Muscles to Know

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Origin: Zygomatic arch and Zygomatic bone

Insertion: Lateral surface of the ramus and angle of the Mandible

Action: Elevates the Mandible

<p>Origin: Zygomatic arch and Zygomatic bone</p><p>Insertion: Lateral surface of the ramus and angle of the Mandible</p><p>Action: Elevates the Mandible</p>
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Origin: Temporal fossa and the Temporal fascia

Insertion: Coronoid process of the Mandible and the anterior surface of the ramus of the Mandible

Action: Elevates the Mandible; retracts the Mandible (posterior fibers)

<p>Origin: Temporal fossa and the Temporal fascia</p><p>Insertion: Coronoid process of the Mandible and the anterior surface of the ramus of the Mandible</p><p>Action: Elevates the Mandible; retracts the Mandible (posterior fibers)</p>
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Origin: Sternal head: anterior surface of the Manubrium; clavicular head: medial 1/3rd of the Clavicle

Insertion: Mastoid process and lateral 1/2 of the superior nuchal line

Action: Draws the mastoid process down toward the same side which causes the chin to turn up toward the opposite side; acting together, the muscles of the two sides flex the neck

<p>Origin: Sternal head: anterior surface of the Manubrium; clavicular head: medial 1/3rd of the Clavicle</p><p>Insertion: Mastoid process and lateral 1/2 of the superior nuchal line</p><p>Action: Draws the mastoid process down toward the same side which causes the chin to turn up toward the opposite side; acting together, the muscles of the two sides flex the neck</p>
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Origin: Pterygomandibular raphe, Mandible, and the Maxilla lateral to the molar teeth

Insertion: Angle of mouth and the lateral portion of the upper and lower lips

Action: Pulls the corner of mouth laterally; presses the cheek against the teeth

<p>Origin: Pterygomandibular raphe, Mandible, and the Maxilla lateral to the molar teeth</p><p>Insertion: Angle of mouth and the lateral portion of the upper and lower lips</p><p>Action: Pulls the corner of mouth laterally; presses the cheek against the teeth</p>
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Pectoralis Major

Origin: Medial 1/2 of the Clavicle, Manubrium & Body of Sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 2-6, sometimes from the rectus sheath of the upper abdominal wall

Insertion: Crest of the greater tubercle of the Humerus

Action: Flexes and adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm

<p>Origin: <span>Medial 1/2 of the Clavicle, Manubrium &amp; Body of Sternum, costal cartilages of ribs 2-6, sometimes from the rectus sheath of the upper abdominal wall</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Crest of the greater tubercle of the Humerus</span></p><p>Action: <span>Flexes and adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm</span></p>
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Pectoralis Minor

Origin: Ribs 3-5

Insertion: Coracoid process of the Scapula

Action: Draws the scapula forward, medialward, and downward

<p>Origin: <span>Ribs 3-5</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Coracoid process of the Scapula</span></p><p>Action: <span>Draws the scapula forward, medialward, and downward</span></p>
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Serratus Anterior

Origin: Ribs 1-8 or 9

Insertion: Medial border of the Scapula on its costal (deep) surface

Action: it draws the scapula forward; the inferior fibers rotate the scapula superiorly

<p>Origin: <span>Ribs 1-8 or 9</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial border of the Scapula on its costal (deep) surface</span></p><p>Action: <span>it draws the scapula forward; the inferior fibers rotate the scapula superiorly</span></p>
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Origin: Medial third of the superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T12

Insertion: Lateral third of the Clavicle, medial side of the acromion and the upper crest of the Scapular spine, tubercle of the scapular spine

Action: elevates and depresses the scapula (depending on which part of the muscle contracts); rotates the scapula superiorly; retracts scapula

<p>Origin: <span>Medial third of the superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of vertebrae C7-T12</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Lateral third of the Clavicle, medial side of the acromion and the upper crest of the Scapular spine, tubercle of the scapular spine</span></p><p>Action: <span>elevates and depresses the scapula (depending on which part of the muscle contracts); rotates the scapula superiorly; retracts scapula</span></p>
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Latissimus Dorsi

Origin: Vertebral spines from T7 to the Sacrum, posterior third of the Iliac crest, lower 3 or 4 ribs, sometimes from the inferior angle of the scapula

Insertion: Floor of the intertubercular groove

Action: extends the arm and rotates the arm medially

<p>Origin: <span>Vertebral spines from T7 to the Sacrum, posterior third of the Iliac crest, lower 3 or 4 ribs, sometimes from the inferior angle of the scapula</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Floor of the intertubercular groove</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the arm and rotates the arm medially</span></p>
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Origin: Lateral one-third of the Clavicle, acromion, the lower lip of the crest of the spine of the Scapula

