MSSC - Safety

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  1. An_________ customer is a person or organization that receives services or products in exchange for compensation.

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  1. An_________ customer is a person or organization that receives services or products in exchange for compensation.


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  1. Improving external customer satisfaction is the main objective of __________.

customer service

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  1. Vendors could be considered what type of customer?


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  1. Customer satisfaction should always be the first objective considered when developing _________.

new or improved products

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  1. The ________ of the product describes the features requested for the product to perform the tasks for which it was intended.


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  1. Product designers should always consider the effects of tooling design and cost during ___________.

prototype development

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  1. Product design teams should provide an environment that encourages ________.

Add their design ideas free

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  1. Teamwork, concurrent engineering, tools and techniques are needed in order to make _______________.

Product introduction

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  1. Engineers working with manufacturing to become aware of tooling limitations and other problems that may increase production time and cost is an example of _____________.

Concurrent engineering

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  1. _______ is a design methodology that designs features into the product that makes it cheaper to manufacture, while maintaining its ability to perform its intended function.

Design for Manufacturing and Assembly (DFMA)

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  1. to be successful ________must be tied to the company's business plan.

team goals

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  1. A team should develop a spending plan as part of their decision making process ________________.

to ensure that they do not exceed the amount of money allocated to the project

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  1. Supervisors should set measurable objectives to have a way to ____________.

Have good performance criteria for review of employee performance

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  1. People working together discussing issues and making decisions are key elements of a _______________. a) successful work group b) SPC program c) JIT process d) Histogram

successful work group

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  1. Company objectives and production goals are important pieces of data to __________. a) Retired employee b) Forklift training certification data c) Self-directed work team d) Predictive maintenance program

Self-directed work team

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  1. Promoting competition among teams or departments _________________. a) Helps management set their own goals b) Helps establish the baseline to set team goals c) Is a reason to set measurable team goals d) Is not a reason to set measurable team goals

Is not a reason to set measurable team goals

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  1. Top level management must support a team for it to be ______________. a) Successful b) Ratified c) Certified Fully staffed


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  1. When a team sets objectives that they wish to accomplish, care should be taken to ensure that these objectives are _____________. a) Aggressive b) Predictable c) Measurable d) Justifiable


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  1. To ensure that a team has____________ meetings, rules for team behavior should be enforced. a) Weekly b) Unproductive c) Productive d) Long


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  1. The first step in a team development process is an awkward stage for the team members called ______________. a) Storming b) Norming c) Performing d) Forming


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  1. When a team is formed to tackle a problem, _______________________. a) Supervisor is placed in charge b) Set of guidelines is supplied to guide decisions c) Cost evaluation is performed to justify their work d) Team kickoff meeting is held to get everyone up to speed on the task and meet each other

Team kickoff meeting is held to get everyone up to speed on the task and meet each other

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  1. ______________ is a technique teams use for generating as many ideas as possible. a) Storming b) Norming c) Brainstorming d) Pareto principle


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  1. During a team meeting, any solutions to the problem being discussed that do not meet one or more of the must-have criteria should be _______________. a) Discussed fully b) Tabled to a later meeting c) Given equal consideration d) Eliminated


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  1. Customer service refers to people and other resources a company devotes to ________. a) assisting customers b) product design c) sales d) cost analysis

assisting customers

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  1. In customer service, it is important to ________________. a) never admit being at fault b) look into the customer's problem, find a solution, and follow through c) make the customer admit to being at least partially at fault d) make the customer like you even it it means placing the blame on someone else in the organization

look into the customer's problem, find a solution, and follow through

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  1. Teams should strictly enforce rules about _______to minimize conflict. a) attendance b) arguing c) goal setting d) Facilitator selection


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  1. Which type of customer service information stored in a database could help to improve product quality? __________________. a) concerns customers have with specific problems b) customer orders c) customer banking information d) customer addresses.

concerns customers have with specific problems

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  1. When a customer service agent answers the phone, they should try to answer between the ______________. a) second and the fourth ring b) third and the fifth ring c) first and the second ring d) fourth and the fifth ring

second and the fourth ring

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  1. Which of the following is not used as a problem analysis tool? ____________. a) Brainstorming b) Shipping Manifest c) Cause and effect diagrams d) Root cause analysis

shipping manifest

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  1. In a team, the _________ is the one who will stimulate or guide the group to think of ideas. a) facilitator b) recorder c) president d) supervisor


