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What are the effects of capitalism?
Alienation and pauperisation.
Marx: Religion is ‘‘
‘the opium of the people’
What does Marx’s quote mean?
Poor accept the unfair system. Short-term relief.
According to Mathew 5:5, who will be reward after death?
‘the meek’. Passive and quiet. Do not object or revolt.
Who did Hitchens criticise & why?
Mother Theresa.
Rushed Sainthood for Pope’s popularity.
Did not perform miracles.
‘friend of poverty’
Hypocrite by accepting misappropriated money e.g Duvalier family.
What is prosperity theology?
God plays an active role in our lives so rewards people for their faith.
How is prosperity theory in religion a ‘conservative force’?
Justifies inequality e.g. Hindu caste system is justified as they’re descendants from Brahma (God of Creation).
How has the Bible criticised capitalism according to Marxists?
Jesus rejecting money-lenders in the Temple for exploiting their fellow man.
What two set of values did Gramsci create?
Hegemony & counter hegemony
What is hegemony?
Single set of ideas- capitalist values that never fully changed.
What is counter hegemony?
Differing set of opposing values like “love thy neighbour”
How can Althusser be used as supporting evidence to Gramsci?
Mass crucifixions pre-dated capitalism.
What is liberation theory?
Religion used as a force for anti-capitalist social change.
What did the liberation activists combined?
Neo-Marxism & traditional Catholicism.
Where is liberation theory popular?
Latin America- El Salvador, Peru, Brazil etc.
What did Gustavo Gutierrez preach?
Main thinker of liberation theory.
Core message of Bible is
“love thy neighbour” in New Testament.
“The preferential option for the poor” e.g Jesus washing the poor’s feet.
Evaluate liberation theology.
Traditional Marxism is incompatable with Marxism. Gutierrez has evidence but end result is not obviously communism.
Catholics highlight the violence against religious people in communist states. Pope agreed.
Core Marxist evaluation.
Marxist believe institutions (religion) exist to benefit rich and hurt the poor.
Functionalist argue not everything is based off of economics.
Economic determination ignores the complexities of society.