Insertion: Deltoid tuberosity of the Humerus

Action: Abducts arm; anterior fibers flex & medially rotate the arm; posterior fibers extend & laterally rotate the arm

<p>Origin: <span>Lateral one-third of the Clavicle, acromion, the lower lip of the crest of the spine of the Scapula</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Deltoid tuberosity of the Humerus</span></p><p>Action: <span>Abducts arm; anterior fibers flex &amp; medially rotate the arm; posterior fibers extend &amp; laterally rotate the arm</span></p>
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Origin: Supraspinatous Fossa

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus (highest facet)

Action: abducts the arm (initiates abduction)

<p>Origin: <span>Supraspinatous Fossa</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Greater tubercle of the Humerus (highest facet)</span></p><p>Action: <span>abducts the arm (initiates abduction)</span></p>
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Origin: Infraspinatous fossa

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus (middle facet)

Action: laterally rotates the arm

<p>Origin: <span>Infraspinatous fossa</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Greater tubercle of the Humerus (middle facet)</span></p><p>Action: <span>laterally rotates the arm</span></p>
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Origin: Medial two-thirds of the costal surface of the Scapula (subscapular fossa)

Insertion: Lesser tubercle of the Humerus

Action: medially rotates the arm; assists extention of the arm

<p>Origin: <span>Medial two-thirds of the costal surface of the Scapula (subscapular fossa)</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Lesser tubercle of the Humerus</span></p><p>Action: <span>medially rotates the arm; assists extention of the arm</span></p>
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Teres Minor

Origin: Upper 2/3 of the lateral border of the Scapula

Insertion: Greater tubercle of the Humerus (lowest facet)

Action: laterally rotates the arm

<p>Origin: <span>Upper 2/3 of the lateral border of the Scapula</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Greater tubercle of the Humerus (lowest facet)</span></p><p>Action: <span>laterally rotates the arm</span></p>
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Teres Major

Origin: Dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the Scapula

Insertion: Crest of the lesser tubercle of the Humerus

Action: adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm, assists in arm extension

<p>Origin: <span>Dorsal surface of the inferior angle of the Scapula</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Crest of the lesser tubercle of the Humerus</span></p><p>Action: <span>adducts the arm, medially rotates the arm, assists in arm extension</span></p>
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External Intercostal

Origin: Lower border of a Rib within an intercostal space

Insertion: Upper border of the Rib below, coursing, downward and medially

Action: keeps the intercostal space from blowing out or sucking in during respiration

<p>Origin: <span>Lower border of a Rib within an intercostal space</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Upper border of the Rib below, coursing, downward and medially</span></p><p>Action: <span>keeps the intercostal space from blowing out or sucking in during respiration</span></p>
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Internal Intercostal

Origin: Upper border of a Rib

Insertion: Lower border of Rib above, coursing up and medially

Action: keeps the intercostal space from blowing out or sucking in during respiration

<p>Origin: U<span>pper border of a Rib</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Lower border of Rib above, coursing up and medially</span></p><p>Action: <span>keeps the intercostal space from blowing out or sucking in during respiration</span></p>
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Rectus Abdominis

Origin: Pubis and the pubic symphysis

Insertion: Xiphoid process of the Sternum and costal cartilages 5-7

Action: flexes the trunk

<p>Origin: <span>Pubis and the pubic symphysis</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Xiphoid process of the Sternum and costal cartilages 5-7</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the trunk</span></p>
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Internal Oblique

Origin: Inguinal ligament, iliac crest and lumbodorsal fascia

Insertion: Ribs 10-12

Action: Bilateral contraction compresses the abdomen, while unilateral contraction ipsilaterally rotates the torso

<p>Origin: Inguinal ligament, iliac crest and lumbodorsal fascia</p><p>Insertion: Ribs 10-12</p><p>Action: <span>Bilateral contraction compresses the abdomen, while unilateral contraction ipsilaterally rotates the torso</span></p>
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External Oblique

Origin: Ribs 5-12

Insertion: Iliac crest and pubic tubercle

Action: Flexion and contralateral rotation of the tors

<p>Origin: Ribs 5-12</p><p>Insertion: Iliac crest and pubic tubercle</p><p>Action: <span>Flexion and contralateral rotation of the tors</span></p>
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Triceps Brachii

Origin: Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of the Scapula; Lateral head: posterolateral Humerus & lateral intermuscular septum; Medial head: posteromedial surface of the inferior 1/2 of the Humerus

Insertion: Olecranon process of the Ulna

Action: extends the forearm; the long head extends and adducts arm

<p>Origin: <span>Long head: infraglenoid tubercle of the Scapula; Lateral head: posterolateral Humerus &amp; lateral intermuscular septum; Medial head: posteromedial surface of the inferior 1/2 of the Humerus</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Olecranon process of the Ulna</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the forearm; the long head extends and adducts arm</span></p>
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Biceps Brachii

