil on wood
one of the series of paintings representing the months- this is november/december
alpine landscape, winter scene
strong diagonals lead the eye deeper into the painting
figures are peasant types, not individuals
landscape has high horizion line, a northern euopean traditions
many details . nothing is static, hunters have had little success in the winte rhunt; dogs are skinny and hang their heads