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  1. ____________ involves every employee in the company continually looking for ways to improve processes, and eliminate wasteful actions. a) Concurrent engineering b) Continuous improvement c) Customer service d) Product development

continuous improvement

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  1. Reaching a _________ means that although the chosen solution may not be the first choice of everyone on the team, each member supports that solution as a viable option. a) impass b) majority c) milestone d) consensus


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  1. To be successful in achieving a goal, _______ must be capable of bringing people together, motivating them and finally focusing them in the right direction. a) Quality worker b) Leader c) vendor d) maintenance worker


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  1. One method used by _________ to get a team started in the right direction is to sequence the start up activities. a) A team leader b) a vendor c) An outside consultant d) Top management

A team leader

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  1. A team leader is responsible for setting up internal quality audits __________. a) The team is not spending too much money b) The teams increased pay rate is justified c) Production rates have increased d) Procedures are in place and being followed

Procedures are in place and being followed

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  1. The specific tasks an employee will be required to perform are described in ________. a) Company newsletter b) Job descriptions c) Employee evaluations d) Machine operation manuals

job descriptions

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  1. Project management should include __________enable team leaders on other projects to identify availability of potential team members. a) Guarantee of long term work for team members b) Planned release of personnel as the project comes to an end c) Record of underperforming team members d) Planned transfer of unused funds to other teams

Planned release of personnel as the project comes to an end

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  1. Cross-training increases an employee's value to the company because they have additional skill and________. a) Are eligible for increased pay b) Shorter work periods c) A better understanding of related job functions d) Can demand more benefits.

A better understanding of related job functions

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A training matrix or database that contains a list of employees and their specific skills ____________. a) Is an invasion of privacy b) Is used by HR for payroll c) Should be sold to telemarketers d) Should be used to assign people to jobs in areas where they already contain the required skills

Should be used to assign people to jobs in areas where they already contain the required skills

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  1. Communicating ____________is important when training employees. a) At the appropriate level b) Loudly c) In writing d) In multimedia

At the appropriate level

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  1. An average worker's productivity would be included in ______________. a) His or her time report b) Job standards description c) Calculation of break times d) Job Safety Analysis

Job standards description

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  1. Demonstrating the skills and abilities learned is a common component of a(n) ___________. a) Orientation program b) Apprentice program c) Quality circle meeting d) Team kickoff meeting.

Apprentice program

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  1. Companies have a better ability to match workers to specific job needs if they use _________. a) Statistical Process Control b) Cross-training c) Sensitivity d) Better background hiring checks


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  1. In today's competitive markets, processes and people are constantly changing, resulting in a large need for ____________. a) Unskilled workers b) Training c) Decreased quality d) Longer cycle times


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  1. An employee will receive an update to their training record to reflect their certification when _____________. a) Forklift training is completed b) Forklift training is started c) New employee training is completed d) Packaging training is completed

Forklift training is completed

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  1. The equipment manufacturer is often the best source of ___________. a) Training on a new piece of equipment b) Training on your company's policies and procedures c) Product cost analysis d) Employee interviews

Training on a new piece of equipment

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  1. The equipment manufacturer is often the best source of ___________. a) Training on a new piece of equipment b) Training on your company's policies and procedures c) Product cost analysis d) Employee interviews

Training on a new piece of equipment

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  1. Manufacturing companies use _____ to save time and reduce cost of operation. a) Doctor visits b) Reactive maintenance c) OSHA regulations d) Training


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  1. Job shadowing requires an employee that is being cross-trained to ______. a) Do all the work while the experienced worker observes b) Create a set of procedures for the job. c) Work closely alongside an experienced worker as their shadow d) Come in after hours for training

Work closely alongside an experienced worker as their shadow

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  1. Companies often add production by adding another shift. If operators are hired for a new shift what will be needed? ___________ a) Customer shipment records b) Records of vacation time owed to existing operators c) Personnel records of existing operators d) Training records of existing operators

Training records of existing operators

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  1. A machinist who has learned to weld has undergone_________. a) Transformation b) Cross-training c) Special training d) Rehabilitation


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  1. Measurable ____________are important to the training process. a) Regulations b) Profits c) Objectives d) Restrictions


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  1. When is the best time to offer safety-related training to employees? ________. a) Before an OSHA audit b) After there has been a serious accident c) At the end of the workday d) At new employee orientation

At new employee orientation

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Communication skills used by team members should include written communication, oral communication, ___________ and listening skills. a) Written communication b) Brainstorming c) Indirect communication d) Direct communication

Written communication

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  1. Clear statement of expectations are needed when _____________. a) Training employees b) Ordering lunch c) Writing safety manuals d) Giving directions

Training employees

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A good manager will attempt to develop a compromise between two workers __________. a) Want to work together b) Use SPC charts c) Have developed a conflict d) Are married to each other

Have developed a conflict

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  1. When you give positive feedback, always make sure that you are __________. a) Believable whether or not you are being honest b) Sincere c) Encouraging them to do more d) Comparing them to other team members


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  1. An organizational method for the production areas that groups together all the machines that are needed to produce a part or a group of parts is called ________. a) Traditional b) Cellular c) Pod d) Flow


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  1. Priority jobs should be discussed at ___________. a) At the beginning of shift meetings b) At the end of shift meetings c) Only when management is present d) Once a month at team meetings.