Origin: Short head: tip of the coracoid process of the Scapula; Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of the Scapula

Insertion: Tuberosity of the Radius

Action: flexes the forearm, flexes arm (long head), supinates

<p>Origin: <span>Short head: tip of the coracoid process of the Scapula; Long head: supraglenoid tubercle of the Scapula</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Tuberosity of the Radius</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the forearm, flexes arm (long head), supinates</span></p>
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Origin: Anterior surface of the lower one-half of the Humerus and the associated intermuscular septa

Insertion: Coronoid process of the Ulna

Action: flexes the forearm

<p>Origin: <span>Anterior surface of the lower one-half of the Humerus and the associated intermuscular septa</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Coronoid process of the Ulna</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the forearm</span></p>
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Origin: Upper two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the Humerus

Insertion: Lateral side of the base of the styloid process of the Radius

Action: flexes the elbow, assists in pronation & supination

<p>Origin: <span>Upper two-thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the Humerus</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Lateral side of the base of the styloid process of the Radius</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the elbow, assists in pronation &amp; supination</span></p>
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Flexor Digitorum Superficialis

Origin: Humeroulnar head: common flexor tendon; Radial head: middle 1/3 of radius

Insertion: Shafts of the middle phalanges of digits 2-5

Action: flexes the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints

<p>Origin: <span>Humeroulnar head: common flexor tendon; Radial head: middle 1/3 of radius</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Shafts of the middle phalanges of digits 2-5</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints</span></p>
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Flexor Carpi Radialis

Origin: Common flexor tendon from the medial epicondyle of the Humerus

Insertion: Base of the second and third Metacarpals

Action: flexes the wrist, abducts the hand

<p>Origin: <span>Common flexor tendon from the medial epicondyle of the Humerus</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Base of the second and third Metacarpals</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes the wrist, abducts the hand</span></p>
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Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin: Common flexor tendon & (Ulnar head) from medial border of olecranon & upper 2/3 of the posterior border of the Ulna

Insertion: Pisiform, hook of Hamate, and base of 5th Metacarpal

Action: flexes wrist, adducts hand

<p>Origin: <span>Common flexor tendon &amp; (Ulnar head) from medial border of olecranon &amp; upper 2/3 of the posterior border of the Ulna</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Pisiform, hook of Hamate, and base of 5th Metacarpal</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes wrist, adducts hand</span></p>
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Extensor Carpi Ulnaris

Origin: Common extensor tendon & the middle one-half of the posterior border of the Ulna

Insertion: Medial side of the base of the 5th Metacarpal

Action: extends the wrist; adducts the hand

<p>Origin: C<span>ommon extensor tendon &amp; the middle one-half of the posterior border of the Ulna</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial side of the base of the 5th Metacarpal</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the wrist; adducts the hand</span></p>
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Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus

Origin: Lower one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the Humerus

Insertion: Dorsum of the second Metacarpal bone (base)

Action: extends the wrist; abducts the hand

<p>Origin: <span>Lower one-third of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the Humerus</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Dorsum of the second Metacarpal bone (base)</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the wrist; abducts the hand</span></p>
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Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis

Origin: Common extensor tendon (lateral epicondyle of Humerus)

Insertion: Dorsum of the third Metacarpal bone (base)

Action: extends the wrist; abducts the hand

<p>Origin: <span>Common extensor tendon (lateral epicondyle of Humerus)</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Dorsum of the third Metacarpal bone (base)</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the wrist; abducts the hand</span></p>
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Extensor Digitorum

Origin: Common extensor tendon (lateral epicondyle of the Humerus)

Insertion: Extensor expansion of digits 2-5

Action: extends the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints of the 2nd-5th digits; extends wrist

<p>Origin: C<span>ommon extensor tendon (lateral epicondyle of the Humerus)</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Extensor expansion of digits 2-5</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joints of the 2nd-5th digits; extends wrist</span></p>
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Rectus Femoris(Quadriceps femoris)

Origin: Straight head: anterior inferior iliac spine; Reflected head: above the superior rim of the acetabulum

Insertion: Patella and Tibial tuberosity (via the patellar ligament)

Action: extends the leg, flexes the thigh

<p>Origin: <span>Straight head: anterior inferior iliac spine; Reflected head: above the superior rim of the acetabulum</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Patella and Tibial tuberosity (via the patellar ligament)</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the leg, flexes the thigh</span></p>
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Vastus lateralis(Quadriceps femoris)

Origin: Lateral intermuscular septum, lateral lip of the linea aspera and the gluteal tuberosity

Insertion: Patella and medial patellar retinaculum

Action: extends leg

<p>Origin: <span>Lateral intermuscular septum, lateral lip of the linea aspera and the gluteal tuberosity</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Patella and medial patellar retinaculum</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends leg</span></p>
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Vastus medialis(Quadriceps femoris)

