Phylum Nematoda
Found in most aquatic habitats, soil, moist tissues of plants, and body fluids and tissues of animals
Sexual reproduction usually by internal fertilization
C. elegans and T. spiralis
Commonly parasites
Phylum Arthropoda
Body completely covered by cuticle
When it grows, it molts its exoskeleton
Segmented body, hard exoskeleton, and jointed appendages
Some appendages modified for walking, feeding, sensory reception, reproduction, and defense
Have eyes, olfactory receptors, and antennae for touch and smell
Have open circulatory system with hemolymph
Exoskeleton made of layers of protein and chitin
Subphylum Chelicerata
Part of phylum Arthropoda
Mostly arachnids (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, and horseshoe crabs)
Have abdomen and cephalothorax with 6 pairs of appendages: chelicerae, pedipalps, and 4 walking leg pairs
Spider’s gas exchange happens in book lungs
Subphylum Myriapoda
Part of phylum Arthropoda
Terrestrial with jaw-like mandibles
Class Diplopoda
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Myriapoda
Eat decaying leaves and plant matter and small insects
Have many legs with 2 pairs per trunk segment
Class Chilopoda
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Myriapoda
1 pair of legs per trunk segment
Have venomous claws that paralyze prey and aid in defense
Subphylum Hexapoda
Part of phylum Arthropoda
In almost every terrestrial habitat and freshwater
More species than all other life forms combined
Almost all have flight
Most have separate males and females and reproduce sexually
Find and recognize their own species by bright colors, sounds, or odors
Some are beneficial pollinators and some are pests
Order Archaeognatha
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
350 species
Order Thysanura
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
450 species
Order Coleoptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
All winged
Complete metamorphosis
Order Diptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
Flies and mosquitoes
All winged
Complete metamorphosis
Order Hymenoptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
Bees, wasps, and ants
All winged
Complete metamorphosis
Order Lepidoptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
Butterflies and moths
All winged
Complete metamorphosis
Have proboscis
Order Hemiptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
True bugs: cicadas, aphids, bed bugs
All winged
Incomplete metamorphosis
Have piercing and sucking mouthparts
Order Orthoptera
Part of phylum Arthropoda and subphylum Hexapoda
Grasshoppers, locusts, and crickets
All winged
Incomplete metamorphosis
Subphylum Crustacea
Part of phylum Arthropoda
Typically marine and freshwater habitats
Many have branched appendages extensively specialized for feeding and movement
Small ones exchange gas through cuticle and large ones have gills
Crustaceans that include terrestrial, marine, and freshwater species
Crustaceans that are all relatively large and include lobsters, crabs, crayfish, and shrimp
Planktonic crustaceans that are among the most numerous of animals
Mostly sessile crustaceans that are often filter feeders but sometimes parasitic
Phylum Loricifera
Inhabit deep-sea bottom
Can telescope its head, neck, and thorax in and out of lorica (pocket formed by 6 plates surrounding abdomen)
Phylum Priapula
Worms with large, rounded proboscis at anterior end
Most burrow into seafloor sediment
Phylum Onychophora
Velvet worms
Originally thrived in ocean but colonized land at some point
Now only live in tropical or temperate humid forests
Phylum Tardigrada
Water bears
Live in oceans, freshwater, and on plants or animals
Can enter dormant tun state under extreme conditions