Security Model
A framework or system that defines the security requirements, threats, and controls for a particular system or network.
Breached records
Records or data that have been accessed or obtained by unauthorized individuals or entities.
Hacker attack
An unauthorized attempt to gain access to a computer system or network.
Cyber attacks
Malicious activities or actions carried out by individuals or groups to compromise the security of computer systems or networks.
Data breach
The unauthorized access, acquisition, or disclosure of sensitive or confidential data.
Malicious software designed to disrupt, damage, or gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks.
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) attacks
where multiple compromised computers are used to flood a target system or network with traffic, causing it to become unavailable.
Human error
Mistakes or actions made by individuals that lead to security breaches or vulnerabilities.
Cybersecurity breaches
Unauthorized access or compromise of computer systems or networks, resulting in potential harm or loss.
Security policies
Guidelines or rules that define the acceptable use and access of resources within an organization.
Security mechanisms
Tools, technologies, or procedures used to enforce security policies and protect resources.
The practice of secure communication by converting information into a code or cipher to prevent unauthorized access or tampering.
Security attacks
Various forms of malicious activities or actions that aim to compromise the security of a system or network.
Secure channels
Communication channels that ensure privacy, data integrity, and protection against tampering or unauthorized access.
Potential risks or vulnerabilities that can be exploited to compromise the security of a system or network.
Specific actions or techniques used to exploit vulnerabilities and compromise the security of a system or network.
Unauthorized interception or monitoring of private or secret information.
Impersonating or assuming the identity of another user or principal without their authority.
Message tampering
Altering the content of messages in transit, often done through man-inthe-middle attacks.
Denial of service
Flooding a system or network with excessive traffic or requests to disrupt its normal operation and deny access to legitimate users.
Trojan horses and viruses
Malicious software or code that can enter a computer system and cause harm or unauthorized actions.
IP spoofing
Creating IP packets with a false source IP address to deceive or bypass security measures.
Securing electronic transactions
Implementing measures and protocols to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of email, online purchases, and banking transactions.
Verify the identity of someone or something.
The unique characteristics or attributes that distinguish an individual or entity.
Points of interaction or communication between different components or systems.
A group of interconnected devices or systems.
A parameter used in encryption algorithms to encrypt or decrypt messages.
Individuals who gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks.
Computer security
The protection of computer systems and data from unauthorized access or attacks.
Shared Secret Keys
Keys that are known and shared between the sender and recipient.
Public/Private Key Pair
A pair of keys, used for encryption and decryption.
The process of verifying the identity of someone or something.
Digital Signatures
A cryptographic technique used to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital messages.
Secret key
A key used in encryption algorithms that must be kept confidential.
Private key
A key known only to a specific individual or entity.
Public key
A key that is publicly available and used for encryption or verification.
Message encryption
The process of encoding a message to hide its contents.
Message decryption
The process of decoding an encrypted message to reveal its contents.
Public Key Cryptosystem
A cryptographic system that uses public and private keys for encryption and decryption.
A computer or system that provides services or resources to other computers or systems.
Unauthorized alteration or modification of data or messages.
A digital document that verifies the authenticity and integrity of information.
Trusted authority
An entity that is trusted to issue and verify certificates.
A unique identifier or mark that verifies the authenticity of a document or message.
Symmetric (secret key)
A cryptographic algorithm that uses the same key for both encryption and decryption.
Asymmetric (public key)
A cryptographic algorithm that uses separate encryption and decryption keys.
A form of attack where all possible key values are tried to decrypt a known pair of message and ciphertext.
Hybrid protocols
Cryptographic protocols that combine symmetric and asymmetric encryption methods.
Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
A system that allows users to verify the authenticity of public keys.
X.509 certificate
A digital certificate that contains information about the owner of a public key.
Certificate Authorities (CAs)
Trusted entities that issue and verify digital certificates.
A widely used asymmetric encryption algorithm created by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman.
Generating Keys
The process of selecting prime numbers and calculating the public and private keys for RSA encryption.
The process of converting plaintext into ciphertext using a cryptographic algorithm and a key.
The process of converting ciphertext back into plaintext using a cryptographic algorithm and a key.