Origin: Medial intermuscular septum, medial lip of the linea aspera

Insertion: Patella and medial patellar retinaculum

Action: extends leg

<p>Origin: <span>Medial intermuscular septum, medial lip of the linea aspera</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Patella and medial patellar retinaculum</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends leg</span></p>
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Vastus Intermedius(Quadriceps femoris)

Origin: Anterior and lateral surface of the Femur

Insertion: Patella

Action: extends the leg

<p>Origin: <span>Anterior and lateral surface of the Femur</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Patella</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the leg</span></p>
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Origin: Anterior superior iliac spine

Insertion: Medial surface of the Tibia (pes anserinus)

Action: flexes, abducts and laterally rotates the thigh; flexes leg

<p>Origin: <span>Anterior superior iliac spine</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial surface of the Tibia (pes anserinus)</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes, abducts and laterally rotates the thigh; flexes leg</span></p>
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Gluteus Maximus

Origin: Posterior gluteal line, posterior surface of Sacrum and Coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament

Insertion: Upper fibers: iliotibial tract; Lowermost fibers: gluteal tuberosity of the femur

Action: extends the thigh; laterally rotates the femur

<p>Origin: <span>Posterior gluteal line, posterior surface of Sacrum and Coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Upper fibers: iliotibial tract; Lowermost fibers: gluteal tuberosity of the femur</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the thigh; laterally rotates the femur</span></p>
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Biceps Femoris(Hamstrings)

Origin: Long head: ischial tuberosity; Short head: lateral lip of the linea aspera

Insertion: Head of Fibula and lateral condyle of the Tibia

Action: extends the thigh, flexes the leg

<p>Origin: <span>Long head: ischial tuberosity; Short head: lateral lip of the linea aspera</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Head of Fibula and lateral condyle of the Tibia</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the thigh, flexes the leg</span></p>
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Origin: Lower, medial surface of ischial tuberosity (common tendon with biceps femoris m.)

Insertion: Medial surface of Tibia (via pes anserinus)

Action: extends the thigh, flexes the leg

<p>Origin: <span>Lower, medial surface of ischial tuberosity (common tendon with biceps femoris m.)</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial surface of Tibia (via pes anserinus)</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the thigh, flexes the leg</span></p>
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Origin: Upper, outer surface of the ischial tuberosity

Insertion: Medial condyle of the Tibia

Action: extends the thigh, flexes the leg

<p>Origin: <span>Upper, outer surface of the ischial tuberosity</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial condyle of the Tibia</span></p><p>Action: <span>extends the thigh, flexes the leg</span></p>
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Origin: Femur; Medial head: above the medial femoral condyle; Lateral head: above the lateral femoral condyle

Insertion: dorsum of the Calcaneus via the calcaneal (Achilles') tendon

Action: flexes leg; plantar flexes foot

<p>Origin: <span>Femur; Medial head: above the medial femoral condyle; Lateral head: above the lateral femoral condyle</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>dorsum of the Calcaneus via the calcaneal (Achilles') tendon</span></p><p>Action: <span>flexes leg; plantar flexes foot</span></p>
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Origin: Posterior surface of head and upper shaft of the Fibula, soleal line of the Tibia

Insertion: Dorsum of the Calcaneus via the calcaneal (Achilles') tendon

Action: plantar flexes the foot

<p>Origin: <span>Posterior surface of head and upper shaft of the Fibula, soleal line of the Tibia</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Dorsum of the Calcaneus via the calcaneal (Achilles') tendon</span></p><p>Action: <span>plantar flexes the foot</span></p>
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Tibialis Anterior

Origin: Lateral tibial condyle and the upper lateral surface of the Tibia

Insertion: Medial surface of the Medial Cuneiform and the 1st Metatarsal

Action: dorsiflexes and inverts the foot

<p>Origin: <span>Lateral tibial condyle and the upper lateral surface of the Tibia</span></p><p>Insertion: <span>Medial surface of the Medial Cuneiform and the 1st Metatarsal</span></p><p>Action: <span>dorsiflexes and inverts the foot</span></p>
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Tibialis Posterior

Origin: Interosseous membrane, posteromedial surface of the Fibula, posterolateral surface of the Tibia

Insertion: Tuberosity of the Navicular and Medial Cuneiform, Metatarsals 2-4

Action: plantar flexes the foot; inverts the foo

<p>Origin: <span>Interosseous membrane, posteromedial surface of the Fibula, posterolateral surface of the Tibia</span></p><p>Insertion: T<span>uberosity of the Navicular and Medial Cuneiform, Metatarsals 2-4</span></p><p>Action: <span>plantar flexes the foot; inverts the foo</span></p>
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