At the beginning of shift meetings

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  1. ________ management presents the information about the production process in a visual format so that the workers can use it to improve efficiency and promote safety. a) Top-down b) Self-directed c) Visual d) Concurrent


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  1. When team members reach a significant point in their work to improve a process, it is called a ____________. a) Signature turning point b) Milestone c) Turn for the worse d) Starting point


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  1. A ________is used to establish a baseline measurement for evaluation of the process. a) Metric b) Pinnacle c) Process chart d) Production schedule


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  1. Data results are required to be made available to employees who participate in team building exercises. a) Team building exercises b) Environmental tests c) Holiday activities d) Fire drills

Environmental tests

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  1. When circumstances at work create a dangerous situation, you should _________. a) Not proceed until the dangerous situation is eliminated b) Proceed with the utmost care c) Ensure that personal protective equipment is used d) Apply for hazardous duty pay.

Not proceed until the dangerous situation is eliminated

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  1. What should a worker do if a paint filtering system breaks down and paint is being blown out on top of the roof? a) The system should be shut down. b) The system can be safely run until the maintenance team arrives. c) The employees should be notified

The system should be shut down.

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  1. Everyone in the workplace is responsible for ________. a) SPC analysis b) Product inspections c) Understanding JIT guidelines d) Accident prevention

Accident prevention

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  1. _______ is the federal agency that publishes and enforces safety and health regulations for companies in the United States. a) OSHA b) FDA c) FCC d) FICA


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  1. Taken corrective action based on safety regulations from employees will ____________. a) encourage employees to report safety suggestions. b) prevent employees from reporting safety suggestions. c) increase the overall cost of the product. d) reduce the amount of rework.

encourage employees to report safety suggestions.

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  1. OSHA stands for _________________. a) Occasionally Suppliers Have Accidents b) Occupational Safety and Health Administration c) Office of Safe Housing Authority d) Office of Safety & Hazardous Areas

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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  1. You should immediately report _____________ to reduce the possibility of other complications. a) Low production rates b) On-the-job injuries c) Suggestions for changes in Holiday rules d) Interest in changing jobs

On-the-job injuries

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  1. Supervisors andor safety committees should be made aware of possible improvements in ergonomics. a) Cost overruns b) Only items that do not get people in trouble c) possible improvements in ergonomics. d) Unclean areas

possible improvements in ergonomics

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  1. New employees or contractors should be instructed in proper evacuation procedures a) In case they forget their access passes b) to ensure that they can exit the facility safely in case of an emergency. c) Unless they work in a safe area d) Only if they didn't receive this instruction at their previous place of employment

to ensure that they can exit the facility safely in case of an emergency

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  1. Human caused injuries may be broken down further into two sub-categories __________ and accidental. a) Intentional b) Carelessness c) Threatening d) Hostile


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  1. Zero tolerance is a typical company policy to address _________. a) Absenteeism b) Violent behavior c) Safety violations d) Vacation abuse

Violent behavior

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  1. An assessment of safety and environmental compliance is required when_______________. a) Making repairs b) installing new equipment c) hiring contractors d) packaging equipment for shipment

installing new equipment

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  1. If you notice an employee acting in a manner that jeopardizes the safety of others, and you do not feel comfortable approaching that person, you should tell your coworkers to approach the person. a) Report the person to a supervisor immediately b) tell your coworkers to approach the person c) report the actions to a supervisor at the end of the shift d) write a note and leave it at the person's workstation

Report the person to a supervisor immediately

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  1. An employee should perform an immediate emergency shutdown of their machine and evacuate the building if __________________. a) An evacuation alarm goes off whether or not there is a sign of danger b) An evacuation alarm goes off and there is clearly a sign of danger c) An evacuation alarm goes off and there is no sign of danger d) The weather service issues a sever weather warning

