Module 1: Embracing Environmental Science

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What is Environmental Science?

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What is Environmental Science?

It is a science revealing the relationship between human activities and the environment.

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What are the three (3) environmental processes?

  • Physical Processes

  • Biological Processes

  • Chemical Processes

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What are physical processes?

These are processes shaping and influencing Earth’s physical features, creating constant change.

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What are biological processes?

These are processes sustaining balance in ecosystems and are vital for organisms to function.

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What are chemical processes?

These are processes producing or converting new chemical substances essential to humans and the environment.

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<p>What kind of process is this?</p>

What kind of process is this?

Physical Process

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<p>What kind of process is this?</p>

What kind of process is this?

Biological Process

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<p>What kind of process is this?</p>

What kind of process is this?

Chemical Process

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What four (4) topics make Environmental Science Interdisciplinary?

  • Species Restoration

  • Resource Management

  • Environmental Laws

  • Sustainability

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What are the three (3) tenets of sustainability?

  • Environment

  • Economy

  • (Social) Equity

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What are the four (4) types of ecosystem services?

  • Provisioning Services

  • Regulating Services

  • Cultural Services

  • Supporting Services

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What is a Provisioning Service?

They are the direct products of an ecosystem.

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What is a Regulating Service?

These are processes regulating natural systems.

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What is a Cultural Service?

These are the non-material benefits contributing to the development and cultural advancement of peoples.

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What is a Supporting Service?

These are processes supporting life.

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“Food, Water, and Oxygen” are examples of?

Provisioning Services

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“Aquifers and Wells and Pollination” are examples of?

Regulating Services

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“Aesthetic Inspiration, Cultural Identity, Recreation, Spiritual Experience” are examples of?

Cultural Services

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The “Water Cycle” is an example of?

Supporting Service

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What ecosystem services does Photosynthesis belong to?

  • Regulating Services

  • Supporting Services

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What are the six (6) important steps of the scientific method?

  • Observation

  • Research

  • Hypothesis

  • Experiment and Data Collection

  • Data Analysis

  • Drawing Conclusions

  • Sharing Results

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What are the two (2) types of data that can be collected?

  • Qualitative (Descriptive) Data

  • Quantitative (Numeric) Data

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What are the two (2) types of variables in an experiment?

  • Independent (changeable) Variable

  • Dependent (measurable) Variable

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What are the two (2) types of experiment groups?

  • Experimental Group

  • Control Group

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What are the seven (7) warning signs of pseudoscience?

  1. The Use of Psychobabble

  2. Substantial Reliance on Anecdotal Evidence

  3. Extraordinary Claims WITHOUT Extraordinary Evidence

  4. Unfalsifiable Claims

  5. Absence of Connectivity to Other Research

  6. Absence of Adequate Peer Review

  7. Lack of Self-Correction

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What is Psychobabble?

These are words sounding scientific but are used incorrectly or misleadingly

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What is Anecdotal Evidence?

Unverifiable evidence based on personal experiences and events

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What does it mean when a claim is “unfalsifiable?”

A claim is “unfalsifiable” when it cannot be refuted “in principle”

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How do you define, “in principle,” within the context of an unfalsifiable claim?

“In principle” → it cannot be rigorously tested or proven using the scientific method

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