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A body of flowing water.
The physical confine of a stream.
Drainage Basin
An area of land where precipitation collects and drains off into a common outlet.
The point where a stream meets a larger body of water.
The source or beginning of a stream.
The sides of a stream.
The bottom of a stream.
Natural or artificial embankments along the sides of a river.
Flat areas adjacent to a stream that are prone to flooding.
An overflow of water onto land that is normally dry.
Recurrence Interval
The average time between events of a certain size or larger.
Thin layers of water that flow over the ground surface.
Water that flows over the ground surface to streams.
The process of erosion that deepens a stream channel.
Headward Erosion
The process where a stream erodes backward into its source.
Smaller streams that flow into a larger stream.
Drainage Network
A system of interconnected streams and rivers.
Drainage Divide
A ridge that separates one drainage basin from another.
Permanent Streams
Streams that flow year-round.
Ephemeral Streams
Streams that only flow during certain times of the year.
Water Table
The upper surface of the saturated zone of groundwater.
Unsaturated Zone
The area above the water table where soil and rock are not fully saturated with water.
Saturated Zone
The area below the water table where all the pores are filled with water.
The volume of water flowing through a stream over a given time.
Base Level
The lowest point to which a stream can erode.
Stream Gradient
The slope of a stream channel.
Braided Stream
A stream consisting of multiple interweaving channels.
Meandering Stream
A stream that follows a winding path.
Point Bar
A deposit of sediment on the inside bend of a meander.
Cut Bank
The eroded bank on the outside of a meander.
A curve or bend in a stream.
Oxbow Lake
A crescent-shaped lake formed when a meander is cut off from a stream.
The measure of void spaces in a material.
The ability of a material to transmit fluids.
Geological formations that can store and transmit water.
Geological formations that restrict water flow.
Perched Water Table
A localized zone of saturation above the regional water table.
Capillary Fringe
The zone above the water table where water is held by capillary forces.
Hydraulic Head
The potential energy available to drive the flow of groundwater.
Hydraulic Gradient
The change in hydraulic head per unit distance.
Darcy's Law
A formula that describes the flow of fluid through a porous medium.
The process by which groundwater is replenished.
Discharge (Groundwater)
The process by which groundwater is removed from an aquifer.
Types of Well
Different constructions of wells used to extract groundwater.
Artesian Well
A well that taps into a confined aquifer under pressure.
Potentiometric Surface
An imaginary surface representing the level to which water would rise in a well.
Cone of Depression
A downward slope in the water table around a well caused by pumping.
Climate Change Evidence
Data and observations that indicate changes in climate patterns.
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
A period of significant global warming studied for insights into climate change.
Consequences of Climate Change
Potential impacts on ecosystems, weather patterns, and sea levels due to climate change.
CO2 Concentration Increase
The rise in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere due to human activities.
Earth's Warming Evidence
Indicators that demonstrate the increase in Earth's average temperature.
Fossil Fuels and Climate
The relationship between the burning of fossil fuels and climate change.
Natural Climate Regulation
Factors that naturally influence and stabilize the Earth's climate.
Recent CO2 Increase Rate
The current rate of carbon dioxide increase compared to historical natural variations.