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any deliberate offense, in the world, deed, or desire against the will of God. Sin wounds human nature and injures human solidarity
mortal sin
an action so contrary to the will of God that it results in complete separation from God and his grace, as consequence of that separation, the person is condemned to eternal death.
Structures of Sin
Social structures that block Justice and fail to protect human life and human rights, they are the results of the personal sin of individuals and in turn lead to personal sins
Social Sin
the impact that every personal sin has on other people; sin that directly attacks other’s life, freedom, dignity, or rights; and the collective effect of many people’s sins over time, which corrupts society and its institutions by creating “structures of sin”
From a Latin word meaning, “to separate or to distinguish between”, the practice of listening for God’s call in our lives and distinguishing between good and bad choices
Works of mercy/charity
social action that is an immediate response to a person or group who is suffering or lacking the necessities for a dignified life.
Work of justice
social action that seeks to convert structures of sin and build structures
Any organized political authority in a specific area can refer to city or country governments, state or regional governments, and national governments.
Related to the state and its citizens
Temporal Good
the aspect of the common good that focuses on the material and social needs that are part of earthy life
spiritual good
the good that focuses on our need for God’s grace so that we can be in full communion with God in this life and for all eternity.
Underground Church
a term used to describe the church when its gatherings are private and hidden from public view because of persecution or state laws forbidding religious practices
making amends for something one did wrong that caused harm to another person or led to loss
making things right with another person or people who have been harmed by an injustice or returning or replacing what rightfully belong to another
Ruining the reputation of another person by lying or spreading rumors. It is also called slander and is a sin against the eighth commandment
Unnecessarily revealing something about another person that is true but harmful to his or her reputation. It's a sin against the eighth commandment
the deliberate termination of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child. It is a grave sin and crime against human life
use of devices, medications, procedures, or behaviors to prevent pregnancy
artificial means of conception
the ability to create a new human life artificially, using means such as in vitro fertilization, artificial insemination, or surrogate parenting
a direct action, or deliberate lack of action, that causes the death of a person who is handicapped, sick, or dying. violation of the fifth commandment
death penalty
The punishment of execution, administered to someone legally convicted of a capital crime.
culture of life
a term used to describe a society that holds all life sacred, from conception to natural death. Such societies build social structures that protect and defend human life in all its stages
culture of death
a term used to describe a society that does not hold human life sacred in all its stages. Such society creates structures of sin that allow human life to be attacked when it is most vulnerable
Explain how every sin has both a personal and social dimension.
since every sin is essentially the result of a real human person making a free decision to disobey God's law. Even if some sinful actions do not cause immediate harm to someone else, they in some way affect the sinner’s relationships with other people.
Explain the three stages to social action.
Awareness is being aware of the poor and vulnerable, Action, how we are called to act so the poor may live in dignity, and Analysis, which is needed in order for the poor to experience love and justice
What is the necessary and positive role the state plays in God’s plan of salvation?
It is the state's responsibility to protect the common good. The common good is the reason for why political authorities and civil authorities exist.
Name three civil responsibilities of citizens.
Everyone has to contribute to the material and spiritual good of society in a meaningful way, Everyone must be involved in the political life of society, and citizens must all pay their taxes.
What is conscientious objection?
If our own reasoning and God's law leads us to believe a law is wrong we must resist it. There are four ways of doing that. First, voice out objections against the law, second work to change it, and third organize others to protest against it, and lastly we can directly disobey it
Why should the Church not be viewed as a source of political leadership?
The church's primary focus is on the spiritual good, meaning the need for God's grace so that we can be in communion with him for eternity. But the state's primary focus lies with the temporal good. However, part of the church's responsibility is to promote the temporal good for human rights and salvation of souls. So if there is a moral/religious issue at hand, the church may get involved
In what circumstances might the Church need to speak out on matters related to politics?
The Church has learned that political involvement makes it difficult to maintain her autonomy and independence in her relationship to the state. When the state and the Church respect each other, support each other's primary focus, and do not interfere with each other's primary work, they strengthen their ability to have a positive impact on the common good of all. However, the Church can and does speak out on political matters when there is a clear moral or religious principle at stake
Why are honest and unbiased media sources important for society?
The purpose of the media is to serve the common good. Honest and unbiased media sources are important because a just and free society is built upon accurate, objective information. Honest and unbiased media sources provide the information we need to make good moral choices, provide a public forum where people can discuss complex problems in open and honest dialogue, and motivate and encourage the public to fulfill its social responsibilities.
What are some impediments that affect the media’s ability to provide accurate and unbiased information?
Impediments that can affect the media's ability to provide accurate and unbiased information include an inability to act freely--such as when another social institution controls the media sources; financial concerns; the desire to create sensational news; and limitations on people's access to the media.
Why is abortion a serious evil?
Its takes away God’s gift of life. That we should be playing God and choose when someone lives or dies. It leads to a cycle of violence
What is the Catholic argument against abortion?
Abolition is only permissible in the case where the mothers life is in danger in the act of giving birth, and the only way to save her is through on abortion.
In the case of rape or incest:
violence begets violence
but an violent act does not justify a violent act
you cannot solve evil with another evil. Hence, abortion still cannot be used in this case
What is the Pro-Choice argument for abortion? You can use either the Violinist Argument or Personhood argument
If the world's most important violinist in the world was dying and only needed your blood for 9 months, would you do it? It's that every human life is important and we should let the fetus live
What is the Church’s argument against contraception?
The sole reason for marriage is the call to give life and have children and using contraceptives or other actions is considered intrinsically evil.
Contraceptives are in the way proper mission of married couples which is to give life and educate their offsprings.
Hence, contraceptives are considered a major sin in the Catholic Church because it gets in the way of our main goal of marriage which is called to us by God.
What is the Church’s argument against euthanasia
Every human life has priceless dignity and worth
This is the case no matter the age, race, sex, illness, etc.
Hence, any intentional killing, like euthanasia, is a sin.
What is the Church’s argument against the death penalty?
The government has the responsibility to care for the common good.
If the government cannot peacefully protect the nation from a threat, then it can use force,
Hence, the death penalty is something dissmasiable if it is the only option.
there is no situation in which a captured criminal is a serious threat to our country
Hence, the death penalty is never admissible.
What are the 6 requirements needed to be able to go to war?
Just cause
comparative justice
comparative authority
right intention
probability of success
last resort
What are the 5 rules that must be followed when in war?
military necessity
fair treatment of POWs
no “malum in se”
What is the ultimate purpose of a just war?
Stop the violence and bring about the conversion of the hearts of all