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What is professionalism/a professional? (Sec 1A.1.1)
A thing or person who engages in something specific as their main
occupation rather than a pastime
3 adjectives to describe a professional are…. (Sec 1A.1.1)
Competent, Assured, Skillful
What are the framed requirements of the USAF
hint: there are 4 requirements (Sec 1A 1.1)
Trust, Loyalty, Dignity, and Personal Commitment
The USAF is a ________ that effectively leverages the unique capabilities of officer, enlisted and civilian Airmen across RegAF, Guard, Reserve and Auxiliary Components. (Sec 1A 1.1)
Total Force
_________is the heart and soul of who we are and who we aspire to be everyday. Our sense of _________ underlies the pride we feel when we say, “I am an American Airman”.
hint: both blanks are the same word (Sec 1A 1.1)
As stated in __________, the USAF has a very important national defense mission and you, as a member of the USAF, have serious responsibilities for carrying out that mission. (Sec 1A 1.1)
AFI 1-1
According to AFI 1-1, what are the 3 things that you are responsible for? (Sec 1A 1.1)
following orders, performing specific daily tasks related to your duties, and living up to the high standards of the USAF.
___________ ________ is expressed by attitudes and commitments, and by internalizing military values which can come to people at different times in their careers.(Sec 1A 1.1)
Professional Status
What is the USAF most important resource? (Sec 1A 1.1)
No profession asks more of its members than the _________ of ____. (Sec 1B 1.2)
profession of arms
Who said the following quote? “ We are not engaged in just another job; we are practitioners of the profession of arms. We are entrusted with the security of our nation, the protection of our citizens and the preservation of its way of life. In this capacity, we serve as guardians of America’s future. By its very nature, this responsibility requires us to place the needs of out service and our country before personal concerns.”
hint: He was our 15th Air Force Chief of Staff. (Sec 1B 1.2)
General Ronald Fogleman
No other profession expects its members to lay down their lives for their ________, _________, or _________….but it’s what our profession readily expects. (Sec 1B 1.2)
friends, families, or freedoms
When needed in the cauldron of war, _____ _______ are the beacons that light the path of professional conduct and the highest ideals. (Sec 1C 1.3)
core values
What are the USAF 3 core values?
hint: 3 different words or 3 different phrases. (Sec 1C 1.3)
Integrity, Service, and Excellence
or Integrity First, Service Before Self and Excellence in all we do
How can you align your actions with these USAF values to earn the public’s trust, strengthen our service and accomplish our mission? (Sec 1C 1.3)
By embodying and demonstrating the core values in daily behavior, decision-making, and interactions with others, in both your professional and personal life.
Each of the USAF core values is further defined by ________ (desired behaviors and characteristics) we must practice and demonstrate in our daily lives, showing we truly do value integrity, service, and excellence.
hint: 1 word. (Sec 1C 1.3)
What are the 3 virtues of Integrity? (Sec 1C 1.3.1)
honesty, courage, and accountability
What are the 3 virtues of Service Before Self? (Sec 1C 1.3.2)
duty, loyalty and respect
What are the 3 virtues of Excellence in All We Do? (Sec 1C 1.3.3)
mission, discipline and teamwork
Airmen must develop a ______ of ________ such that your behavior and motives do not create even the appliance of impropriety while providing a larger standard to live up to. (Sec 1D 1.4)
code of ethics
Title 5, CFR, Part 2635, ________ of _______ _________ for __________ of the _________ ________, establishes the basic ethical principles and guidelines that must be followed by every government employee.
hint: the blanks are the name of the document. (Sec 1D 1.4)
Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch
What is an ethical dilemma? (Sec 1D 1.4.1)
An ethical dilemma is where one is forced to choose between at least two different alternatives.
What are 3 general causes/sources of ethical dilemmas? (Sec 1D 1.4.1)
uncertainty, competing values and potential harm.
Who was the man that identified three tests we can use to check the morality of our actions and decisions? (Sec 1D 1.4.1)
hint: his official total is Dr. ________ . _____ . and he was the former Deputy Director of the Civil Air Patrol and Chaplain Services.
Dr. Robert M Hicks
What are the 3 tests that you can use to check the morality of our actions and decisions according to the USAF and Dr. Robert M. Hicks? (Sec 1D 1.4.1)
The Network Test, The United States of America Test, and the Divine Test.
Airmen share a history of what 3 honorable characteristics? (Sec 1D 1.4.2)
valor, courage and sacrifice
_______ is the ability to face danger or hardship in a determined and resolute matter. ______ is commonly and rightly recognized as bravery, fearlessness, fortitude, gallantry, heart and nerve. When acting with ______, one expresses the willingness to step outside the comfort zone to deal with unexpected situations
hint: all blanks are the SAME word. (Sec 1D 1.4.2)
______ is about the ability to face fear, danger or adversity. What are the 3 types of ______, that are critical in the profession of arms?
hint: both blanks are the SAME word.(Sec 1D 1.4.2)
3 types of courage: personal, physical and moral
_________ involves a willingness to give your time, comfort or life to meet others’ needs. Personal ________ (s) occurs when Airment put others’ needs before individual wants, whether in combat, at home station, or in the local community.
hint: both blanks are the SAME word. (Sec 1D 1.4.2)
We must remember when faced with the ______ to _____, as Airmen we understand the price that is paid for freedom and the sacrifices that come from willing service to our country. We understand the meaning of belonging to the profession of arms. (Sec 1D 1.4.2)
Call to Duty
The Airman’s Creed was presented to the USAF in what year? and by who?
hint: it was presented by the 18th Air Force Chief of Staff. (Sec 1D 1.5)
2007, General T. Michael Moseley