An evacuation alarm goes off whether or not there is a sign of danger

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  1. Operating procedures would normally be found in__________________. a) Work training manuals b) Equipment manuals c) SOP manuals d) Emergency manuals

Work training manuals

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  1. Which of the following should be done when a new or different machine is installed? a) A lockout\tagout b) A job safety analysis c) An environmental test d) An MSDS report

A job safety analysis

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  1. Every person in the company is responsible for __________________. a) Supervision of other employees b) Handling of hazardous materials c) Performing any job in the company d) Preventing unsafe conditions

Preventing unsafe conditions

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  1. When a supervisor is aware of a personal argument between two employees, what should he\she do? a) Do not get involved b) Make sure there are no threats to an employee's safety. c) Warn both employees to keep their problems outside work d) Choose a side and stick to it

Make sure there are no threats to an employee's safety

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  1. The human resources department is the most common source of information about ___________. a) Machine start-up procedures b) Appropriate behavior c) Productivity improvements d) Quality

Appropriate behavior

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  1. If you notice a forklift truck driver operating the forklift while falling asleep, you should ____________. a) Call the supervisor the first chance you get b) Ignore it. It's not your job c) Get them off the forklift d) Yell loudly to wake them up

Get them off the forklift

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  1. Anyone who notices another employee engaging in an unsafe practice should __________. a) Send an anomonous letter to the supervisor b) Report the incident to the safety committee c) get constructive input to the employee to encourage good safety practice.

get constructive input to the employee to encourage good safety practice

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  1. The _____________ should be informed if one of the contractors is creating or operating in an unsafe condition. a) Company president b) Safety officer c) Company security d) Project manager

Project manager

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  1. When an alarm sounds, you should initiate emergency shutdown procedures and evacuate __________. a) Immediately b) As soon as you see others doing so c) Before power fails d) After you confirm it is not a false alarm


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  1. A walk-through safety inspection is performed by the company's _______. a) Safety Officer b) Safety Committee c) Floor Supervisor d) OSHA inspector

Safety Committee

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  1. If you notice that an air handling machine is making a noise you think might be abnormal what should you do? a) Ignore it since you are not assigned to this machine b) Contact the maintenance department c) Assume the maintenance department will fix it when they can d) Assume it is normal operation

Contact the maintenance department

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  1. Everyone is responsible for___________. a) Giving employees performance reviews b) Recording SPC data c) Performing quality system audits d) accident prevention

accident prevention

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  1. The company handbook usually contains policies on a wide variety of topics, including ________________. a) Safety regulations b) Specific job task descriptions c) Names of team members d) Employee hire dates

Safety regulations

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  1. A safety team may decide a safety audit is required a) An accident occurs involving an oil spill b) OSHA is planning a visit c) The team's budget is being considered for reduction d) A new person is hired

An accident occurs involving an oil spill

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  1. The team leader or supervisor should immediately be told of __________. a) Your desire to change jobs. b) Any industrial injuries c) Your interest in attending college classes d) Stable machine operation.

Any industrial injuries

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  1. What is a symptom of drug or alcohol use a) Decreased absenteeism b) Improved interpersonal interactions c) Clear speech d) Decreased productivity

Decreased productivity.

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  1. OSHA conducts inspections for a number of reasons, which are categorized into five priority levels according to their severity. A Priority one indicates _______________. a) Employee complains of alleged violations or unhealthy conditions b) Imminent danger- a danger that may cause death or serious physical harm. c) After any accidental death, or when an accident causes five or more employees to be injured d) Follow-up To ensure that a noted imminent hazard has been removed from the workplace

Imminent danger- a danger that may cause death or serious physical harm

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  1. Potential hazards associated with equipment should be identified when ______. a) The engineer does not know what he\she is doing b) Bidding on jobs c) new equipment is being designed for a process. d) Identifying cost of labor

new equipment is being designed for a process

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  1. ______________ is the cause of many industrial accidents. a) Carelessness b) Sabotage c) Re work d) Adherence to outdated safety requirements


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  1. Hearing protection includes ear plugs, canal caps and ________. a) Headphones b) Ear muffs c) Head bands d) Ear wraps

Ear muffs

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  1. When working under equipment or personnel, _________. a) Head protection is needed b) Eye protection is needed c) The use of fall arrest equipment is required d) Entering plant production areas is prohibited

Head protection is needed

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  1. Welding creates a bright light that can damage the ________. a) Eyes b) Ears c) Face d) Hands


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  1. Safety glasses with side shields should be used when working with a________ for additional eye protection. a) A grinding wheel b) Computers c) A screwdriver d) Other people

A grinding wheel

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