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Verbal Communication
The act of producing meaningful sounds, involving language and cognitive processes.
The act of producing meaningful sounds in communication.
Speech Communities
Groups of people who share the same language or communities of practice.
Study of non-verbal or non-vocal communication, including body language and gestures.
Study of how different societies perceive and use space.
Optional vocal features or silences that communicate meaning apart from language itself.
Sign Language
A form of communication using hand movements to convey messages.
Animal Communication Systems (ACS)
Systems of signals used by non-human animals pertaining to survival, mating, and social interactions.
The ability to create an infinite range of understandable expressions from a finite set of rules in language.
The ability of language to refer to events and issues beyond the immediate present.
The ability to lie or create nonsensical sentences that are grammatically correct.
The lack of a transparent distinction between a symbol's form and its meaning.
Duality of patterning
The ability to create meaning through different arrangements of phonemes and morphemes.
Linguistic Competence
Mastery of adult grammar, as defined by Noam Chomsky.
Communicative Competence
Mastery of socially and culturally appropriate speech rules, as defined by Dell Hymes.
Clever Hans Effect
The phenomenon where an animal appears to understand language or tasks due to cues given by the trainer.
Descriptive Linguistics
The study of patterns of speaking in actual speech, including rules of phonology and syntax.
Linguistic Relativity Principle
The idea that the nature of a language influences the habitual thought of its speakers.
The use of more than one language by an individual or community.
Pidgin Languages
Languages that develop between speakers of different native languages, lacking native speakers.
Creole Languages
Languages that evolve from pidgins, incorporating vocabulary from the parent languages but with unique grammar.
Language Revitalization
Efforts to revive or maintain local languages that are in decline.
Language Extinction
The complete loss of a language when speakers abandon it in favor of another language.
Language Endangerment
The stage in language decline when there are fewer than 10,000 speakers.