Cranial Nerves
12 pairs of peripheral nerves that carry messages to and from the brain
Cranial Nerves - Sensory-Only
general senses + special senses
i,ii, viii,
Cranial Nerves - Motor-Only
for skeletal muscles or for the parasympathetic nervous system (muscles + glands)
iii, iv, vi, xi, xii
Olfactory (I)
smell (sensory only)
Optic (II)
vision (sensory only)
Occulomotor (III)
eye + upper eyelid movement (motor - somatic)
pupil constriction + lens focus (motor - parasympathetic)
brain stem
Trochlear (IV)
eyeball movement (motor)
brain stem
Trigeminal (V)
facial structures (sensory): upper (opthalamic), middle (maxillary), lower (mandibular)
mastification (motor - mandibular)
brain stem
Abducens (VI)
lateral eye movement (motor)
brain stem
Facial (VII)
taste (sensory)
facial expressions (motor)
salivary + lacrimal glands (motor - parasympathetic)
brain stem
Vestibulocochlear (VIII)
balance + hearing (sensory)
brain stem
Glossopharyngeal (IX)
taste + swallowing muscles + blood pressure/gases (sensory)
swallowing (motor)
parotid gland + saliva (motor - parasympathetic)
brain stem
Vagus (X)
blood pressure/gases + taste (sensory)
voice production + swallowing (motor)
GI control + respiration + lowers HR (motor - parasympathetic)
brain stem
Accessory (XI)
head movements (trapezius + sternocleidomastoid) + swallowing (motor)
spinal cord
Hypoglossal (XII)
speech + swallowing (motor)
brain stem
Electrical Nature of Neurons
polarized / electrically excitable
Concentration Gradient
separates molecules / move things from high concentration to low concentration
Electrical Gradient
separates charges / positive from negative
Resting State
70 mV / outside (+) / inside (-) /
Extracellular Fluid at Resting State
high concentration of chloride, sodium, calcium
Intracellular Fluid at Resting State
high concentration of potassium and protein
Causes of Ion Concentration Differences
sodium potassium pump + membrane permeability
Causes of Ion Concentration Differences - Sodium Potassium Pump
creates gradient of sodium + potassium ions / requires ATP / 2 K+ in and 3 Na+ out
Sodium-Postassium Pump
ATP binds; becomes ADP and inorganic phosphate; causes shape change
Na+ moves towards outside of cell
K+ binds, inorganic phosphate moves away; return to initial shape
K+ moves in, ADP and inorganic phosphate dissociate and pump stops
Causes of Ion Concentration Differences - Membrane Permeability
number of open channels / size of ions / number of gated channels
Leak Channels
always open / ions move with gradient / ion specific / more K+ channels than Na+ channels
Establishing Resting Membrane Potential
Na+ out, K+ in } pumped
K+ out, Na+ in } passive transport
K+ move positive charge outside cell
negative proteins drawn towards membrane
K+ drawn towards inside due to charge differences
K+ moves due to gradients } in (electrical); out (concentration)
Gated Ion Channels
have gates / open and close on demand / ligand, mechanical, voltage
Ligand-Gated Ion Channels
respond to chemical stimuli / have specific receptors / mostly in soma + dendrites
Mechanically-Gated Ion Channels
respond to mechanical vibration or pressure / physically open gates / mostly in specialized dendrite regions
Voltage-Gated Ion Channels
respond to a direct change in the membrane potential / found in axons and pre-synaptic terminals
voltage moves closer to 0 / sodium and calcium
voltage moves further from 0 / potassium and chloride
Graded (local) Potentials
short distances / ligand + mechanically / in cell body and dendrite regions / can summate
Action Potentials
long + short distances / voltage-gated / all-or-none / magnitude stays constant (-70 mV to 35 mV)
All-or-None Principle
the law that the neuron either fires at 100% or not at all
Action Potential: At Rest
K+ gate = closed Na+ activation gate = closed Na+ inactivation gate = opened
Action Potential: Depolarizing
GP reaches threshold, opens activation gate
Na+ rushes in
reaches 35 mV
K+ gate opens slowly
Action Potential: Repolarizing
inactivation gate closes at depolarization peak
Na+ can no longer move
K+ moves out until resting state is reached
Action Potential: Post-Repolarization
hit threshold, closes activation gate
K+ outflow returns membrane potential to -70 mV
inactivation gate opens, activation gate closes
Action Potential: Afterpotential
K+ channels stay open longer than they should
K+ continues to leave
membrane potential drops to roughly -90 mV
Action Potential: Returning to Rest
K+ channels close
sodium/potassium pump + leak channels bring membrane potential back to -70 mV
Action Potential: Refractory Period
when neutron resists production of new signal after AP is produced; less sensitive to 'next' stimulus
Absolute Refractory
even maximum stimulus will not begin AP / must return to resting state
Relative Refractory
supra threshold will start AP / K+ gate open, Na+ gate closed
a stimulus that exceeds the threshold to generate an action potential
Stimulus Strength
determined by frequency of action potentials, until the max rate is reached
increase in stimulus = increase in GP size → trigger more action potentials
reach max. stimulus (make AP as fast as possible)
stimuli greater than max cannot be detected