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a stable government will result in a stable and successful economy
Ponzi Scheme
dishonest investments looking for easy money (Charles Ponzi)
economic system based on collective ownership and control of national resources
Excessive Taxation
Less money available for businesses and households
Inflation and Debasement of Money
leads to increase in prices and higher interest rates for loans
Excessive Regulation
too much regulation discourages current and future business owners from succeeding
Direct Tax
paid directly to the government (example Property/Income)
Indirect Taxes
taxes for which the responsibility for payment can be passed on to someone else
Progressive Tax System
wealthy pay taxes at a higher tax rate than lower income people
Flat Tax
everyone pays the same percentage of taxes regardless of income earned
Regressive Tax
people with a low income pay the highest percentage of taxes while the rich pay a smaller percentage but an equal amount
funds Social Security and Medicare programs
the government would stay in everything that is public
the government is involved in the public and private sector
Deficit Spending
spending more each year than is brought in through revenue
National Debt
total amount owed
New Deal
created by FDR during the Great Depression
the government should “prime the economic pump” and put money into the economy