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Last Supper, Crucifixion, Wedding Supper of the Lamb
Eternal events that the Mass makes present to us
Holy water
Substance that reminds us of our baptism, as soon as we enter a church
Physical action which signifies humility, service, and a proposal to love
White vestment, worn by the priest, symbolizing purity
Vestment worn by the priest, which covers everything - symbolizes charity, and is in the color of the liturgical feast or season
Entrance Procession
Symbolizes our pilgrimage to heaven, led by Christ
We offer our voices to God, in the same way that we are meant to give our lives to God
One symbol of Christ in the sanctuary - where the sacrifice takes place - the priest kisses this as an undoing of the kiss of Judas
Are in the altar, showing the connection between the Church on earth and in heaven
Sign of the Cross
Marks us as belonging to God, reminds us of what our freedom cost, reminds us that we were meant to know, love, and serve God
The Lord be with you
A phrase used in Scripture for when someone is called to something greater - we respond to the priest, 'And with your spirit'
In persona Christi
Latin phrase which recognizes that when the priest is offering the sacraments, it is ultimately Christ acting through him to offer us grace
The first step in becoming a saint is to recognize that one is a sinner, therefore allowing God's grace to work
Part of the penitential rite where we, like the publican in Jesus' parable, admit that we are sinners, and ask the members of the Church to pray for us
Kyrie Elieson
Greek phrase in Mass, second part of the penitential rite, in which we ask God for mercy
After the penitential rite, we echo the angels in Bethlehem, and recognize that in the right praise of God, we will find peace (not said during Lent)
Prayer at the beginning of Mass, where the priest gathers our prayers, and prays on our behalf
Old Testament
The first reading on Sunday is often from this part of Scripture, and provides background for the other readings
Prayers, mostly written by David, in which we respond to God
The 2nd reading is traditionally from one of these, which means a letter, by someone who had direct contact with Christ or one of his Apostles
Part of the Liturgy where we hear the direct words of Christ, read by the deacon or priest, from the ambo
Meant to be an explanation and application of the truths of the faith, from the mind of Christ and his Church, not just the priest's private opinions.
Literally means, 'I believe', statement of faith, which traditionally comes from the Council of Nicaea
Term which means that Jesus, the Son, is the same substance as the Father.
Universal Prayer
Another name for the petitions, or prayers of the faithful, where the Church acts out its role as the Mystical Body